
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Spring Vogues are Out!

Just in the last day or so I started stalking the BMV website. I figured the spring Vogues were due to be out soon. And there they were this morning!

I guess I am feeling spring, which is ironic because we've barely had winter.

Anyway, there are some gorgeous dresses for the demographic that my daughters belong to. I will leave those to other reviewers. (Well, kinda sorta...) For my demographic and my lifestyle, I see some nice patterns, too! Here are my favorites.

(By the way, what is up with some of the model poses? Some of them make it really hard to see the designs. For example, in the Betzina skirt, why is the funky hem mostly covered? Are they hiding something? Did the photographer/stylist not like the hem? I always look at the line drawings, but it's especially important with some of the pics from this spring collection, though most of the pics I've highlighted below are ok.)

Vogue 8795: Marcy Tilton jacket

Vogue 8793: Katharine Tilton top

Vogue 8792: Vogue Easy Options top

Vogue 1292: Sandra Betzina skirt with a great hem.

Vogue 8791. This very easy Vogue reminds me of a Mizono design and features a mock wrap front.

Vogue 1293: Anne Klein. I love the design lines on this jacket. Love. It would be amazing in a denim fabric or even a ponte. Think outside of the box. :)

Vogue 1294: Anne Klein. You know, I've never noticed Anne Klein patterns before, but I also like the lines on this top. I'd modify the flounce on it and lengthen the sleeves, but it has real potential.

There is also this Sandra Betzina top, but it would be a horror on me, I'm sad to say.

Vogue 1291

And now, because I can't stand it, here are a few completely gorgeous dresses. For someone else. :)

The BMV site is also having a sale right now. I am not buying any patterns this month, so I'll let you guys have the first shot. :)