
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spring Vogues Have Landed

The spring 2013 Vogue patterns came out today. I was hard at work so I didn't notice them until rather late in the day. I was a bit underwhelmed. I didn't see any that would flatter my shape and/or work with my life. (Both Sandra and Marcy have new dress patterns, but I really don't wear dresses.) Go take a look and tell me what you think. There is a rather cool purse pattern, if you can find the right fabric for it.

Thanks for all of the comments on my weekend post. I ended up working on a purse Saturday, my daughter's jacket on Sunday, and a pair of pants on Monday. I finished the pants but haven't taken pics yet.

I currently have the most steam with my daughter's jacket. She wanted a plaid jacket. Have you noticed how "in" plaid is right now? Plaid is everywhere. Just go to Pinterest and enter "plaid" or "plaid jacket" or "plaid skirt" or "plaid" whatever. Plaid galore.

I couldn't find the perfect plaid for DD1, but I found a plaid she could live with. Want to bet that next fall there will be loads of wonderful plaid fabrics available to sewists? Isn't that the way? :)

Anyway, I am happy with the progress on her jacket. I have included a pic of the pockets. Hopefully I will have a more substantive post in the next day or two, if I can get pics taken of my new pants.


  1. I liked the Sandra Betzina dress alot but then you know I like me a dress! *LOL* It was an okay collection which is a good thing because then I won't be buying another bunch of patterns! Although I have to tell you that selection seems like someone's reading the comments on the's patterns, not such crazy poses, and a lot of tops.

  2. Yes, I was a little disappointed in the new vogue offerings as well. But there were a couple I am considering adding to the collection. I too am not really a dress kinda gal, but I still thought Marcy Tilton's new dress pattern has some possibilities. However, it does seem like like there was an over-abundance of dresses in this collection.

  3. I know that while the new Marcy Tilton dress pattern is not your style at all, it is sooo perfect for me that I am wondering if I should break down and purchase it... Truly, I rarely see patterns for entire garments that I Want, more usual is for me to buy a pattern to snag some detail or another, but Vogue 8876 fits right into my personal aesthetic.I wonder how difficult it would be to alter the shoulders to fit...

    1. Sure you should buy it, if it is perfect for you!! I believe in supporting good design.

  4. Nope, those Vogues don't inspire me at all. At least the models are posed in more realistic positions... But the shoes - remind me of the balloon-like footwear which Minnie Mouse wore in 1960s cartoons.... And a lot of dresses which only my 105-pound sister-in-law could possibly wear.

  5. Hi Shams! I had a quick look at the new collection this morning and all I could see was draped knits and oversized things, not anything that we haven´t seen before.
    I love your daughter´s plaid colours!

  6. Pretty much same-o, bore. I do like the Ralph Chado shirt. I would make that for spring.

  7. I have to agree. I was not overwhelmed either. I do like the Marcy dress and kinda like the Sandra Betzina dress. The tops are OK. I do kinda like the assymetric 8881 the best. I think my favorite thing is the Donna Karan jacket. I've seen similar but for some reason this has grabbed me and I'm thinking laminated linen or maybe one of the metalic colored fabrics on Marcy's website.

    Shams, I do like the plaid you are making up for your daughter and can't wait to see what else you've been up to.

  8. I like the plaid and I especially like the zippers on the pockets. Adopt me, I'm really easy to please ;)

  9. I guess it is all in point of view because I saw way too many patterns in this collection that I want. Of course I do wear dresses and I think the Donna Karan patterns are always good. The Pamela Roland with the architectural collar intrigued me. A couple of the easy options dress patterns were very cute. Also the little poplin trenchcoat attracted me, I can see making that up in a sky blue color.

  10. I like the vintage 8875 dress amd coat, the 8876 Tilton dress, the 8881 assymetrical tank and the men's shirt.
    Please don't match up the plaid for your daughter like on the rump of that 8887 suit!!!

  11. that is quite a gorgeous plaid, and the zipper pulls look great, too. So far, so good!

  12. I kind of like 1346, the Karan jacket, but you are right, not a flattering silhouette for YOU, although it would be awesome on JillyBe! No must haves at all, since I'm like you, I pretty much never wear dresses. - Heather

  13. I too love your choice of plaids. Is it wool? flannel? Gorgeous color way.

    I liked some of the new Vogues. It always takes me a while to imagine the usefulness of some patterns. Then I realize that I love patterns. I collect patterns. I make some of them. So some of these will definitely go in my wish list.

  14. Lovely plaid!

    I liked Marcy's new dress--reminds me of something that Nancy Murakami did a while back. The v-neck tee (8879) is nice, too. Otherwise, meh. Not much for the rectangular sewist.

  15. I actually like the new Vogue offerings. But then I do wear dresses and feel most comfortable in them. There are about three or four patterns that are on my want list.

  16. The new patterns leave me feeling sort of *meh*. Lots of offerings for those who wear dresses, but little of interest for the rest of us. I'm disappointed there isn't a new top from Marcy or Katherine Tilton. I always look forward to their patterns, and this time there's only the dress from Marcy. I saw one tunic pattern I might like. Otherwise... and why do the models look so angry?!

  17. Nice bathrobe pattern, V8888....

  18. I didn't see much I like in the new patterns. Luckily a have a stack of patterns still to make.

  19. I love the new Vogue purse pattern. I have seen the heavier felt needed to make them for sale from Etsy vendors. I liked the Elizabeth Gillet jacket which is similar to a Style Arc jacket pattern that is very popular. And several of the easy tops would be great in mixed prints for spring. I am so tired of cold weather!

  20. I love the bag pattern although I think the tucked applique is just not quite enough off center. I've got loads of felted wool and can really see this pattern getting a lot of use.

    I LOVE the Donna Karan jacket. It is very similar in line to the on Heidi Klum was sporting, that quilted number. I can see making that one too!

    The Patricia Underwood Hat is spectacular but have no need. Who does? Also the V.Easy, V. Vogue pink number is prescious and could really look good on a petite. All in all I like this collection. Bring it on.

  21. Hey Shams, about plaid, FYI - I just ordered and received a gorgeous plaid fabric, #34182 from Emma One Sock, it is a bit deeper in color, and I believe much better than the photo. On sale too. The Spring Burda patterns have a very nice selection. Thanks for all you share.

  22. That's too bad that you didn't find any patterns inspirational this season. I typically enjoy your take on the patterns. Maybe next season...

  23. I really like the Chado Ralph Rucci shirt and pants. They remind me of the old Issey Miyake designs.

    I also like the Anne Klein dress.
