
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Miscellany


Hey there! Happy Sunday!

Britex Project

I've been working away on a project using a beautiful fabric from Britex. Selecting my first fabric from their online store went pretty quickly. I started by looking through all of their categories, but when I came across this border print, my search was over.

Border (Panel) print from Britex

When I showed this fabric, a 100% woven viscose from Italy, to friends, some of them were surprised by my choice, feeling that it wasn't a typical "Shams selection".

Perhaps folks don't realize that I have a very soft spot in my heart for border prints, and another for paisley fabrics.

Yes, I love me a paisley and this piece is a beauty.

This fabric has the same feel and drape as a lovely rayon scarf, and it cuts "like buttah". At least five times I was sure of how I was going to use it. And then I changed my mind. Over and over and over.

Dither dither dither.

I finally decided on a project, and I hope to finish it today.

But, I'm curious, how would YOU use this fabric? (There are no wrong answers.)

Pleating at PenWAG

Yesterday I took some time off from sewing to attend PenWAG (Peninsula Wearable Art Guild). Sandra Ericson, of Center of Pattern Design, was talking about pleated fabrics and was giving a workshop on boumaki shibori pleating. I have long been interested in fabric pleating and, in the early 90s, I took a workshop on boumaki shibori pleating. Back then, I was an obsessive quilter, and I was using this technique to hand dye cotton fabrics for quilting. (I wish I could remember the teacher of that class from the early 90s, but I cannot. She was a quilter, though.)

Also, back in the 80s, when I was taking technique classes at Cañada College, I experimented with crystal pleating on fabric (for one of my classes) and really enjoyed it. For awhile now I've been wanting to get back to pleating, but I haven't had the time.

One of these days...

Cañada College

And by the way, if you are local to the Bay Area, Cañada College's fall term starts on August 18th, and they have some great class offerings in the fashion department!

Check it out!

Also, Artistry in Fashion, which benefits the Cañada College Fashion Department, is on Sept 27th. If you are local, or are visiting the area, put it on your calendar!