
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Vogue 8854 - Two Tunics

This is another pattern that came out in the last batch of Vogues and I thought it had potential. Now that I have made it twice, I can say I love this pattern. I'm sure I will be making it many more times in future.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

This pullover tunic has an asymmetric opening and a simple collar that can be worn up, folded down, or half up and half down. As designed, it features snaps that extend into the collar, but I left those off as I will wear the collar with one or both sides folded down. There is a view with a hood but, while I like the look of a hood, I don't really like wearing a hood, at least not on a top. It tends to pull and I'm constantly readjusting my garment.

The fabric for the first version, the polka dotted tunic, has been aging in my stash a year or two and is from Fashion Fabrics Club, I think. The black and grey fabric from the second version, from Emma One Sock, is a poly/rayon/lycra and is wonderfully lofty and super soft. Margy recently used the same fabric to make a tunic. This was one of those times we discovered we both bought the same fabric after the fact.

I used a scrap of black rayon lycra jersey to make the button loops for both versions. The button for the polka dot top came from grandma's button box (I had to cut the ancient threads off) and the button for the second top is from Stone Mountain & Daughter. Finally, each top uses one jumbo snap on the placket. I did not use the 3 or 4 snaps recommended by the pattern. The pocket for the polka dot version used another remnant of black rayon lycra jersey. The pocket for the black and grey version used a remnant of a black woven lining. Basically, I grabbed what was at hand.


  • I started with a size large (16-18). It has a finished bust measurement of 47", so I did an FBA to add a couple inches in width and 1.5" in length.
  • Both fabrics are 2-way stretch with minimal vertical stretch, so I sewed in the darts.
  • Tapered the hips down, which is typical.
  • Narrowed the shoulder by 1.5". Fairly typical.
  • Shortened the sleeves on the first one by 2". It was still a bit long, so I shortened the second one by 2-1/2". This is more than normal for me, so the sleeves run long.
  • During construction, I tapered the waist on the polka dot version by 1/2" (2" total). When making the second one, I accidentally tapered the waist in by 1" (4" total). At first I thought it was a huge blunder, but I rather like the effect.
  • Omitted the front patch pocket and, instead, used a side seam pocket.
  • Omitted the vertical top stitching on the placket that extends into the collar.

The pattern sews together pretty easily. The most fussy part, for me, were the side seams, as I first have to position and sew the dart, then taper the waist, then add the inseam pocket, which I quickly drew out on a piece of printer paper.

I am wearing my new Katherine Tilton skinny pant in these pics. I am loving all of my new skinny pants, which are super comfy.

I've started my next garment, which is a coat. We've had lots of rain the last few days and it's been on the chilly side. It will be nice to sew a garment where I'm not half naked most of the time. I've been enjoying the rain as I have a big pot of soup, and am well stocked with tea and cocoa. Add in a good sewing project and no reason to leave the house = a perfect weekend! I hope yours has been equally serene.

And now, the pics.

Collar half up.
Collar folded down
The fabric is washed out in this pic.


  1. Hi! Again another pattern I overlooked! Your fabric choices are always brilliant and this is no exception. Fabulous!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I would be hard pressed to choose my favorite. This is a very flattering tunic on you, and, had you not raved about the pattern, I would have passed it by. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive. Your sewing machine must be smoking, you've been so prolific lately!

  3. Nice tunics. I really like the fit on the second one and I love the fabric. They look great with your narrow jeans.

  4. Both look elegant on you, Shams. Once again you've shown a new pattern to exciting advantage.

  5. I agree with the other comments - this is a pattern I would not have noticed but your verions are both very flattering and interesting. You do choose some nice fabrics!

  6. Wow, love the fabrics and am so impressed with how nice these look with the skinny pants. The tapering is wonderful also since even as tall as I am, some tunics can be overwhelming. Bravo!

  7. Your fabric choices always give a new spice to patterns Ive overlooked- you have such an eye, I love these!

  8. There is something about the assymetrical collar that is really flattering on you. Can't explain it but it really works well. Great tops, Shams!

  9. You know, I almost picked that pattern up during the last sale at Joanns, but set it aside thinking it wouldn't be very flattering. As usual, you've proven me wrong and I think it's going back on my list....

  10. The asymmetrical collars really make these tunics very special. They look really good. It would be a good pattern to showcase a special button too.

  11. They are both lovely but I really like the polka dot version! You've chosen another pattern that I barely looked at but love what you've done with it!

  12. They look great on you! I expect to see more :)

  13. I just bought this pattern but I do want to make the version with the hood:) Love both your versions, but the black and grey is my favorite

  14. These look so good on you that you are inspiring me to overcome my sewing slump, pull out that pattern and rifle through my stash. Hopefully that will lead to threading up the Bernina and seeing if she still works. Good job. But of course. What else would we expect from you!

  15. Very flattering on you, great length and style. And wonderful fabrics!

  16. I am so loving everything you've made lately! These are FABulous! Especially timely since this pattern is in my Make Soon Box. REALLY love your fabric choices :)

  17. I have this one earmarked for the next sale. I'm not a hood person either and loved that it offered a non hood version that was so cool!
    Great fabric choices too Shams.

  18. These are so wonderful-I love your fabric choices. I think I'm going to try a sweater knit for the hooded version as I am a hoodie lover.

  19. I can see why you chose this style. It's smashing on you!

  20. So much better than the Vogue fabrics - yours looks v. expensive. You have such an eye for seeing things that the rest of us seem to overlook. Great tops.

  21. Wow, this pattern is so much more interesting in your fabrics. I think I recognise the fabrics from the Marcy Tilton site.

  22. I LOVE the polka dot fabric and this top is such a great look with those skinny pants. And as Gail alludes to, fabric makes the pattern in this case. After I finish my dress for the company holiday party, I am digging into the skinny pant thing. They go so well with this tunic.

  23. I too would never have bought this pattern, but now it's on my list!

  24. Two super tops. One very chic and the other cute and fun. Dots are always fun. Nice choices and the tops both look terrific on you.

  25. I love these--they look so good on you. As always, you really know how to match your fabric with the right pattern.

  26. You always inspire me with fun fabrics, great patterns and innovative tweaks! Thanks, Gay H

  27. I would never have noticed that pattern, it looks great. I particularly like the 2nd version. very city chic.

  28. LOVE these. They look fabulous! (and yep, add me to the list of folks who will be buying that pattern...)

  29. Been going back and forth on this pattern. Now I shall go forth! Thanks Shams. Monkeying with the sides seams- more work, but way more fashion mileage. Love the inside of the dot fabric. Grab any leftovers and use it for something soon.

  30. So flattering on you, Shams! Yet another example of your creations upstaging the pattern envelope. They really should pay you commission on sales! ;)

  31. Both of these are fantastic, but I especially love, love, love the polka dot version. This IS a great pattern--I really enjoy the one I made up and am looking forward to another one or two.

  32. Shams, these are SO good! I want to run out and whip up a few versions too, perfect for this time of the year and this time in my life. I'm inspired.

  33. Your tops look great. I especially like the first one. You look fantastic by the way ;)

  34. Wow - that was a pattern and a half to tackle (at least to me!). Looks great - well done.

  35. You are pumping out garments in pairs! These tops are fabulous! I really like the shape and style of this top - you do know how to spot good patterns!

  36. I wouldn't have known it was that Vogue pattern. The pattern envelope was blah but your version is great! The collar is very you.

  37. I love seeing this top on you! You look gorgeous in it!!! Your accidental extra tapering of the waist in v2 looks great, a happy accident for sure.
    I bought this pattern before seeing the wonderfulness of what you've made with it. I'm going to come back to your notes when I make my own. Thanks for including the information about the changes you made; that will be of great help to me.

  38. Oh, I just love both of your versions!! The collar looks just gorgeous both ways on you. I wouldn't have noticed this pattern without seeing yours... thanks for making it look so ultra-fab! I really like the hood version in the pattern too...

  39. Bought this pattern during the last bmv sale, and yours are so beautiful, I'll borrow a few details. I agree that yours up the ante on the pattern pictures (and I think the model in the drawing apparently borrowed her neck from a giraffe, so good call on your adaptations).
    Thanks again.

  40. Shams, your sharing of what you are currently doing always inspires me (in fact, Vogue patterns should thank you big time. I've bought many based on what you have shared!) I like the way the happy accident tapered #2 looks so slimming. The Katherine slim pants look great too! I'm in the process of working on the V8819; again, you inspired me! and it will be a Marcy Tilton sweaterknit fabric. Can't wait to get it put together.

  41. I don't know why, but I really like the button in the first jacket.

  42. I love both of them on you! I've been waiting for sale so I can pick up this pattern and now I'm even more eager to get it.

  43. Ooooo..... I've just made two tops from this pattern too! I used the shorter version with the hood - boy is it a big hood, but I really like it and wear it a lot. I like your spotty version.

  44. Neat pattern. I hadn't noticed it before seeing your two great versions. It is flattering, looks comfortable and with the front pocket, like a chic hoodie. When is the next Vogue pattern sale?
