
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sewing Workshop - Liberty Top

Our traditional Easter High Tea. So decadent...

For awhile now I've been wanting to make a Liberty top. I have seen some really beautiful versions on the Sewing Workshop Gallery, Pattern Review, Stitcher's Guild, and in my own sewing group. Then, at our last sew group meeting, Heather Nishimura showed her latest version of the Liberty and I fell in love. Heather is one of those stealth sewists. She quietly, and without fanfare, makes the most gorgeous pieces. She always looks so elegant and beautiful - she really rocks her wardrobe. She had the brilliant idea of making a pullover using the Liberty pattern. She used a black/grey stripe knit (with the stripe positioned vertically) and placed the center front on the fold of the fabric. She finished it off with a turtleneck.

Well, I love knit t-shirts, pullovers, and the like, that have interesting details and this one was fabulous. I couldn't wait to try it out. I traced off a Large and added a dart. I tested the pattern fit using a light yellow cotton interlock someone had given me at our last Babes meeting. I finished the neckline with a binding.

My test garment, using donated cotton interlock.

For my actual garment, I used a Japanese knit from Emma One Sock. This slightly sheer knit has a weighty hang - really nice. For this version, I didn't sew the dart, I eased it. For the neckline I finished with a piece of the selvedge.

The second version uses a Japanese sweater knit from Emma One Sock

When I wear this top, the neckline pulls a bit to the back. The next time I make this top (and there will be a next time) I plan to move the shoulder seam forward 1/2" and to shorten the sleeves an inch. Eventually I want to make the pattern as shown on the envelope. It's a great one!

[Edited on 4/9/10.] Heather has sent me a picture of her striped Liberty turtleneck for posting! My understanding is that it will appear soon on the SW gallery. Isn't it gorgeous?


  1. Looks great. I like the muslin you made. Is is wearable for you? The brown top really looks great on you.

  2. Thanks, Karima. Yes, I have worn the yellow top, though I managed to get a stain on it. But it's very wearable. :)

  3. That's a terrific top. Both of them, even the test garment.

  4. Great garment. Wonderful that Heather's piece sparked an idea for yours although you make some really interesting and inspiring clothing yourself. Unfortunately, there isn't a group like this where I live. What fun that would be. Enjoy.

    - Myrna

  5. Love the tops. Your usual great work! ;-)

    According to the illustration on the pattern, the shoulder seams look higher up and more at the shoulder. In the photos of yours, it looks like the shoulder seams are dropped more? Are you wearing shoulder pads in this? Curious minds want to know about the shoulder? Also, did you cut fabric crosswise or are the stripes on the lengthwise grain?

    I wish there was a group like yours around here?? ;-)

  6. Thanks everyone. You know, you take a page from ReAnn and start your own group. :)

    Stash, I haven't done anything with the shoulders in these two shirts. And no, I am not wearing shoulder pads, but thanks for thinking I am. :)

  7. Almost forgot your other question, Stash. Yes, I cut that fabric cross grain, so the stripes would be vertical. You know, I do that sort of thing so often, I don't always think to mention it.

  8. I have some fabric which I think is very similar and was remembering that the stripes were horizontal (I think?) and was thinking I might copy your idea (why reinvent the wheel? esp when the inventor is so talented?)

