
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday Miscellany

So great to hang with Margy!

Happy Tuesday!

Between Artistry in Fashion and some quality sewing time, it was a satisfying weekend. Many folks said "hi" at AIF, and I really enjoyed talking to each of you! Of course, there was the usual frenzy of shopping and inspiration. I can't remember how many people said to me, in whispered tones, "Did you see the rubber jewelry lady?"

Why, yes I did see Marirose! :)

These Marirose earrings are made from rubber and German silver. I thought they were too inexpensive to be silver, then I learned that "German silver" is actually nickel! lol The dangling stone is hematite.

Next year's AIF is already in the planning stages. The speaker will be Linda Lee of the Sewing Workshop. I don't see the date posted on their website yet, but it will be announced soon. If you are planning a trip to the Bay Area, maybe you can make it coincide with this wonderful event!

Meeting up with Jane Foster again!
(Thanks, Jane, for both of these pics, as I didn't take a single photo that day.)

I finished my second Britex project and, last night, I pulled out the fabric for my next project, a gorgeous piece from Marcy Tilton. Marcy has the knack of ferreting out unique treasures and this piece is really interesting. I don't have any pictures (and I'm on the bus headed for work), but it features two very different fabrics bonded together, one with holes. I have a yard and a half and I *think* that I prefer the "back side", though both are really neat.

I am in that "dithering" mode, where I am *sure* I know what I want to do with it, and then I completely change my mind. Dither, dither, dither.

This could go on for awhile.

I have been thinking lately about "the flow" and how wonderful it is to connect with that creative place where you lose yourself and become one with creating. Musicians, artists, writers, have all talked about the flow, and I love Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi's Ted Talk where he discusses Flow, the Secret to Happiness. Every so often I watch it again.

Check it out!

This morning I was headed to the bus stop and a song came on the radio that I've heard several times. It's a very catchy tune with the refrain, "I'm all about the bass, 'bout the bass, no treble! I'm all about the bass! 'Bout the bass!" I assumed that it was another cute party girl song, but today I really listened to ALL the words.

It's a song about body pride! I have never seen the singer, Meghan Trainor, (at least not until I just now looked up her video), but when I realized that she's singing about her booty, I was mightily amused! This song is definitely going on my playlist, though I would really love it if someone came up with a song that's all "all about the treble", `cause that's me. Maybe something with some coloratura. ;)

Have a great week!


  1. You and Margy look so great and happy with that special AIF glow!!

  2. That song is my current lady jam! Hahaha!!!

    Lovely pics!! Can't wait to see the next creation.

  3. Love that song. It is so upbeat and positive.
    Kathy C.

  4. Have you seen the jazz bassist Kate Davis cover this song? Very much recommended.

  5. That song has been an "ear worm" in my head since July! Love it! This is my favorite rendition and I prefer it to the original: (This is the Kate Davis cover mentioned above!)

    1. Thanks for that link! That is very jazzy! I like that version, too.

  6. Looks like the AIF was another amazing success! And love the song as well, it has a certain sound that makes you want to join in ... but do remember, your on the bus!!! ... J

  7. So want to get to AIF one of these years! You two look like you had a blast!

  8. I have been unable to get that song out of my head for the past two months - and I am all about the bass! You and Margy look happy and stylin. Wish I could have attended.

  9. Oh - love that song! Never heard it before! I really enjoy it... and I'm completely bass-less! AIF looked like fun!

  10. I actually heard All About that Bass in an a cappella version by Home Free. The guys like women who appreciate their own bodies!

    - Heather

  11. Ha - check out my FB page for a video about this song and a horse!
    AIF sounds like so much fun. It's on my bucket list!
