
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Britex Launch Party

Britex, the largest fabric store in San Francisco at four stories tall, has added a workspace where they will be holding events and (I would imagine) classes.

Britex is hosting an official (and free) launch party on June 28th, from 1-5pm, to christen the new space.

They have asked me, and a few other bloggers, to speak at this event.

If you are in the area and want to immerse yourself in a delicious stew of fellow sewers and fabric goodness, please come!

(For those who might be interested, I can point you to a wine bar nearby for afterwards. ;) )

For more details, see the Britex event page.

And mark June 28th on your calendar!


  1. OH! This sounds wonderful!!! I'll begin scheming immediately :)

    1. Hah! I'm coming!!! (& I couldn't be more delighted!) see you there :)

  2. Every year when I am in SF, I visit Britex and always find some luscious fabric I can't live without!

  3. I will have to give this some thought.

    My first and last experience at Britex was horrid - poor customer service to the extreme. (Ever have a purchase thrown at you?) I have never gone back and am not sure if even this can get me to.

    1. Oh, that is awful, lorrwill! Hopefully that was just a "bad day" for a former employee and not the norm. The owner, Sharman, is delightful! (And with so many brick and mortar fabric stores closing down, it would be awful to see this one also go the way of the dodo.)

  4. This is wonderful! Wish I could be there to hear you and Beth speak!!!

  5. Sigh... I love that store! (Another New Yorker lusting for the fabric on the other coast...) Sounds great. I love the energy there. One day I'll get there again - I have family there, after all.... and they won't know that I'm using a family visit as an excuse!!!! heheheheh....

  6. Wish I could be there. Always love stopping in when I'm in San Francisco and never tire of the button counter!

  7. This event sounds like Big Fun. Given my current 10 day trip to NYC and Atlanta, it might be pushing it to leave the house in an offhanded way in the morning and "accidentally" find myself at Britex at 1 pm. . . Nevertheless, I am a plotter, and I am plotting!

  8. Congratulations! It sounds like a really fun day.

  9. I love reading your blog and watching your happenings out in the beautiful state of CA. I was in CA once for a trade show and unfortunately I only saw a few glimpses of the weather and the inside of the convention center. Have a great grand opening.

  10. Oh my! I'd love to spend an entire day at this delicious looking fabric store. Not sure when I'll be back in San Francisco, but Britex is definitely on the list of things to do when I finally get back to the Golden Gate area.

  11. Very cool! What will you be talking about?
