
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eastward Ho!

A requisite picture of a covered bridge in Lancaster county. I love covered bridges.

The internet is such a great way to meet and bond with folks who have the same interests as yours. Take sewing, for instance.

Peggy is a great example of someone I bonded with over our mutual appreciation of Issey Miyake, Au Bonheur patterns, and funky sewing, in general. (In fact, I bought Peggy her first ABdpM pattern as a thank you for a generosity she showed me.)

One of my favorite online sites to order fabric from is FabricMart. <sigh> FabricMart...

Oops, excuse me. :)

Anyway, Peggy invited me to visit and promised a road trip that would include stops at FabricMart, Michael's (their brick and mortar is called A Fabric Place), G-Street Fabrics, and JoMar. To name a few.

I simply could not resist such a gracious and enticing offer. Carolyn and I frequently argue over who loves FabricMart more, so I invited her to join us. And because I knew that Noile might be willing to drive the distance, I invited her too. Suddenly, we had a party. :)

Carolyn, Peggy and me

I brought some See's candy from the west coast.

Candy Carnage.

I highly recommend blogger meet-ups. They are just too much fun. The east coast bloggers seem to know everyone, while us west coast bloggers seem to be further apart and newer to the blogging scene.

I will post more later, though I'm not sure I can wait for the packages to arrive with the fabrics I ordered and to show off the fabric porn (as Carolyn calls it).

The yummy yummy fabrics. :)

SFO Airport Dresses

Like so many airports these days, San Francisco Airport displays artwork along its walkways. Therefore, unless you fly, you will miss the exhibits, as they are behind the security checkpoint. I was in SFO about a week ago and I spied a display with these dresses, which required a closer inspection.

In case you can't see, they are made from Mary Jane and Tootsie Pop wrappers, respectively. Too cute. I have never heard of Mary Jane candy and, in fact, Mary Jane has a somewhat different connotation for me. :)

While I was snapping photos a man came up and also took photos, explaining that he works in the LA garment district. He escaped into the United Red Carpet club before I could strike up a chat with him.

Why was I in the airport? Well, I was taking a rare flight. A fiber-related trip. More later. :)