
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Insert Graphic of Crazy Person Running in Circles

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! (See Shams running in circles in a manic frenzy...)

I am definitely feeling happy/manic/excited.

I really love this time of year, but let me get a bit more specific about what is rattling around in this headpan.

  • I am eager to sew! I have to keep reminding myself that I am a tech writer and I need to write. Technically. ;)
  • I am planning to sew ALL FOUR days of Thanksgiving break. WOOT!!!
  • My eldest daughter returns from university this evening and she and I are hanging tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. So.excited. She accused me of not being that excited but she was trying to text me while I was sewing on binding and was hyper focused.
  • Youngest daughter has been in Jaipur, India for about a month now. She is teaching and learning and loving the experience. She will not be coming home for Thanksgiving or Christmas or her birthday or spring break. But she's doing what she wants to do and I am happy for her. (She will be spending Christmas in Thailand and she seems to be missing South Africa far more than San Francisco.)
  • I bought the Silhouette pattern for the jacket that won first place in Marci's contest. Since then I have watched a few of the Silhouette webcasts. Peggy seems like a nice, down to earth, self deprecating, sort of person. Her webcasts are an especially nice distraction when hand sewing. ;)
  • I am finishing up a Burda coat. This is a downloadable pattern that was brought to my attention by Elizabeth. She said she was obsessing over this coat and, as soon as my eyeballs landed on it, so was I. I was planning to blog about mine after she blogs about hers, but she seems to think that this week is to be spent with family and friends, or some such thing. So we'll see if I can wait that long. ;)
  • My e-friend Patti F sent me a box of Burda pattern magazines, mostly from 2006. I had a lot of fun going through them and identifying some things I want to make. Thanks, Patti! (I am excited that I get to meet her in the flesh in 2014.)
  • I am teaching/leading a (private) 3-day workshop this coming January. This is a first for me and a Big Deal. I have things I want to work on/prepare. I hope I have enough time to get it all done!

But mostly, I want to sew. ;)

And thanks for your kind feedback on my Mindi skirt!


  1. How great to hear you so excited about life and sewing! Have a wonderful long weekend.

    1. Thanks, Peggy! I hope I gave you enough info so you could order your zippers!

  2. Four days of sewing. Wow. If that was me I would have to stock up on the ibuprofen 8-).

    I fell in love with that Silhouette Jacket too, one of the most interesting patterns I have seen in awhile. Can't wait to see your version. Hurry up would ya?

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. LOL, Elle. It may take me awhile to get to it!

  3. I look forward to seeing both your jacket (what a cool pattern!) and your coat. Have fun with your daughter!

  4. I pinned that Burda coat pattern too, also after reading Elizabeth's post, its fabulous! I'd sew along with you except its sounds like your coat is already finished and the temps here in Sydney are getting hotter by the day. I've only seen 2 versions of the Silhouette jacket with zip collar, both in competitions and both winners (Denise's jacket & Donna's Gridlock). Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, time with your daughter and time sewing sounds perfect!

    1. PS: It was so lovely waking up to your ebullient post that I'm fired up and ready to sew, plus I have the afternoon off! Totally out of season but think I'll Ziggy :) Looking forward to seeing (what I know will be) your awesome Silhouette jacket and of course the Burda coat. Happy stitching.

  5. Thank goodness the elder daughter is coming home tomorrow. As long as she leaves you alone when you sew binding, I predict a wonderful time with her. Boy I know what it's like to have your child away from home on her birthday, Christmas and all that. I totally felt the same way - happy that she was on her big adventure. But now that she lives in the same city, I sure do enjoy meeting her for lunch now and then, as I did today. Go Go Go shams! Your energy is positively radiating from this post!

    1. I hope you had a great time with your daughter, Robin. And thanks!

  6. I love that Silhouette jacket pattern. I look forward to seeing your version. Enjoy the sewing time and time with your daughter! Happy Thanksgiving

  7. Wow! wonderful things! :) Fantastic!

  8. If ever a pattern was designed with you in mind this is it. I predict sales will zoom once we see yours! Enjoy your holiday.It sounds special.

  9. Tagging onto Bunny's comment ... I think sales will zoom NOW ... I hadn't even seen it and now I want it. If it was downloadable, I'd probably have already bought it, being the impatient sort that I am. Can't wait to see yours.

    Have a GREAT Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I would love to sew it soon, but we'll see.

  10. I'm with you! My vacation started at noon yesterday and I spent the day cleaning and straightening my sewing room to prepare for four days of sewing. My son will be with his girlfriend's family and my daughter will be with her dad so I am going to get some things sewn. Today and tomorrow are slip covers for a friend and then the real fun starts - my Style Arc patterns came yesterday! Can't wait to see what you accomplish.

  11. That Mindi skirt is really cute and if you make the Silhouette jacket to go with it you will really by stylin'. Have a great sewvacation.

  12. Wow, your enthusiasm and excitement are threatening to blow up my computer!
    So glad life is good for you and your girls...carpe diem!

  13. This 'coat of obsession'. I must see it (please). Also, what's the workshop on (if you don't mind my asking? I know it says private but I assumed it's sewing/health related because you mentioned it here).

    1. I have some finishing details to complete. I hope to blog it tomorrow! The workshop I am leading is sewing related. It has a jacket focus and I'm still working out the details.

  14. Oh how I love seeing someone motivated to create! I hope your long sewing weekend is going well and can't wait to see what you make.
