
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blogger Meetup at Cañada College

Cañada College, nestled in the hills off Hwy 280

It's almost here! Another opportunity for local bloggers to gather, network and gab! Not to mention the eating and the sharing.

If you are a blogger who will be in the vicinity of Cañada College in Redwood City on Monday, August 13th, from 7pm-9pm (building 3, room 255), please come!

I know that JillyBe will be there, as will Amy and Beth. Others have mentioned it to me but not posted it publicly, so I am not going to call them out.

Please RSVP to Ronda Chaney, head of the fashion department at Canada. I hope to see you there!


  1. Sorry I can't be there...hi to everyone!

  2. Hi Shams...does anyone you know want to sell or trade for Teagarden Tee? I am a dyer and surface designer and would trade a two or three yard piece of hand dyed silk broadcloth. Nancy
