
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Too quiet at Chez Shams...

It feels like ages since I've sewn or blogged. I have been busy at work - I'm already behind on deadlines for Sept 2013... how is that possible? It's going to be a very intense year at work. I have written a blog post or two in my head - I know, not helpful.

I've also been suffering from mojo blockage. I think it's due to a variety of reasons. But what I have been doing:

  • Watched my new stenciling DVD from Diane Ericson.
  • I needed 1/2" foam for stenciling, so early one morning, I headed to Cushion Works in the Mission district of San Francisco. I bought a sheet of foam and several widths of cotton cording.
    I love places like this, that work with pros, but also sell supplies to regular people. If a business opens at 8am on a weekday, I know they are serious and I'm a happy camper.
    Two guys cut my cording. They also make custom cushions and can school you about different kinds and qualities of foam. Check out their blog.
  • During a night of extreme insomnia, I set up a stenciling and silk screening station on my kitchen table. I've been playing - creating samples and filling up my design board. No pics yet. I plan to keep playing until I'm ready to embellish some larger pieces. It might take awhile.
  • I've been stroking my stash and playing with my scraps. I have several pieces thrown on my dressform in the top pic.
  • I've made some pocket samples, inspired by one that Diane showed us at DOL. I hope to use it on my current project.

And, finally, I settled on a project. I have it largely cut out and have started sewing. (I almost emailed some friends, "I've sewn a seam!!!", but I resisted.) I'm not sure if I can finish it by tomorrow, but hopefully I can find the energy during weekday evenings.

Forgiven, though it took awhile. This rascal never wants to lie on me, but he often lies nearby and reaches out to lightly touch me.
I'm not sure which one of us is the bigger curmudgeon.
It's me. Probably.

DD2 contacted me last week. She needed a baby picture immediately.
She was already late - this may not make it into the yearbook. I didn't have time to pull boxes from the garage and dig through them, so I took a picture of this photo, which is framed and hangs on the wall.
They are heart meltingly cute at this age, partly so you will still love them when they become teenagers.
It's just nature's funny little way.


  1. What a fun place to know about in the city. And, hooray for sewing a seam! I haven't turned my machine on in over a week. Boo for too much work.

  2. What a cutie! I agree with you on toddler cuteness as a buffer against future teenage atrocities...since all my stepchildren were 10+ when I acquired them, THERE WAS NO BUFFER...eeek. Congrats on SEWING A SEAM!

  3. If you are enjoying the stencilling set-up and experimentation process then that is time well spent :)
    I'm really looking forward to seeing your new project.
    I'm sure you'll find a lemon a day will stave of colds, it did for me! although didn't expect you to take it up after your comment!

  4. So true! Her picture is darling.

    I know the sewing conundrum. I am just not feeling the love either with my room in a shambles and much of my house disorganized still from the flood issues. It's sucking the life out of my productivity. But my brain is still popping with creative ideas. At least you are playing. I am dreaming....

  5. I love that you use your insomnia to do things. I've had low mojo syndrome, too, with a lingering cold, and just finally sewed a bit on a Halloween costume for DD. Yes, the teenage years are really hard, and cover a longer time span than I had naively expected. now that mine is past that stage, she is even better than a cute toddler because she takes care of herself. Hang in there!! adorable photo!

  6. Love the baby photo. I often tell my DGD, 'I liked you better when you were 4'. Then we both laugh. She knows I'm a sucker for her at any age! Hope your mojo returns full force; hope the you survive work deadlines (they can be the pits); and very happy to hear the kitty has forgiven. :)

  7. seems to me like you have a lot percolating....pockets, stencils, a project in the works.....Can't wait to see where this is all going. (^:


  8. I hope you find your mojo and get back on your project schedule.

    OMG, I laughed at the toddler pix truth. I need to pull out her baby photos b/c we've been going through a tough age since .forever.

    We're coming up for thanksgiving. Should I bring you some LA sunshine (aka Lemons from our tree)?

    1. OMG, if you have extra lemons, I'd love them! I've been using grocery store lemons and they are a sad replacement for the Meyer lemons off the tree.

  9. There are no places like that where I live (I wish) I was reading about the photo and thinking about my 4 y.o. boy who is always up to no good but have those Bambi eyes nobody can resist, he always gets away with it!

  10. I haven't blogged in forever either. I have one question though. What is a seam? 8-)

    1. lol. It holds two sides of a pop tart together.

  11. Hi Shams, I've missed you on your blog!!!! I too have been stuck since DOL but have been in taking in the T shirts that I had made and several Dollies said they were too big! I'm still struggling with the perfect T out of the box! I have the adel pattern , do you think it is close to good? I am planning on making the Sandra Betinza dress out of a stripe of purple and black ponte that Marcy had in her sample pacs. Love knowing you, Emily

    1. So good to hear from you, Emily! I guess I missed that at DOL! (Where folks were saying your tees were too big.) I really like the Adele pattern. It is one of my TnTs, though I added for my bust and I like it even better when I shortened it.

      The SB dress will look great on you!

  12. Opposite ends of the planet but we seem to be in the same head space right now.

  13. Sounds to me that you are about to birth something. It just needs to gestate for a while. so keep dreaming and testing and it will come to fruition.
    So glad you are playing with paint! It totally changed my wardrobe. I can't wait to see what you'll do with it!

  14. My little one is at the stage in your picture. It is impossible to love anything more.

    I am grinding through a project and will be SO happy when it's done. It's really almost almost almost done now. I hate long projects. Enjoy your time to putter and play.

  15. Playing with one's toys is good - it usually results in things being made. Even though the end result may be far, far away - every step on that road is still some sort of progress.
