
Friday, February 1, 2013

New Look

Except for the money, prestige, lifestyle, and career, I sometimes feel a wee bit like Anna Wintour.

Or maybe the resemblance is closer to a Romulan.

I use Windows now, so maybe it feels more Romulan.

I ordered these glasses back in mid December and they arrived today. It's my first eye exam and new pair of glasses in 6 years. Or maybe 7.

It was a wee bit too long to wait - my other glasses were chipped, scratched, and missing a nose bridge. They were falling apart.

I'm not sure what I'll be sewing this weekend, but I will have the Superbowl on and I will be rooting for the 49ers. I might even kiss my biceps once or twice. (Thanks to the rowing machine at the gym, I now have biceps. They scare me a little.)

Have a good one!


  1. Love the new glasses - great look. And if you have biceps you're entitled to kiss them!

    1. LOL, BeaJay! It's a reference to the quarterback of the 49ers, Colin Kaeperknick, who routinely kisses his tattooed biceps after a successful play. It's called "Kaeperknicking". I have never seen this, mind you, as I don't usually watch football, but I've heard it described on talk shows.

  2. Oh, are you cute! LOVE the new glasses and new haircut! Can you see any better?

  3. Lookin' good! And by the way, I LOVE watching Kaeperknick play! He's my new favorite!

  4. Looking good - you have nothing on Anna. Your reviews of the new Vogues are the best!

  5. Great glasses! They really amp up your style. Have fun sewing this weekend. I always look forward to seeing what you make!

  6. New haircut too? You look great. The new glasses suit your face.

  7. Iris calls biceps "guns". She pumps iron in PE and likes to compare her guns to mine. Speaking of which, I need to do some bicep curls to keep up with her.

    1. If mine are guns, they are bee bee guns. :) Good for Iris!

  8. Hey Shams....You mean to tell me you can send for frames with prescription and not be held hostage in the eyeglass places? Nancy Who is peering through scratched lenses to write this1

    1. My lenses were so scratched they were surprised I could even see through them. I hear you on the hostage!

  9. Too cute! Before I saw a larger picture I thought you had some kind of metal sculpture attached to your head!

  10. The glasses Look wonderful on you, but what I noticed was the do. Did you have something done to your hair? It looks so cute :)

    1. lol, thanks Rhonda! Yes, I had my hair cut. I go to the beauty school and I told her to cut it shorter and she really did! I was a bit surprised, but I like it fine. (I always say to cut it shorter and most students don't have the guts to really do it.)

  11. Great new look. Still true to your personal style. Still funky. 2013 version. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Love those glasses on you! And the hair length - looking good!

  13. Good to hear the rowing machine works - I spent some time on one this morning :) Hair and glasses look great!

  14. Love the glasses and the hair cut (and this will help me when I am looking for you on Tuesday!). Have fun this weekend and eat salad at the Super Bowl party!

  15. Cute new haircut, too! I totally understand the bicep love. I love mine too!

  16. You are look good, Miss Shams! Glasses, bob haircut and color. You will give Anna W. a run for her money!


  17. Like the new glasses! Thanks for explaining kaeperknicking! I just hope it is a good Superbowl but will probably be rooting for the Ravens.

  18. You look absolutely adorable! I love the cut, color and new glasses.

  19. I'll be watching the Super Bowl too! I think this will be my third time in a row... I don't normally watch sports, I subscribe to my husband's idea that it is the sport you DO not the one you WATCH. Bicycling being mine. I'll do a 50 K on Saturday so I'll be good to go to veg in front of the tube on Sunday. See you at Jilly's?

  20. great look and you can see your weight loss too

  21. Love the new specs and the haircut too! Go 49ers!

  22. You look wonderful!!!! Eva

  23. Since I have had to 'live' in glasses for the past 20 years, I made the decision that they should be a wonderful and stylish as any outfit I own. Therefore, your new specs are perfect and look fabulous with the hair, the biceps and the gorgeous coat!

    1. Thanks, ReAnn! I am not wearing a coat. I am wearing the cowl I bought from FashionCogs. I linked to her etsy store in my last post, but the cowl I bought is here:

  24. What a great look - you look awesome. I like the top you're wearing - and biceps - congratulations on a new you.

  25. You use Windows now? That must be traumatic, eh? Your glasses are very cute, as is the Romulan 'do. I like the bangs going up at the outer edges - it is like your hair is smiling.

    You know, there is a mild-mannered unassuming fellow on the Baltimore team. He is shuns the spotlight so I doubt if you've heard of him, but he seems to tackle the other guys a lot.

    Being a fan of the most ridiculous sort, I will be sewing purple on Sunday (a Chanel-esque jacket!) And watching the beauty that is Colin K. Oh, and that other guy Ray L. I like watching him and a few others, too.

    I am just so glad that if we get beat, it will NOT be the Pats beating us. I am fine with losing to the Forty-Niners, although that is not going to happen.

    1. LOL. I really don't think we'll lose, but if we do, at least it's to a cute little raven mascot! (Seriously, our mascot could be cuter.)

      I'll be sewing black this weekend, so I guess I'm in the spirit of the 49ers!!

  26. Your look great, the glasses are very flattering

  27. It's a very cute look! Love the new glasses and the shorter hair.

  28. I'll be sewing purple this weekend! Go Ravens! And you are at least cuter than Anna Wintour.

  29. Oh you look so cute! Anna Wintour never looked so good. Love the hairdo, love the glasses, love it all. Now when do we get a biceps photo? :)

  30. I think you look much better than Anna W !The only photos I have seen of her she never smiles and doesn`t look approachable. Besides think of the money, time and plastic surgery she has spent to look that way as well.

  31. Love the short look. In her dreams for Anna Wintour. Plus all she ever wears are those same little sleeveless sheaths. That always amazed me.

  32. Cute new look. Congrats on having biceps!!!!! I used to have them but no longer so kiss them when you can!

  33. The glasses totally suit the svelte new you. As a en-glass-n'd person myself, I totally agree on the awesomeness of unscratched lenses in a well fitting frame. Life suddenly becomes very liveable XD

  34. Looking good, Shams! And congratulations on the weight loss too, that's awesome!

  35. I think Anna Wintour is scary! You are most definitely not. Love the new shiny you! You look fabulous and deserve all the praise for your hard work.

    I get what muscles I have from working in the garden. They're a little flabby right now though until the weather clears up enough to get back out there! Soon.

  36. I spotted the new 'do' before the glasses! Looking good Shams! I broke my glasses last week and spent most of the week either blind or in close work/reading glasses - great for sewing but not much else:(

  37. Love your new haircut! So-o-o cute!
    Fran G

  38. Shams, I'm late for the party but still want to let you know that you are looking more fabulous than ever. I love the new look! XOXO

  39. I love your new look! Great glasses - wish I could find some I liked. Keep on rowing - you're looking great!
