
Monday, June 8, 2015

A Style Arc Top, Some Tees, Some Pants, and More!

This is a major catch-up post, so here's a TOC to guide you through it!

A Style Arc Top - the Lani

I finished this top a couple weeks ago. It would have been sooner, but I managed to misplace one of the sleeves—I didn't have enough fabric to re-cut the missing piece, but it finally turned up.

The Lani top from Style Arc features internal seaming, an asymmetric hem with mitered corners, a princess seam over one breast and a dart on the other, and 3/4 length sleeves. It is designed for a woven fabric and pulls over the head (it has no closures), so you immediately know that it is loosely fitted.

I decided to use a drapey rayon batik in a lovely swampy green color that I purchased this year at Puyallup. A friend gifted me with a green-and-black striped fabric that she purchased in New York in the same colors, and I used it to pipe the seams.

The piping is almost too subtle. Can you see it?

I had to make a few alterations to the pattern:

  • Increased the bust dart.
  • Removed width from the hips.
  • Added shaping to the waist.
  • Narrowed the shoulder by 3/8".

Sewing-Themed Tees

I think I've mentioned before how I love Uniqlo tee shirts. I went into Uniqlo recently to look for a white tee to wear with my Britex linen pants and I stumbled on a cache of sewing-themed tops. How had I missed these before?! They are on clearance—I scooped up three tees and two sweatshirts.

Check out my spoils!

I don't know how long they will last, but you can check out the "Merchant & Mills" garments on their site.

Auditioning Pants

I recently made three pairs of pants. Yes, three pairs! I was testing out patterns for the linen pants I recently blogged. When I say "testing", I mean that I pared down each pattern to a front, a back, and a waistband. Easy peasy.

Here's a quick round up.

Style Arc Jamie made from a stretch twill received in a free fabric bundle

Vogue 8929, made from a lightweight stretch cotton from Marcy Tilton.
Wow, I need to wear it with a top that "goes" better!

Vogue 8909, made from a non-stretch bottom weight fabric from my stash.
(Originally purchased at Fabrix.)

While all three patterns worked, I ended up using Vogue 8909 for the Britex pants.

Refashioning Tees into an Infinity Scarf

with Kathy (left) and Jana (center) atop Twin Peaks

I wanted to make a thank you gift for Jana, a developer from Prague who helped out at a recent work event. Jana is a fan of Dart and enjoys wearing Dart swag, so I took a Dart t-shirt (Hanes Beefy Tee Men's, size large) and another Google t-shirt in Dart's royal blue color (Women's Sport-T in XL), and I cut them up to fashion a Koos scarf.

The resulting pieced rectangle

Jana is rather tall, so I wanted to make the Koos scarf on the longer side. I pieced it as follows:

The resulting scarf... well, it's Dart-y!

(We also gave Jana some locally made gourmet chocolate. ;) )

Alabama Chanin Tour de Force

I recently saw Dorothy K, and she was wearing a fabulous project that she had just completed. As she hasn't been posting reviews on Pattern Review, I asked her if I could post some pics, and she graciously agreed.

This is Dorothy's very first Alabama Chanin piece. (She loves to dive into the deep end, Dorothy does.) She stenciled the fabric with Anna's Garden Stencil.

She used one of her TNT dress patterns, an OOP Stretch and Sew—1500, I believe. The bolero pattern came from the Alabama Chanin book.

She embellished the bolero with beading

I asked Dorothy how long this project took and she estimated that it was about 6 months of sewing 2-3 hours a day, most every day. And she loved it. She already planning her next Alabama Chanin outfit.

In the spirit of providing even more inspiration, here is a fabulous quilt that Dorothy made about a year ago. The second photo shows the colorful backing.

Dorothy shared another fabulous garment, but I couldn't get a pic to do it justice. If that ever happens, and it's ok with her, I'll post that, too!


  1. The Vogue 8909s are my favourite pants on you FWIW. Love the Style Arc top. I haven't tried their patterns yet. I really need to address that.
    And oh my, Dorothy's dress is stunning. And very inspirational.

    1. Thanks, Pendlestitches! 8909 definitely had more of the fit that I wanted, but that's interesting that you also thought so! (I wasn't sure how helpful the pics are.)

  2. I like everything both you and Dorothy have made. You may have convinced me to get the StyleArc top pattern, but I'm not sure what size to order. If you don't mind me asking, what size did you get?

    1. Judie, my full bust is 44 and my high bust is 39. According to the Style Arc size chart (go to their website and select the Size Chart tab), based on my high bust of 39, I would be between a size 12 and 14. But I know that Style Arc has a much closer fit through the chest than the Big 4, so I got a size 16. I still had to add width to the bust line for my full bust, but that's normal as I am choosing a pattern based on my high bust circumference. Good luck! Style Arc patterns are great, and if you have problems with the instructions, they are very helpful! (You can also probably get questions answered on the Style Arc thread on Stitcher's Guild.)

    2. Thanks. I'll go have a look at the pattern. Also, one of my sons works at Uniqlo, and they don't have the same range of t-shirts or sweatshirts here. Sad.

  3. Thank you for all this eye candy Shams . Your Style Arc top is TDF and that Alabam Chanin dress is a work of art. Six months !!!

    1. Thanks, Diana! Yes, Dorothy is really determined!

  4. So much goodness all at once! I love the striped piping you added to the top - it's subtle but pretty. The scarf is such a thoughtful gift! And I'm jealous of the pants since I'm still working my pants issues out! Finally Dorothy's dress and bolero are simply stunning!

  5. I have that StyleArc pattern and have been debating what type of fabric to use. Your rayon choice is perfect and the piping is a nice touch. I will definitely take your lead on this. I can well understand all the pattern auditioning you did before cutting in the unique silk/linen green print and you made the right choice. Thanks for posting Dorothy's show-stopping dress and bolero. Karen

    1. Thanks, Karen! I look forward to seeing your Lani!

  6. Wow so many wonderful things in one post. I have avoided pants but your versions are so inspiring I have to get over my fear. Your tops are so pretty as well. Dorothy's dress is amazing - her time commitment was unbelievable but very worthwhile . Thanks for all the inspiration & information . I'll have to re read this several times to make sure I don't miss anything .

    1. "I'll have to re read this several times to make sure I don't miss anything." Second!

    2. Thanks, Mary Ellen (and Stephanie)! Pants can be a tricky beast, indeed. I actually just filmed some pants pattern tips and will be posting a video, so stay tuned.

  7. Sharon i love your look in the first pic! Modern, no fuss funky - you look smashing. Great proportions, looooong looong legs, and the top has great detail, color, texture while keeping the focus on you. Wow!

    Dorothy's outfit is a stunner. Those AC pieces are even more gorgeous in person, and heavenly to wear. Worth all that time! Truly fabulous, i understand why she wants to head right on in to the next one.

    hmm, we have a Uniqlo just down the way here at sun valley. Yesterday i fit a muslin of the Alabama Chanin corset pattern and am on the hunt for material....fingers crossed they have a few tees out here for me!

    My fave is the M&M safety pin, tres punk diy aesthetic ;) Have a great day and stay cool!!! steph

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! Uniqlo uses a wonderful quality of fabric that doesn't pill, though it contains lycra. I've never seen an A.C. garment made with a lycra blend! I plan to use my tee shirts as sleep shirts, though maybe not as first. :)

    2. well they had no sewing tees at SunValley - however. They had a whole bunch of jean michel basquiat tees, none of which came home with me.

      But i do have a dear artist friend who paints in graffiti style...and Myrna's recent experiment with Miles Frode has got me thinking about a collaboration. Something very vintage lingerie inspired could be just the ticket! we'll see if i can pull this off....Sweet Dreams!!

  8. Uniqlo is MY boyfriend! You stay away! What kills/thrills me is that from day to day, the pile of t's changes drastically.While in San Francisco this Spring, I shopped, left a couple of Mr Happy shirts to ponder (of a selection of ten styles) and the next morning GONE. Passed on the sewing themes to replenish the Keith Haring collection for the family (the babies have outgrown all their Pop Shop shirts).
    I am sure if I looked into it, I could be as disgusted with them as any other for the usual fast fashion evils, but they make dress shirts that fit the slender men in my house, and a suit jacket Interview Man can afford that fits him. And the men do not like me to make them shirts or suits.
    Silly men.

    1. LOL, SJ! Yes, I have also collected several pieces from the Keith Haring line, most notably several pair of leggings! I looooooove Keith Haring. :D

  9. What a nice "meaty" post . The main outfit looks fantastic and love the piping and earrings. Looks to me like you have 4 new good-looking pant and top outfits and enjoyed seeing what Dorothy is up to!

    1. Thanks, Peggy! And another happy birthday to you!

  10. oh man, swampy green is your color!! I had overlooked that Style Arc pattern, and now it is popping off the page w/possibilities. Plus, the clever binding is perfect for it. You look maah-velous in it!!

  11. I love the subtle piping. I imagine it presents better in person.
    I also wanted those women's t-shirts from Uniqlo. Alas, all the women's scoop necks are gone....grumble.
    Your friend's Chanin mazi is amazing. Wowza!

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I think that the piping is subtle, even in person.

  12. Hi, there, SERIOUS ENABLER...your Lani top is fabulous, I must have that pattern! and the piping takes it up to the next level. Love ALL the pants and also the way you styled them. You rock. As does Dorothy...if she weren't such a lovely person, I would hate her!!!

    1. Thanks, Margy! I know, Dorothy is pretty ah-mazing!

  13. Good grief! What you did to my day... Immediately upon reading your post, I hopped in my car and drove to the Emeryville store. No luck, all gone. Helpful sales clerk called the SF store and said they had some which could be held for me only 24 hours. Suddenly I found myself boarding Bart to cross the bay, headed single-mindedly to the Powell store. I dashed in, bought 5 tee shirts, and zoomed back to the east bay. No sneaking over to Britex, having lunch or anything.

    Your StyleArc top looks fabulous. I love the piping detail. I have the pattern and it will now move up to the top of the pile. And thanks for sharing photos of Dorothy's dress. I was so sorry to miss seeing it.

    1. LOLOL, Ann! I had talked about these at Dorothy's last week but, of course, you weren't there. I can't believe you ran to Union Square, but I'm glad you got some! (That's where I bought mine, too.)

    2. I also ordered 2 sweatshirts on line. They didn't have any in either store nor did the on-line site have any tee shirts. I am well set up now for Zumba class, sewing retreats and whatever else that needs a sewing theme shirt!

  14. Amazing…you have been quite prolific. That SyleArc top is gorgeous!

  15. Read your review at PR and had to popover to catch up on your blog. Enjoyed the post and reading about all you have been up to!

  16. Love your Lani top. The addition of the contrasting piping is a wonderful detail.

  17. Another fabulous post, Shams. The piping is Just Right imho.

  18. Beautiful fabrics! As much as I enjoy making quilts with colors that pop I also appreciate the occasional quiet energy of cool colors. Add in the butterflies and I'm getting inspirations for many new projects! fabric warehouse newbury.
