
Busty Info

I decided to coalesce some resources I've found to help with the busty and to keep them in one easily accessible page. Some are free, some are not, but are worth the money. Please let me know (in the comments section) if you find any additional resources that are fabulous and should be included.

FBA means Full Bust Adjustment. If you are using commercial patterns, and are larger-than-a-B cup, you need to perform an FBA on most patterns. Some of these resources use slopers, which are custom fit to your body. However, some techniques (such as rotating darts, or converting from a darted pattern to a princess seam) are also applicable to commercial patterns.

For the sake of completeness, if you are smaller-than-a-B cup, you might need an SBA, or Small Bust Adjustment. You can use your favorite search engine for more information.


Books, DVDs, CDs

Online Resources


  1. A fine idea, Shams; thank you for creating this.

  2. Maybe this is off topic, but good sources of bras , brands, styles for the U.B. If not appropriate, just ignore. As always thanks for your generous information given, Shams.


    1. I shop at Changes (from Scandinavia), they have physical stores in some cities (I'm in Vancouver, Canada). They carry up to J cup! I'm not willing to pay hundreds of dollars for one bra, plus I want them to be sexy not frumpy, Changes offers great value and comfort, with class to boot!

  3. Just found your blog via Pinterest. Gonna make that tablecloth skirt! Now following. Linda
