
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eastward Ho!

A requisite picture of a covered bridge in Lancaster county. I love covered bridges.

The internet is such a great way to meet and bond with folks who have the same interests as yours. Take sewing, for instance.

Peggy is a great example of someone I bonded with over our mutual appreciation of Issey Miyake, Au Bonheur patterns, and funky sewing, in general. (In fact, I bought Peggy her first ABdpM pattern as a thank you for a generosity she showed me.)

One of my favorite online sites to order fabric from is FabricMart. <sigh> FabricMart...

Oops, excuse me. :)

Anyway, Peggy invited me to visit and promised a road trip that would include stops at FabricMart, Michael's (their brick and mortar is called A Fabric Place), G-Street Fabrics, and JoMar. To name a few.

I simply could not resist such a gracious and enticing offer. Carolyn and I frequently argue over who loves FabricMart more, so I invited her to join us. And because I knew that Noile might be willing to drive the distance, I invited her too. Suddenly, we had a party. :)

Carolyn, Peggy and me

I brought some See's candy from the west coast.

Candy Carnage.

I highly recommend blogger meet-ups. They are just too much fun. The east coast bloggers seem to know everyone, while us west coast bloggers seem to be further apart and newer to the blogging scene.

I will post more later, though I'm not sure I can wait for the packages to arrive with the fabrics I ordered and to show off the fabric porn (as Carolyn calls it).

The yummy yummy fabrics. :)


  1. Fun! Wonderful to see you posting about your trip. Can you provide us with a phonetic pronunciation of Au Bonheur Patterns? You are introducing me to an exotic world :D

  2. As usual, I'm so jealous! And very happy for you. It sounds like you had a wonderful time together. There's so many bloggers I want to meet in real life - hopefully soon.

  3. oh, so fun! Looks like you had a great time. That See's candy sure looks yummy.

  4. Ha ha! That looks like a box of See's candy at our house.

  5. Oh, the covered bridge takes me back! I grew up in Perry County, PA, and we had a bridge very similar to that at the end of my road. :)

  6. I just want you to know that the Sees Massacre was hard on me then and even harder to remember through these pictures! *LOL* Y'all were so heartless just cutting those amazing delicacies to bits!!!

    Had a good glad we got together!

  7. That's what I call a dream vacation!

    Carol, your sewing friend in Denver

  8. What great fun to meet up - I have met up with a fellow member of another site in Houston and we now make it a regular each time I fly in for work - in a couple of weeks one of the other girls (same site) is flying into London and we are going to meet up.

    Ditto other comments more effort should be made to meet up.

  9. my sister and I always cut the See's candy in half so that we can see what we are getting and share each piece. after all these years and being born and raised California girls we should know what is inside but we still cut them open. we even have a special candy knife. so of course you cut the candy!
