
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Art for Me!

Some of you may recall I got back to sewing last August to deal with stress, and the fact that the kids are growing up and starting to move on. Well, life has continued to be stressful of late, so I am sewing as fast as I can. :)

Then today I had SUCH a treat! My dear friend, Renée, dropped by and we finally exchanged Christmas gifts! You might recall the clothing that I made for her. I gave her clothes, but she gave me ART! The most gorgeous art! For me! :)

First, she gave me a to-die-for pincushion/thread holder that she made. Did I mention that she is the felting queen? I did a bit of felting years ago, learning about the same time that she was learning. Felting never became something I excelled – I lacked the artistic knack – though I remember one year, at San Francisco State, I gave a class in how to make felted eggs with little chickens peeping out. The process of felting exacerbated my tendinitis – just looking at her work can make my hands tired. :) But Renée took it many levels further and beyond!

Here is it!!! Look at those mushroom pins! I heart this pincushion and it will have pride of place by the chofa with the Ott light. :)

Then, she gave me a book called Shibori Knits. It has some incredibly beautiful projects. I experimented with shibori years ago, back when I was into quilting. The idea of performing that technique on a knit is fascinating.

Finally, she made me the most gorgeous nuno-felted scarf! Nuno is the process of felting wool fiber onto silk. Can you believe this scarf? It is so soft to the touch and the colors are amazing. I can't wait for a cold day to wear it!!!

Renée does not sell her work, but wow, she sure could. I feel so lucky to know her and to be on the receiving end of some of her art!!! Just hanging with her is the best method I know of de-stressing. :)