
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday Notes - Au Bonheur, Where Art Thou!

Edited to Add: It's Official

I love you guys!

I woke up this morning and really enjoyed reading your comments on last night's post and on the post before. You really know how to make me smile. Thanks soooo much for your insights on your experiences with your own sewing rooms!!

Several of you asked about the independent pattern company Au Bonheur des Petites Mains. Actually, I was planning to bring that up, but hadn't gotten around to it yet.

I think the news is not good.

  • The last time they put up patterns for sale (which was last spring - in early April), they immediately took some of them down again. A few people who ordered quickly, managed to get them, but most (like me) were out of luck, as those patterns never reappeared.
  • Over the last six months or so, they have closed two of their stores in France.
  • Their website has consistently been down for some time now. I've been checking and checking.
  • They have not answered any email I have sent to the address that, in the past, they used for correspondence. But my emails have not been returned as invalid, either. So, either it's unmonitored, or it's unmonitored by anyone that speaks English.
  • I was on their mailing list. The last bulk email they sent out was on 6/21/2011. I dumped the text into Google translate. It says is that they are having a big sale, which is possibly right before they dissolved (if, in fact, they have dissolved). Here is the original French, for those of you who can shed more light on this mystery.
    Mesdames, Messieurs, Chers Clients
    Votre magasin « Au Bonheur des Petites Mains » de CERNAY
    vous propose ses
    Des centaines d'articles soldes entre 50 et 80%
       Apartir du mercredi 22 juin 9h00 et pendant toute la duree legale des soldes
    aux heures habituelles d'ouverture du magasin.
    (9h-12h et 14h-18h jeudi et vendredi
    samedi 9h-12h et 14h-17h)
      Rappel: nous ne prenons toujours pas la Carte Bleue,
    donc paiement en especes ou par cheque
    A tres bientot
    dans votre magasin de CERNAY
    8A rue de La Sauge
    68 700 CERNAY
    03 89 37 44 60
    Vous recevez ce message en tant qu'ancien client de 
    Si vous ne desirez plus recevoir nos messages, cliquez ici
    Conformement a la loi informatique et libertes du 6 janvier 1978 (art. 27), vous disposez d'un droit d'acces et de rectification des donnees vous concernant.   
    Copyright ©  - Tous droits reserves

I think they are gone which, if true, is a real shame. I am so glad I bought as many patterns as I did.

In fact, Dorothy just posted an Au Bonheur's t-shirt review on Pattern Review that is so amazing, I am sure that many have been trying to buy the pattern and are wondering what the heck is up. I've included the picture here so you can drool some more.


Don't you just want to climb into this picture and have some tea and scones with Dorothy and talk sewing?

Both of these t-shirts are from pattern 60005, T-shirt Effet Asymmetric. I never bought this pattern, thinking it would not work on my bust but, after seeing Dorothy's, I am rethinking that idea. Lucky for me, Dorothy is in my sewing group and may let me borrow the pattern.

Pure gorgeousness, Dorothy! Though, to be honest, if you were wearing the proverbial gunny sac, you would still be pure gorgeousness! (And if I had better Photoshop skillz, I just might prove that point. ;) )

If you have any further information on the status of this company, please post it here. I am sad if a source of such creativity has dried up forever!

Here are some related links you might find useful:

Edited to Add: It's Official!

Thanks to Véro, who commented on this post, we have confirmation that Au Bonheurs liquidated their business on August 7th. Thanks so much for investigating this, Véro! I wish the designers all the best. If anyone hears that any of these designers have resurfaced and are designing for another pattern line, please let me know!!!


  1. You are right about Dorothy - she always looks amazing! I love seeing her outfits.

  2. Oh, no! What sad news! I'm glad that I bought the patterns that I did over a year ago. Have a great weekend, Shams! It'll be great to see the coat.

    Rose in SV

  3. If there is anyone out there with the asymmetric tee pattern, and would let me borrow it, I would be forever grateful!

  4. Rose pointed me to this post.
    I'm French and the email you received is just for the regular summer sales in France that, this year, started on june 22 for everyone.
    But Au bonheur des petites mains did close all its stores in France(starting in april 2011).
    It sadly looks like they dissolved the company :( .

  5. Well, it's official :(

    They officially liquidated august 7th.

  6. Oh dear! I have three Au Bonheur patterns, but sadly not that one. I echo Margy's request. Dorothy wears hers beautifully..

  7. I guess I will need to rely on the kindness of strangers &/or a bit of luck if I ever want to sew one of these patterns :( Sorry for your loss, but I'm happy that you got so many delightful pieces from what you have! :)

  8. Dear Shams - maybe if beautiful Dorothy allows you to make a copy of the T-shirt you will be so kind as to allow me (us) to copy your copy?!

  9. How sad and disappointing! I finally ordered some patterns back in June during the sale, my first and only order (and received my patterns promptly). I haven't yet sewn them but it's sad that this company is now gone. :( Thanks for letting us know. I wouldn't have known otherwise.

  10. Sad news, indeed, that Au Bonheur is gone. Glad to know several here have some of their patterns. The styles are just so trendy, I'll have to watch for them in the blogosphere. Thanks for posting Dorothy's tees. Very stunning!

  11. Truly so sad to hear of this. You are so diligent to research this for us all. I have enjoyed seeing their patterns reviewed on PR, and indeed, Dorothy's T's are totally charming and drool-worthy. What a fantastic sewing group yours must be with all that talent and inspiration.

  12. What sad news! I feel fortunate to have snagged a few of these wonderful patterns in the spring. Thanks for the update, Shams!

  13. Bad news. I love Dorothy's tshirts. I wouldn't mind tea and scones with you too. I reckon we'd have a laugh.

  14. Oh, what sad news. I'm probably the least avant garde person in the blogospere of sewing but even I was enraptured with their fresh adventurous designs.

  15. Oh, I feel like crying. Just the other day I was thinking I should go to their website and pick up a few more patterns. Sad news. I am like some of the other posters and am glad I picked up the patterns that I do have. Now to go and sew.

  16. Yes, I confirm, the final 'liquidation' was announced on nov 2nd (sounds very final in French, doesn't it?) on the national company info website, totally official. Sorry.. But there was no hint of this in the letter you received in June.
