
Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm Alive! Status Upate


Channeling Judy Jetson

I have received a few emails asking if I'm ok. It's so nice that there is concern about me, but I am ok! I have not been blogging as much, because I have not been sewing as much. Partly because I was traveling and returned home to drama. Though things have settled down in that department, my work continues to be very intense.

But here is what I am up to (sewing wise, at least mostly):

  • I have a Marcy Tilton purse almost finished. Truly, I should have finished it last night, but instead I worked on a long blog entry about it. I just need to finish a tiny bit of hand sewing and then take a few more pictures. Look for that in the next day or two. I'm also doing a related pattern giveaway. :)

  • I have made several pair of pj bottoms! OK, not exciting stuff, hence no blogging. But I may do a mass blog when I finish a few more pair. ;)

  • I took my friend Renee out for some snoop shopping for her birthday last month. I got very inspired and I copied a pocket onto a Marcy Tilton pant. The pocket was great, but the pant wasn't the perfect pattern for it. I want to try again, but haven't gotten back to it.

  • I am participating in Me-Made-June! I don't generally post the outfits I wear daily to my blog, but you can follow my Me-Made-June 2011 Flickr Set and the Group Flickr Set. The picture above was from last Friday. Claudine had the fun idea of doing a common pose each Friday for the month of June. Last Friday's pose was twirling - one of my favorites. She is taking votes for this coming Friday's pose, but I do hope it is NOT in a grocery store as I don't think they'd welcome my tripod in there. :)

  • DD1's high school graduation is this coming Saturday at 11am. I was thinking I'd go outside my comfort zone and wear a dress. I only have one dress and it's black and white. When I asked her opinion (oh, why did I ask? :) ) she expressed the thought that I should wear something more colorful. Hmmm.... So, I bought a dress pattern and some fabric. Not sure I can get it made by Saturday morning, but stay tuned.

  • I attended a BABES meeting. BABES is the local group that was organized originally through Pattern Review. It was an excellent meeting, full of laughs, food, and fabric swapping. I took my Chado Ralph Rucci duster/dress, which I said I wouldn't bring to a sewing meeting, but everyone was very tolerant of the wonky inside and many people enjoyed trying it on. What a great group!

  • I attended the amazing Pulp Fashion show at the Legion of Honor. Wow, what an amazing exhibit. I enjoyed it even more than the Balenciaga exhibit at the De Young. I went with three sewing friends and we were dressed to the nines (seriously, I was the schlumpadinka next to these ladies.) Afterwards we had a great Burmese lunch and I ran an errand while they went shopping at Fabrix and Satin Moon. I was heading home after my errand, and I sideswiped a parked, brand new Porche SUV. sigh

  • Last week had some big events for work, including an all hands meeting that required commuting. Commuting is so tiring! I do not know how people do that every day. Then, last Thursday, we had a very fun team building event in the north beach neighborhood of San Francisco. It was a high-tech scavenger hunt run by It was fun, but so tiring! :)

  • I haven't been feeling great lately, so I joined Weight Watchers. I know a bit of healthy living is the antidote.

So, that's what I've been up to! Thanks so much for your comments, feedback, and concern. I really appreciate all of you!


  1. hey shams, nice to see you. It sounds as though you have been busy with work and home. Good luck with Weight Watchers-I should get on board too.

  2. Welcome back to blogland!!! Some people thrive on drama, some people exist for's to all of us finding the balance that works for us - hugs & smiles to you :) :) :)

    Oh, & thanks for posting about the Pulp Fashion exhibit - I was wondering about that one; would love to see if I can make it.

  3. You have been busy! Ouch (the Porche SUV)!! Good luck getting the dress done :)

  4. Missed you, Shams! I'll look forward to catching up with what you've been doing.

  5. Here's to less commuting and more communing.

  6. Great to have you back! Commuting sucks. I did it for years and my poor little Jetta has the miles to prove it. I don't think I oculd give that car away with all those miles! Glad your back and I am looking forward to your next projects.

  7. Glad to have you back! Hope you are feeling better soon, nothing like losing a few pounds to make it easier to move about, now if only I could get on board 8-).

  8. Ugh, commuting, one of the reasons I returned back to the east coast after several years in northern CA. Glad you are back Your recent outings sound wonderful and I'm sure their inspiration will show up in a future garment.

  9. Note to self: schlumpadinka... must add to vocab...
    re the porsche :((
    And I second your thoughts about the grocery shopping. How on earth would that work?? One would need a co-conspirator... but it would still look pretty weird, right?

  10. Wow, have you been busy. No wonder there was not enough time to blog. Have fun at the graduation - you must post pics.
