
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pattern Giveaway in Honor of Fred Bloebaum

On September 4th, the world lost a bright light when Fred Bloebaum passed away after a short, but valiant, struggle with pancreatic cancer. I have a few memories of Fred from twenty years ago when Sewing Workshop was my second home. I took many classes there from Marcy Tilton, Sandra Betzina, Kenneth King, and Candace Kling (to name a few), and I remember Fred as one of the teachers there, always dressed immaculately in the most gorgeous self-made clothing, though I never took a class from her. I remember coveting a cropped jacket she had made, a Vogue pattern it was, in rust. It was to. die. for. I also remember an Issey Miyake jacket she made that I covet to this day - I can still picture it. Her workmanship and taste were impeccable. We spoke once or twice at Sewing Workshop functions, and I remember her as a thoughtful, well spoken, focused, and elegant woman.

I stopped sewing garments for many years and turned my attention to other things. When I returned to sewing, I was delighted to see that, in the intervening years, she had launched a serious sewing business, with her own pattern line, and was traveling the country teaching. Touching so many lives.

I was even more delighted, on returning to my old sewing group, to see that she was now a member. She immediately approached me to introduce herself at the first meeting we both attended - I am a bit shy when it comes to these things, so it would have taken me awhile to approach her. She had that way of really looking at you as she spoke, really giving you her full attention. (Those of you who know me can stop snorting. I was feeling shy that day. :) )

Yesterday I attended Fred's memorial service. It was the most moving service I have ever attended. Fred was so loved and the memorial really captured who she was. It was touching to hear many friends and family speak. Many of her friends had been friends for decades, and most of them highlighted how she valued relationships, how she built and fostered relationships. It was especially touching when her husband and son spoke. It was funny too, for example, when her husband, in an effort to give "balance" to all the praises being sung, said that she had flaws too. For example, "she criticized my driving."

I am so sorry I will not have the chance to get to know her better, but I'm glad that my life intersected with hers, even briefly.

I recently bought a few of her patterns. (I have made a couple of her patterns in the last year, but there were many I hadn't yet purchased.) I thought I had purchased two of them already, but I couldn't find them, so thought I must have been mistaken. And, then I found them. I now have duplicates of two of her patterns.

In honor of Fred (which, by the way, is not short for anything, it's a nickname given to her by a college boyfriend when he wanted to call her Red and she objected to anything so prosaic, so he dubbed her Fred and it stuck), I would like to give these patterns away. One is the Daphne pant, which many sewists I know claim to be one of the best fitting pants ever. The other is the Maia jacket, which I just love. Both patterns run from size 6 to 26. This giveaway is open to international folks, because Fred's designs should be enjoyed everywhere.

If you are a follower of my blog, and would like a chance to own either of these patterns (I will give them away separately), leave a comment on this post telling me which pattern you would like and I will do the random number generator thing. You have until next Saturday, September 25th, otherwise known as Artistry in Fashion Day, to enter (by noon PT). It was at the last Artistry in Fashion day that I first saw Fred after 20 years, so this seems apropos. At last year's AIF, she gave a fashion show featuring her designs and a presentation on her line. I bought a couple patterns from her that day, both of which I have sewn up.

By the way, Fred's patterns are still available from several sources, including I have not heard if they will be reprinted, but I would not count on it.

Welcome, Marcy Tilton Fans!

I returned from the service yesterday and had received a couple emails telling me that Marcy had featured my blog in her most recent newsletter. What a nice surprise! I love Marcy's designs, and I've been a Marcy fan since she opened the Sewing Workshop, many years ago. And if anyone recognizes me at Artistry in Fashion, please say "hi!"

Finally, I have been quiet on the blog, but I have been participating in Self Stitched September, where I wear clothing I made every day for the month of September. I will post an analysis at the month's end, but you can see my progress on my SSS 2010 Flickr set, which is part of the Self Stitched September 2010 Flick group. I pretty much wear self-made clothing anyway, but for this challenge I have been mixing it up more, wearing clothes that don't often see the light of day, all of which I've made in the last 13 months. It has been a very educational experience.


  1. Decisions, Decisions! I would be honored to own and make either of Fred's patterns you are offering. Going to look at her line to purchase some now.

  2. shams, That was a lovely remembrance of a woman who obviously touched your heart. It's nice that you are doing a giveaway in her honor. I certainly don't need another pattern so I'll beg off. Reading about Fred is enough.

  3. Your tribute to Fred is lovely. I've never tried one of her patterns but would love the opportunity to try the pants pattern.

  4. Thanks for sharing your Fred experiences. Maybe they will have a memorial for the New Mexico friends since the family has a second home in Santa Fe. If not, at least I was there in spirit yesterday, along with many other people who were touched by Fred in some way.

    Also, kudos on Marcy's shout-out of your blog!

  5. I knew Fred only casually just seeing her around in the sewing world. We invited her to the local ASG a couple of times to share her expertise in style/colors/fit. I coveted one of her demo Maia jkts. and was hoping to go her closeout sale to snag it, but alas I was out of town on that date.
    aka Joan

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your experience from Fred's memorial service. She will be missed because she was a wonderful woman who so eloquently shared her love of sewing! Please don't enter me into the drawing because I already own one of those patterns.

    And congratulations on the mention in Marcy's newsletter! You have added a unique voice to the sewing blogosphere and I love coming here to see what you've made!

  7. I'd like to try the Daphne pant, Shams. It would be nice to make up one of her designs in her memory. I have already acquired the fabric for her Athena Two blouse with that intent in mind. The pants would make complete the Fred outfit nicely. Thanks for offering the patterns!

  8. A lovely tribute. I have heard so much since Fred's passing of what a wonderful teacher and person she was... I regret that I never did, and now never will, get a chance to meet her.
    If I might be entered for the pants pattern (as I do have the Maia pattern already) I would appreciate it.
    And congrats on the notice from Marcy Tilton. You deserve it... you do great justice to the artistry of her patterns!

  9. I wish I could have known Fred--she sounds, from all reports, like a wonderful person.

    I would like, please, the pants pattern!

    You seem to have a body that is hard to fit yet you do such a great job of it. I have been following your 'blog for a while now and greatly admire your skill.

    Regards, Gail D.

  10. What a beautiful tribute to this wonderful lady. If I'm lucky enough to be chosen for this giveaway I would love the pants pattern.

  11. Thanks for your memories of her. I saw her show at the Artistry in Fashion event last year, but I never talked to her particularly or took any of her classes. Bummer. I bought the pants pattern from her sale last year, but I'd love to be considered for the jacket pattern.

  12. Thanks for such a thoughtful tribute for Fred. I love her designs, and have sewn up two of Fred's blouses (w/ square arm holes) and love them! If luck prevails, perhaps the Maia Jacket pattern will find it's way here!

  13. What a moving post, Shams. I love Fred's designs, and would love the Maia Jacket pattern. I've recently lost a lot of weight, and not many of my self-made clothes fit I need to do some new sewing.

  14. Shams, you are a wonderful writer as well as seamstress. This was a lovely tribute!

    I'd love to try a LaFred pattern. Would you be so kind as to put me down for the Daphne pant? Thank you.

  15. I would love to try the pants pattern. I'm sorry I never had the pleasure of meeting Fred in person. Thanks for sharing your experience of her service. She touched so many!

  16. have just tuned into your blog via Marcy Tilton, quite delighted with the content. Really like LaFred's patterns, and the Daphne pants sound good.......anyway, thank you for an informative blog

  17. I saw your blog mentioned in Marcy's newsletter and realized I hadn't visited for a while. I've loved the Maia jacket but didn't realize it came in larger sizes. It's definitely the one I'd like. Thanks so much for the kind offer.

  18. Hi Shams, I have been following your blog for a little while, though am not a "follower". I shall fix that :) I would love to try the Maia jacket if you would please put me into the draw.

  19. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Fred. She clearly touched many lives. From all I have read here and elsewhere one word seems to describe her, classy. There is not enough class in this world today and so sad to hear that is has been diminished with her passing.

    I would love to be in the drawing for the Daphne pants. Thanks for the opportunity.

  20. I met Fred at a sewing convention years ago and purchased some patterns, lovely instructions she wrote. I always get compliments on the things I've made from LaFred patterns. I hadn't been keeping up with my blogs lately and just found out tonight that Fred had passed, Marcy Tilton had it in her Sept. e-news. How very sad for the sewing world indeed. I have the Daphne pant, so I guess it will be the Maia. Best, Ani

  21. I've made up and have enjoyed wearing a couple of La Fred patterns in the past. I'm currently "finishing" up the Numani Cape. I was sorry to hear of her passing. I've love to be in the draw for either pattern. I'm venturing in to pants this fall.

    Laura S

  22. The first class I took from Fred was one in SF at The Sewing Workshop. Fred was the last-minute substitute for another instructor yet none of us would have known it. Her preparation, teaching style & wisdom was remarkable. Each time I saw her after that time well over a decade ago, she remembered not only my name but something appropriate to ask about my life. Her style -- perhaps classic elegance -- is timeless. I will miss Fred Saturday at Artistry in Fashion----a place I could always count on seeing her each year. Best, Nadine

  23. I found your blog via Marcy Tilton's newsletter, and am so glad I did. I'd love to have the pants pattern, but the jacket one would be great, as well.


  24. I had planned to attend a class from Fred. It was on my sewing list of things to accomplish. I would love to try the Maia Jacket pattern. Thank you for your generosity.

  25. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful person. If chosen, I would love to have the pants pattern. Thank you for generously offering them to your readers.

