
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Ho!

Yay, a three day weekend!!!

Thanks for all of the generous feedback on the Betzina skirt!

I am so glad to be at the beginning of a 3-day weekend! Since I worked right through last weekend, and this week was also intense, I am especially looking forward to a break.

I have received several comments mentioning how flattering some of my recent garments are, so I thought it might be time to mention that I have been working hard, since mid October, on losing weight. (I don't want anyone to think I have some sort of wasting illness.) Boy, those who say that it's harder once you have gone through menopause aren't kidding.

While I am enjoying the results, I am doing this for health reasons. I carry my weight in my front torso which is notoriously unhealthy and I have been feeling it. So my goal has been to get rid of the belly, as much as possible. Since mid October I have lost 18 pounds. Since I do sew and I wanted to order some made-to-measure patterns, I took my measurements yesterday. I have lost 6" in the bust, 5" in the waist, and 2" in the hips. So I am making progress, though my belly is still problematic.

I am feeling a little unfocused, project wise. I have started a winter jacket for DD1. She had a specific sort of jacket in mind and couldn't find it in RTW. I suspect she could have found it last August, but not when she was looking over the holiday break.

She wants a plaid jacket and, at first, I was planning to use a plaid from stash that I bought locally a year or two ago. I was cutting it out, carefully matching the plaid, then I realized that it is too scratchy, so I stopped worrying about the plaid. I am now using the thin wool as an interlining.

She has a specific sort of jacket style in mind and, of course, there isn't a single pattern available that is similar, so I am starting with a Burda envelope pattern and will change it substantially. She is finding Oregon quite chilly and will be performing in Utah in a couple months, which is even chillier.

So we'll see how focused I am going to be in the next few days. Lots of projects I could work on, such as the jacket, but I might do something else entirely, or even several smaller projects.

I hope you have a great weekend!