
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Self Drafted -- Pencil Skirt with Flounce

Last October, I saw a skirt similar to this at a boutique for over $100. This skirt is fairly easy to draft – the pencil shape is a simple rectangle and the pattern piece is then divided into two with a diagonal seam. The flounce is added to the bottom pattern piece. The top has a casing for elastic.

The bottom pattern piece, showing the flounce.

I first made it for myself in a drapey black knit. I didn't bother to hem it but used the selvedge of the fabric. I made it a second time for my daughter in a black wool jersey to wear to her winter concert. (photos to come)

I am wearing this with the sweater I bought from one of my favorite designers -- Jane Mohr (Dressed to Kill) at the Artistry in Fashion sale. The darker areas on the sweater are actually mesh and you are seeing my black TeaGarden T underneath.

And here is the one I made for DD2:

This is an easy one!


  1. I love that flounce! Perfect with the flouce on the top.

  2. Another fabulous garment. You have such flair. I do enjoy seeing your creations and love all the construction and thought process you reveal.

  3. You look marvelous, Shams! I love the way you echoed the drape of the top in the skirt.

    I'm thinking you should contact Linda Lee and sell her some of your designs for the Sewing Workshop pattern line!


  4. Thanks so much, Gwen, Bev and Kathryn. Some days I have to sigh and get over what I see in the mirror -- your support means a lot to me. :)
