
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Ho!

Yay, a three day weekend!!!

Thanks for all of the generous feedback on the Betzina skirt!

I am so glad to be at the beginning of a 3-day weekend! Since I worked right through last weekend, and this week was also intense, I am especially looking forward to a break.

I have received several comments mentioning how flattering some of my recent garments are, so I thought it might be time to mention that I have been working hard, since mid October, on losing weight. (I don't want anyone to think I have some sort of wasting illness.) Boy, those who say that it's harder once you have gone through menopause aren't kidding.

While I am enjoying the results, I am doing this for health reasons. I carry my weight in my front torso which is notoriously unhealthy and I have been feeling it. So my goal has been to get rid of the belly, as much as possible. Since mid October I have lost 18 pounds. Since I do sew and I wanted to order some made-to-measure patterns, I took my measurements yesterday. I have lost 6" in the bust, 5" in the waist, and 2" in the hips. So I am making progress, though my belly is still problematic.

I am feeling a little unfocused, project wise. I have started a winter jacket for DD1. She had a specific sort of jacket in mind and couldn't find it in RTW. I suspect she could have found it last August, but not when she was looking over the holiday break.

She wants a plaid jacket and, at first, I was planning to use a plaid from stash that I bought locally a year or two ago. I was cutting it out, carefully matching the plaid, then I realized that it is too scratchy, so I stopped worrying about the plaid. I am now using the thin wool as an interlining.

She has a specific sort of jacket style in mind and, of course, there isn't a single pattern available that is similar, so I am starting with a Burda envelope pattern and will change it substantially. She is finding Oregon quite chilly and will be performing in Utah in a couple months, which is even chillier.

So we'll see how focused I am going to be in the next few days. Lots of projects I could work on, such as the jacket, but I might do something else entirely, or even several smaller projects.

I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I love the polka dot jacket! Congratulations on your weight loss. I know it's not super fun. I've lost a handful of inches recently as well, so I've been sewing with knits as I've still got a ways to go, and don't really want to mess around with a ton of fitting. Enjoy your 3 day weekend. I can't wait to see what you work on. I've got oodles of projects planned, now I just have to pick one. :)

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss, I could really see the loss in some of your recent photos. You are looking good.

    Damn it, is so hard. Keep it up and inspire and motivate me, okay? I kind of have fallen off the wagon.

  3. Good for you! You do so much for everyone (including total strangers, like me, who learn so much from you), and I am glad you are doing something so good for yourself. You are definitely worth the hard work of losing weight. Congratulations!

  4. Yes, dammitol! It's very hard to lose weight for a woman-of-a-certain-age. Good for you, and keep taking care of yourself and making those fabulous clothes.

  5. Congrats! Wow--losing weight is a big accomplishment. Good for you!

  6. Enjoy your long weekend-- I hope you're able to relax a bit and get lots done. Good thing you know how to sew so you can take all your clothes in!

  7. Congratulations on your weight loss. You look fabulous.

  8. I follow your blog because I love your style and because I have now returned to sewing after losing over 100 pounds. Keep up the good work and know that sewing is fun in a new way when your body feels like it represents you well. Let me know if there is anything I can do to support you in your journey! an admiring lurker, Robin

  9. Congrats on the weight reduction. Keep up the good work! I, too, have finally (this morning) hit .4 lb below my goal weight--total loss of 13#. It IS harder the older I get. Used to be able to take off 5# in no time. Not any more!

  10. Congratulations on your weight loss. It's never easy. Enjoy your well deserved week-end off.

    I had to increase the size of the pics to see that those were flowers in the background. They looked like wings. Well, you are taking off--the week-end that is. :)

  11. Yes, this menopause thing really does interfere with weight loss. It has taken me 6 months and tons of cardio and weight lifting to do what I used to do by eating less for a few weeks! So, congrats, and keep up the good work. Good health is worth it.
    Love your blog. I usually lurk. Thanks for your generosity with your sewing knowledge!

  12. Dear Shams, You are looking great and I congratulate you on your healthy new habits. I too carry my weight in front of my body at least since menopause any weight I gain goes on my abdomen and I have actually lost flesh in my butt. Menopause is not kind to us except for the part where there is no more period. Thank you for sharing your sewing journey with us.

  13. Thanks for taking precious moments from your three-day weekend to update us on what's going on in your life. Congratulations on the weight loss! Particularly in times of stress, when you are working without a break (or other stressors, it can be very hard.

  14. Brava, Shams! You are looking VERY GOOD, and I'm sure you feel better too.
    I'm so disappointed to hear that those yellow wings you're sporting in the pictures are flowers...maybe flowery wings?

  15. Eighteen lbs. is a lot but better still how perfectly proportioned your shape is these days. Congratulations.

    Hope DD loves the jacket you make. She is so adorable that anything will look good on her. But I know young people have particular ideas.


  16. I had to pop my glasses on (sadly) because at first glance I thought you where beating the drums with bunches of flowers - what we all feel like doing after a hard week at work!!!
    Great effort on the inch-war, the months of hard work are definitely paying off ...J

  17. As I always say, for every pound you lose...go out and buy yourself a pound of fabulous fabric !! Congratulations on trimming down, no easy task, especially in the winter. Maggie.

  18. You're looking SO good! I lift my green smoothie in a toast to good health for all of us this year! :)

  19. Whatever you do over the weekend, make sure it is something that will make you smile. You have so much to be proud of. Wish I was there to help you celebrate, but know that I am celebrating in spirit!

  20. Shams, congratulations on the weight loss! That is a big achievement. I thought you were looking thinner in your pictures. And yes, it is SO much harder to lose weight after menopause, but it looks like you have found a way that works for you. I think bellies are the hardest. After losing 25 pounds, I have lost only an inch from my bust, so I'll call that one hard to lose also. I agree with Rhonda - Do something on this long weekend that makes you happy!

  21. Congratulations on your weight loss! It is a difficult thing to do after menopause, I agree. I lost 30 pounds last year just by changing my eating habits (getting rid of some bad ones). It happened without me even knowing it, as I don't frequent the scales. Actually, I noticed my bras became too big :(. Why couldn't it have come off my waist instead? I have many, many more pounds to lose, but it does feel great to be a bit more healthy.
    I hope you're in the middle of a really fun sewing weekend!

  22. Congratulations on your weight loss - yup, it gets harder every year as we 'mature'. Have a great sewing weekend.

  23. You look fantastic -- congrats on pursuing a healthier lifestyle!

  24. well, go you! I have been working hard for several months, too and I have to accept the universal truth that it gets harder when we are past menopause.
    But we are worth the effort!

  25. Good for you Shams- it's so hard to lose weight! Your daughter is so lucky to have you to sew for her, the vest is really cute. I'm anxious to make the skirt- looking at some of the stripes that Marcy just posted- think I'll ask her what she thinks!

  26. Congratulations on your health initiative shams!! and you are indeed looking tres svelte in your photos lately, yes I had noticed but didn't like to bluntly ask outright!
    The spam comment about "looking forward to touch you" is a hoot! :D

  27. Good on you-I too thought you looked sleek but didn't want to offend (although it's the opposite of a lunch baby so it should be good.. XD) by nosing around.

    On a totally unrelated matter you might want to disable the anonymous commenting- for spam and troll prevention.

  28. Well, you look wonderful! Congratulations on the lipid loss!

    And for whomever mentioned "green smoothies", I am right on board with ya. I got a NutriBullet in December and have lost 8# of the stubborn 15# I want to lose on this 56-year-old body. I have been trying for about 10 YEARS to get below 140# and have finally done it!....what a mood lifter!

  29. What are the made to measure patterns that you order? Sounds interesting!

  30. I found your blog after seeing photos of garments you'd made on Stylearc; I thought I was looking at a different person! Well done! I know how hard it is. My Dr told me I need to loose 8kg to get my diabetes under control, which has been a near impossibility (I'm not actually overweight). But I thought I would do as he said, which was to not eat wheat, rice or potatoes. How hard is that! But it is slowly, slowly working. I have already stopped eating sugar, I never drank sodas, my diet could not have been better, but it was interesting to find out those 3 things have such an effect on weight. I also put my family on it and we have all lost our tummies. Just wanted to let you know that this may be a help for you too. I am 53 and in the dreadful years. Surely it will get better ....
