
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cañada College Blogger Meetup

with JillyBe

(If you are looking for the interview with Marcy Tilton, here you go!)

Cañada College hosted a blogger meetup last night.!

There were special guests (Lynda Maynard, Wayne Wichern, Sara Alms, and Ronda Chaney, who hosted the event). There was food. There was show and tell. There were fellow bloggers. There was lots of sharing. There were gifties!!!

Muslins, yay or nay were discussed. Wordpress or blogger was discussed. Zippers were discussed. Vogue, Simplicity, Burda were discussed. Emma One Sock, Gorgeous Fabrics, FabricMart, Mood Fabrics, were all discussed.!!!

I took photos with my cell. I'm sorry they aren't better quality and that I didn't capture everyone who attended, but this should give you an idea. If you are a Facebook fan of Cañada College Fashion Department, they will be posting pics.

Lynda Maynard

Ronda Chaney

Lynda Maynard and Wayne Wichern

JillyBe and Ronda

with Ronda

Jenny modeling Wayne's dramatic hat

Rose, Amy and Cindy

Rose and Amy

Wayne, JillyBe, Ronda, and Jenny

Special Guests:


I am an alumnus of the Cañada College Fashion Department - having attended in the early 1980s. It's clear to me that Ronda has done amazing things with this department and that it is as good, if not better, as in "my" day.

Thanks so much for a great evening and your generous gifties, Ronda and colleagues!