
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Back in Business

Hey gang! I figured out how to make the images work in my blog posts. I write my posts directly in HTML—I don't use blogger's wiki interface. It's a bit gnarly to embed images in this environment, but I can make it work going forward.

If you haven't yet read my last two posts due to broken images, it should be ok now. And if not, I want to hear about it!

Thanks for your patience!

Edited on Sunday morning to add: I've been reading the comments that you've been leaving now that the pics are working again. Can I just say that it warms the cockles of my heart? Sometimes I feel that my blogging might be too much "me me me", and maybe it is, but I really want to share with others. To know that it's appreciated means a lot! Blog readership is down these days, and blog comments are way down these days, with many folks moving to Instagram, so your comments are much appreciated!

Until later!


  1. Thanks for taking all the time to fix it! It certainly seems to be working for me on Safari now and it wasn't before.

  2. Shams, thanks so much for your last two blogs and taking the time so that the last one can be viewed with Safari. I was actually thinking about downloading another browser if necessary. I loved seeing New York through your eyes!

    1. Thanks, Deborah! I really wanted to find a solution that works everywhere!

  3. So glad you're back on line. Thanks for all your hard work and your generosity in sharing all your travels.

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I look forward to getting all the posts done - it's sort of hanging over my head. ;)

  4. I love your blog It's so nice to read all the great information without ads. I live vicariously through your travels. It's fun seeing the inside of google also. Please continue just the way you are.

    1. Thanks, Paula! Yes, I wanted to avoid ads on my blog!

  5. Thank you so much for your great posts. You get around to so many interesting places and have wonderful insights. I know it is a lot of work, but your posts are real treasures.

  6. I read your blog regularly, but rarely comment. Since I appreciate comments on my own blog, it's only being polite to comment here. As another busty, slim hipped sewist, I eagerly devour your sewing and fashion tips, although our styles are quite different. In your last post, the grey Butterick dress is a MUST have! I probably would have never looked at it if you hadn't featured it.

    1. Thanks, Laurie! I'm used to having a "weird" style. ;) I looove that dress, too! I'm eagerly awaiting the next Butterick sale and I don't say that often!

  7. Hey girl, you gotta know that we eat these posts up! Your content is awesome and your sewing adventures are the stuff of dreams. When you find great fabrics and sew up great styles for us to see OUR creative juices start to flow. There's lots of inspiration on your blog and it's just delicious!

    1. Awww, thanks, Deborah! I so appreciate your comment!

  8. I have never commented on your blog, but I want you to know that I LOVE it and very much look forward to it. I have read the entire blog twice! Your writing and your sewing are wonderful!

    1. Thanks so much, Sydney, for popping in to say hi. And welcome!

  9. Love your blog and am glad to see the pics on Safari. We do not have the same styles but oddly enough we seem to go after the same patterns and fabric! Thanks again!

    1. I'm so glad you can see the pics, Paula! Isn't that interesting that we like the same fabric and patterns and yet end up with a different style? Fascinating! And thanks!

  10. Brava for your perseverance, have a LOT of satisfied and grateful readers...including ME!

    1. You've heard my trials and tribulations, Margy, on a microscopic level. Thanks for everything! :)

  11. Shams, I would walk a mile in Hemet to read your blogs...where else can I get such valuable info from someone who really knows what she's doing? Thanks for being so generous!

    1. I've never heard of Hemet! I had to google it. :) And thanks for your dedication! :D

  12. Dear Shams, thankyou so much for taking the time and trouble to share via your blog. Yours is the first blog I check although I rarely comment. I love your skills and your humour. I will never get to see many of the things you write about (although some I may see one day) but in the meantime your view is always interesting, quirky, fun and informed by amazing knowledge of sewing.

    1. Thanks so much, Anne! I also hope to see Melbourne one day! I appreciate your kind comments. :)

  13. Shams I'm a faithful reader but rare commenter. Thank you for sharing your life and art through your blog. It's always a joy to read your well curated and beautifully written posts as well as to get a picture of your life. New York and the high line are now in my bucket list

    1. Thanks so much, Jodie! I hope you visit both!

  14. There is no "me,me,me"; there is "share, share, share" and we love it. Your blog entries are great as are your photos. I had no trouble viewing the pics from those two posts, but it was a lot of work for you to make it right for those who couldn't. What a trooper you are. :)

    1. Awww, thanks Gloria! I'm so sorry I missed you on Sunday!

  15. I love reading your blog Shams. I've learned lots and love all the pics you share. Just yesterday I used my sleeve head board. thanks to your blog I learned about this fantastic pressing tool :)

    1. Oh, excellent, Kathy! I love that tool. Heck, I love all my pressing tools!

  16. I have loved reading every one of these posts from your NYC trip !!! I so appreciate the time & effort you put into these - thx

  17. Dear shams, I too love reading your blog. Your fashion sense is amazing, your tips and tricks are invaluable to a new sewer like me, and you have helped me appreciate my big busted narrow hipped self a little more. I don't know how you find the time to keep up this awesome blog in the midst of everything else, but I am grateful that you do. Seeing that you've got a new blog post up always brings a smile to my face. Thank you!

    1. Michelle, doesn't it sometimes feel like everyone else is a pear shape? LOL. Thanks and welcome!
