
Monday, August 27, 2012

Blogiversary Giveaway!

I really want to thank all of your for your lovely comments and well wishes on my 3rd blogiversary post. It's been a fun ride and I really appreciate each of you!

It's time for my blogiversary giveaway! In honor of three years, I have three giveaway goodies, and (I think) they are good ones!

First up, a signed copy of Lynda Maynard's The Dressmaker's Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques: Essential Step-by-Step Techniques for Professional Results.This is a really good, if misnamed, book. A more accurate description would be "beautifully illustrated, clever techniques you might find in high-end RTW." There are some great ideas in here. I bought this from Lynda at the recent CaƱada Blogger meetup, specifically for this giveaway, and asked her to sign it. I purchased my own copy when the book originally came out.

Next up, Pattern Making (Portfolio Skills)by Dennic Chunman Lo. This book is receiving rave reviews in the sewing blogosphere and forums. I have not yet used my own copy, but this book contains beautiful designs that you don't see in typical pattern drafting books. (I am a fan of starting with a well fitting TNT pattern, and then drafting up the interesting bits. A book like this is very useful, even for someone who doesn't want to draft from scratch.) I bought this copy in San Francisco's Japan Town.

The final gift is the Palmer Pletsch sewing DVD, Sewing . . . Good to Great: It's in the Detailsfeaturing Marta Alto. This shrink-wrapped DVD includes: perfect darts, lapped and invisible zippers, facings, edge finishes, pocket styles, Hong Kong finish and to-the edge linings, hems in many fabrics, machine embroidery tips, and covered snaps over BIG buttons.

If you are interested in any (or all) of these giveaway items, please leave a comment on this post. When you comment, list the item(s) in which you are interested, in the order of preference. I will do the drawing in a week or so. Watch this space for the list of winners. This giveaway is open to international folks.

Yesterday morning, I went diving looking for fabrics to de-stash. I ended up with two garbage bags of fabric. Wow, did it feel great to remove these from my bloated stash! I then met up with some sewing pals for a fun day of show and tell, sharing, eating, and swapping. I managed to leave behind the two bags of fabric and one Vogue pattern, and come home with one Burda magazine, two (small) pieces of fabric, and a brand new pair of thread clippers. I need to do a lot more of this - it's good for the soul! ;)