
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Me-Made-March '11

I, Shams, from, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-March '11. I endeavor to wear all handmade clothing each day for the duration of March 2011. This does not include underwear, socks or shoes.

Very little sewing here of late. I worked all weekend and then promptly got sick on Monday with a plague that really kicked my butt. I'm still down, but not out.

I'll be back. :)


  1. Feel better Shams. Get lots of rest.
    Deb M.

  2. Get well soon.

    Thanks for inspiring me to do Me Made March as well. My personal wardrobe is so poor as i spend most of my sewing time for my DD's wardrobe or sister's wardrobe, its high time i revamped mine and self made clothing to be worn an entire month is quite a nice excuse to actually push myself and do it!

  3. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.

    That's great, CreativeMama. I will see you on Flickr! :)

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you're back up and running for MMM'11. Chicken soup vibes, from me!

  5. sending you some California Sunshine and good thoughts.

  6. Poor baby. So sad your sickie. Get well soon - really tired of looking at the pictures of the long-awaited felting machine and not seeing any results it does great things.

  7. Oh Shams I hope you feel better soon, there are a lot of nasty plagues out there right now! Sending some virtual hot soup your way...

  8. May you gain wellness soon, and all the energy you need to achieve your admirable Me Made March goal. You are an inspiration!
