
Friday, January 7, 2011

Italian Pattern Drafting Book - Free Download

Do you want a free download of a (bilingual) Italian pattern drafting book with gorgeous designs and published in 2004? Of course you do.

Kathleen Fasanella blogged about one last night and I've already downloaded it. It looks amazing at first glance.

If you think you might want to create/sell a line of professional clothing or patterns, you really should buy Kathleen's book and read her blog, Fashion Incubator. I have no desire to do so, but I still enjoy her blog. So much interesting info from an industry insider.

By the way, they offer a Kindle version and I downloaded it but have no idea how to get it onto a Kindle. If you know, please leave a comment!

And now, on to another pressing topic. ;)

Freedom for Patterns!

I mentioned in an earlier post that I put my Christmas tree up on the 24th and I put it on a "table." It was actually a cedar chest and clearly I wasn't thinking because all of my independent patterns are housed inside this chest. Almost immediately, I was starting to feel some separation anxiety. (I thought it would be ok!

The offending Christmas tree, draped in a skirt (I made when I was 22 and living on my own in my first apartment) that is mostly covering the cedar chest of pattern goodness.

To complicate matters, my daughters had really gotten into the holiday spirit and done a beautiful job decorating said tree and weren't in any rush to dispose of it.

Well, I finally got rid of my tree a couple nights ago and was sooooo happy to be reunited with my patterns. Within a minute of hurling the tree over the front porch, I was in the chest, stroking my patterns, and searching for one in particular. I haven't sewn all week, but at least one of these patterns will be coming up soon.

A couple of old ornaments. The one on the left is part of a whole series I made at the age of 11 or 12, using instructions from a grocery-store craft magazine, probably McCalls Crafts. I remember saving the yogurt lids from my mother's daily yogurt for this project. I cut into my treasured photos (I was always a photography buff), glued them in, and crocheted the cover using Red Heart yarn. This one features my childhood cat, Willie. My kids like these tacky ornaments much more than I do. I like the one on the right very much. :)


  1. Thank you for posting the link for the Italian Pattern Drafting Book.

  2. Man, that transformation is almost magical - I'm looking at two pictures of my own offspring (one at a year and one at three) and it seems incredible that those small creatures morph into grown-ups. Or almost grown-ups.

    I'm so glad you are re-united with your patterns. Two weeks can seem like forever under some circumstances!

  3. Thank you so much!!! I love free sewing books.

  4. Love the book! I haven't actually read it yet, but some the line drawings are soooo cute...

    To download the Kindle version onto your Kindle, plug your Kindle into the USB port of your computer. The Kindle will show up as a drive on your computer. Then copy the file into the Documents folder on your Kindle.


  5. Thanks so much, Christiana! That makes so much sense. :D

  6. You are a woman after my own heart. I downloaded that pattern drafting book last night, am planning to browse through it after breakfast. I sympathize greatly with your pattern withdrawal, it sounds very tough.
    I love your Christmas ornaments. I have one that my daughter made at kindergarten, aged 4, composed of a cardboard frame enclosing a photo of herself with her sister, it is my favourite ornament. Great current daughter photo too

  7. Thanks Shams! I am downloading as I type. All done - that didn't take long :)

  8. download kindle for pc from the amazon site. this will set up a folder "my kindle content". Copy the downloaded sewing book file to the MKC file and away you go

  9. Thanks Shams! I love free sewing books as much as paid ones i buy. can't get enough of the secure feeling of knowledge available at hand off the shelf or PC when in need of it, isn't it. Thanks for bringing this e-book to my attention.

    Happy New Year.

  10. That is a terrific book! I downloaded mine onto my computer but may also download a EPUB version to my Nook. A great addition to one's sewing library.

  11. I love your ornaments and that tree skirt! Such a beautiful tree, but I'm sure you're glad to have access to your patterns again!

  12. Ah Shamms I love your "tacky" christmas ornaments too. I have many that my son made when he was say under 7. I put them out every year in the bathroom. In his late teens they became a source of "pride" for him. His friends would tell him how luck he was to have a mother that cared that much. Now in his late 20's, his girl friends over the years have all oohed and ahhheed over his juvenile ornaments. They never go out of style. We'be been buying a single Hallmark ornament every year for years. These tend to be pricey. Want to know what every just has to see? To the bathroom the go...

  13. Hi, I'm Jo, I tried to download the Il Modellismo book but couln't... I think it's no longer on the site. I was wondering if anyone out there would mind sending me a copy. I'm a student and would really love to have a reference book like this. It would be so much help. If anyone would like to help my email is Thank you in advance

  14. Hello there,

    I also tried the link and it is not working anymore. I would really appreaciate and thank a million times if somebody could send this amzing book to my email, which is

    Please, help me!
