
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Big News (for me), Not so Big News (for you)

Hey, gang!

First, I want to ask you something.

Have you ever found an out of print (OOP) or vintage pattern for sale online, perhaps on Ebay or Etsy, that you really liked?

And maybe you visited it every so often.

But you didn't buy it, because it was too expensive, or the wrong size.

Or maybe both?

And maybe you kept visiting it?

For months and months?

And maybe, one day, you couldn't find it?

Because you didn't "like" it, or bookmark it, or put a "watch" on it.


And maybe it was so long since you visited the page, that your browser history was no help at all?

So you went through many searches and scrolled through dozens and dozens of pages, looking for it?

And you wondered if it went to a good home?

And then you wondered how you felt about that?

Did you have any regrets?

And then maybe, just maybe, you did find it. And it was still available?

Yeah, me neither. :)


You'd have to have a heart of stone not to appreciate that inseam pocket...

So, for the big-news (for me), but the not-so-big-news (for you)....

In a little over one week, I am starting a new job!

It has been an honor and a privilege to contribute to the advancement, in some small way, of the Java programming language, but it's time to move on. I am very excited about my new venture. I will be documenting a new-to-me language.

What is the name of this new language, you ask?

Well, it's called.... (WAIT FOR IT) ....


Seriously, how perfect is that?!?!?

I already envision making FBA jokes that, of course, my colleagues will not appreciate.

If you look at the wikipedia entry for the Dart programming language, you will know which company I am going to work for.

I am beyond psyched. I can't wait to tackle this new adventure!

It also means that I need a new work wardrobe.

Yes, dress is casual at work, but I will do my own thing.

I always do. :)

It also means that I will have less time to sew.

But that's ok. I'm not turning my back on sewing.

Or blogging.

I just may be a bit less prolific.

And life moves on.

I hope you can wish me luck!


  1. I will miss you, but wish you great success and happiness in your new job.

    1. I'm not going away, Barbara, but may not post quite as often. :) Thanks!

  2. well, good for you, Shams! I hope you find a couple of sympatico colleagues at your new workplace who will get your sewing jokes!

  3. Well done Shams - will miss the regular posts from you (a highlight of my week) but all those comedic opportunities are not to be missed! Enjoy getting to know a new language.

  4. Congrats!! Who will I turn to when I am most certain that some Vogue pattern I'm remotely interested in, has been made, fabulously?!? :)

    Wishing you the best on your new endeavor!

  5. Awwww! I just found you!! But from one Techie to another - enjoy ur new googlie gig!! Tech Speed! I'll just read what I've missed on your blog! Good Luck to you!

  6. So happy for you! What a wonderful opportunity and an exciting year ahead.

  7. Congrats on your new job!! That's so exciting!

    Re vintage patterns, I have had that problem--seeing something once and never finding it again. Now I try to document item locations, usually by pinning something that interests me or sending myself an e-mail with the link. In slightly related news, I have been trying to find a particular John Kloss pattern for years and I haven't been able to find anything about it, not even a pattern number. Maybe someday...

  8. What great news! I'm sure you will ROCK the new position and amaze your new fellow employees with the wonderful outfits you wear to work. I will look forward to hearing about any new adventures! congratulations!

  9. Of course we wish you well! That's extremely good news - fantastic even! Congrats!

  10. Shams, best of luck. You sound so very happy, how could we not be happy for you! Enjoy, but don't abandon us!

  11. Best of luck from a long time reader, but usual non-commenter... they're lucky to have you!

  12. You may be SOLEY responsible for upping the dress code at G....e...

  13. Congrats! Your excitement comes through in your post. Best wishes to you.

  14. So happy for you! Congratulations and I wish you very well!! I know you'll amaze your new colleague in your beautiful makes too.

  15. Congrats Shams!!!! Excited to hear that you got the job. Hope it's everything that you hope it will be!!

  16. How very exciting for you! And here's hoping you can "stitch together" some remarkable linqua franca upgrades. Until you post again, I'll be catching up all your older projects.

  17. How wonderful! I am so happy for you! Enjoy that "new job smell"!

  18. What exciting news!! May your new adventure be an excellent "alteration" in your life...

  19. I'm so happy for you! Wishing you the very best at your new job, and looking forward to hearing about any sewing projects you tackle in your spare time.

  20. How exciting-congratulations! Also I do love that pocket.

  21. This is wonderful and I wish you much success.

    That is a great pocket treatment. Will you be making this pattern?

  22. Congratulations! Always fun to have a new challenge.

  23. Congratulations, Shams, that is excellent news! I am excited for you!

  24. Wow! I'm thrilled for you, because you sound so excited and happy. This will be so fun for you .. a whole new career world and people and new challenges in your life .. and you're very, very good at those. Your super new wardrobe additions will definitely serve you well. Hearty congrats, Shams! Will be looking forward to your next sewing and other adventures.


  25. How wonderful! They are so lucky to get you.

  26. Oh, definitely, good wishes for every success in your new job! I couldn't understand a word of the explanation of it, but thanks for the link -- I'll forward it to my software engineer son. You will shine there, I'm sure; your vitality and creativity are an asset wherever you are.

  27. Wishing you much good luck and loads of happiness.
    And a big thank you for being an inspiration by blogging the personal goals you've achieved and the beautiful and brilliant clothes you make.
    Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

  28. I suspect you are so proficient at anything you choose to tackle, that you don't need luck. But, that said. . .I'll wish you much luck regardless.

  29. Heavens they are so fortunate to have your amazing mind on their team...I hope you find immense satisfaction as you take this new challenge on. I will enjoy reading your posts as you have

  30. Great news -- wishing you much success!

  31. Congratulations! Wishing you well.

  32. Congratulations! I'm interviewing tomorrow for a job down the road from you. If all goes well, we can talk sewing together at lunch!

  33. Congrats, Shams! As a fellow techie, that sounds absolutely thrilling. And congratulations on the pattern find, too. I'm looking forward to seeing it made up.

  34. Congratulations!. DART--there must be a point to that name. LOL.

    So many of the vintage patterns had interesting seam lines which we don't see in today's fashions.

  35. Congratulations
    It will be a great change for you and a chance to wow a new group with your wardrobe. I understand about the time constraints but knowing you I am sure you will have interesting posts when you have a chance.

  36. Of course. The very best of luck to you, as you start in your new workplace!

  37. Congrats! I hope you have a blast at your new job and will look forward to having you stop in at the blogosphere.

  38. WOW! Those are very coveted jobs and hard to get. Congratulations. Enjoy your new job.

  39. Congratulations! So happy for you as you embark on a new adventure -- your colleagues are in for a treat when they see your amazing outfits every day!

  40. Of course we wish you luck! And it will be fun to see what a hip, not so young, tech woman wears to work at her new job.

  41. Congratulations on the new job!

  42. Congratulations on your exciting new job! Change is a wonderful recharger for life, sewing needs, etc. I hope the challenges are invigorating!


    PS. I hope you still have time to share your projects from time to time :-). I love your creativity!

  43. Wonderful news about the new job! I hope it is everything you expect (and that at least somebody will appreciate the FBA jokes!). I really enjoy your blog and will look forward to your posts whenever you can.

  44. You're never one to shrink from a new challenge, Shams! And this one will bring so many fun and interesting challenges. Congratulations on landing such an important job with one of the world's most prestigious companies.

    They're lucky to have you!

  45. Congratulations on your new job, Shams! I know what you mean about patterns.... that happens to me often when a vintage or OOP pattern I love is too expensive an I can't find it cheaper elsewhere. Sometimes, though, it pops up in a random etsy or eBay search months (or even years) later and I grab it for a decent price. :)

  46. Of Course I'm excited for you!!! It would be a dull life indeed if we didn't have changes! You Rock!

  47. Congrats Sham. Learning new stuff is always exciting wish you the best and look forward to your next sewing project. No pressure.

  48. Congratulations! Blessings to you on your new job!

  49. Congratulation and best wishes as you move forward in life.

  50. Nice! Google is lucky to have you!! I know you won't stop sewing and blogging because 1. you need the new wardrobe, 2. sewing is something you like, and 3. you'd miss your blogger family. :)

  51. Ooh, Google. This software stuff sounds too complicated to me. Lucky we have talented people like you who enjoy it. (This said by a boring tax accountant).

  52. One of the best companies is getting 'the best'! Wishing you nothing but success as you show all those techs how to dress!

  53. Shams, I am thrilled for you and I'm sure you won't "be evil". Ad serving technology, my own first love! They are lucky to have you. Very, very best wishes to you. I'll know you've finished your Kool-Aid when you put ads on your blog. ;) I will MISS your frequent posts, but I understand you have a higher calling.

  54. Oh wow! of course I wish you all the best of luck! sounds like a brilliant opportunity; I'm so excited for you! :)

  55. Congratulations!! It's a great culture there - you will thrive! I'll love seeing you be the "cool worldly chick" among all of the 20 and 30 somethings. I love that pattern- the skirt reminds me of an Issey Miyake skirt that I have made. If you work at the Mountain View Campus, we will have to get together - I work closeby. KathyO

  56. Congrats and all the best in your new job! Certainly a solid company ;) Enjoy!

  57. This is exciting, congratulations!

  58. Congratulations on the new job. Hope this doesn't mean you'll be shutting the blog down altogether.

  59. Oh this does sound like a great move for you career-wise. Their campus-type environment often features in the Sunday supplements here in the UK so based on that I would expect your original and stunning existing wardrobe would be admired. I've been so impressed by your weight loss and honesty that I hope we can have occasional updates on your sewing and progress. Very best of luck and well done.

  60. Best wishes. May your fabulous, creative clothes inspire all your days at your new job.

  61. Congratulations to you! What a wonderful adventure.

  62. What an exciting thing for you! Seems like you have created a whole new you what with changing your eating habits to improve your health, weight loss, constantly evolving wondrous wardrobe, children moving out, and now this. So amazing. I am so happy for you.

  63. Congratulations on the new job and look forward to your new wardrobe. Just post when you have time and feel like it. Sometimes life is too busy to blog regularly (how I know?)

  64. I'm thrilled for and for your new company. Can't wait to see your new wardrobe and imagine you'll be a standout (in the best possible way).

  65. Congratulations, and good luck getting started!!

  66. WOW!!!! How exciting and wonderful. Good luck to you and have fun.

  67. Big congrats! Sounds like fun and I wish you all the best :)

  68. So happy to hear of your new job adventure. I'm sure you will inspire your new colleges to dress more creatively!

  69. Excellent news...congratulations. And have lots of fun.

  70. They are so lucky to have you! DART programming language? LOL It was meant to be! I'm a G....e and Android girl from the get go, so I'm glad you're on the team. They may know everything about me, but it's just so darned handy. :-) Wonderful news!

  71. VERY exciting. I'm late reading this news but so thrilled for you. Enjoy. This seems the perfect environment for your individualized and creative wardrobe and it's so fabulous to have some place to wear the things we sew. YES YES
