
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jalie Yoga Pants - 3022

I need some new TNT pants that are more fitted, so I decided to try the new-ish Jalie Yoga pants pattern, 3022. This pattern calls for a 4-way stretch knit, but I didn't have a bottom weight 4-way stretch knit, so I used a 2-way stretch ponte.

I traced off a size S, based on my hip measurement. I made no other changes to the pattern. These fit great! I love the RTW look, fit, and styling of the Jalie patterns. The 2-way knit (instead of a 4-way) was no problem at all.

These pants were folded up in a suitcase for a few days, hence the wrinkles. I was too lazy to press them for the pics.

In the interest of full disclosure, I saved the following picture for last.

I have been feeling that many of my clothes are making me look a bit frumpy (having lost 22 lbs so far). I can take in some of my things (though not all), but I haven't yet started the altering process, which I really hate. This top, which I really like, is one I can't easily alter because of the cool pointed asymmetric pocket, which is sewn into the side seam.

So, for the photos, I used a technique used frequently in professional photo shoots. I used a hair clip to clip the back of the top to remove extra fullness. I even took a photo of the back so you can see my naughtiness. I wish it were only that easy to alter for real!

I really love these pants and need to make a few more pair!

A couple more things:

Vote for Rhonda!

Rhonda Buss, of Rhonda's Creative Life, attended Sew Expo in Puyallup as one of five semi-finalists to appear in a spot on the sewing television program, Sew It All. After that presentation, which you can view at the link below, she made it to the finals. It is now down to her and two other contestants who are competing as a sister-in-law team. I thought she had a great entry – you can see her video if you click the following image link.

Please vote!

Finally, I'm sure you have seen that the blogosphere is a-twitter with the news that Google Reader is going away on July 1st. I guess Google just isn't interested in being in the biz anymore. But all is not lost - there are other alternative readers out there. In fact, Mary, of Mary Sews, has written a nice post on replacements for Google Reader. Personally, I don't use Google Reader, I use Blogger Dashboard, but you don't have that unless you have your own blog on blogspot.

I decided to add a widget to my blog to make it easier to follow using Bloglovin. (You can see it in the upper left corner of my blog.) I experimented with Bloglovin' and it's great. It's easy to set up, easy to use, and you can choose to have your favorite blogs sent as an email if you prefer. In fact, Jillian wrote a nice post on how to set up a bloglovin' account. And it's free!

Thanks, ladies, for all of the useful info that you share!!! The internet/blog sewing community is fabulous!


  1. LOVE it! Hair clip and all...those are GREAT pants...

  2. Had to laugh about the "full disclosure" hair clip. Sometimes I wish I could wear something like that out in public :). Fantastic on the weight loss!

  3. Wow, you are working hard because you can really see that you've lost 22 lbs. The pants are great! So are you going to alter your clothing or make all new? Oh and I use my blogger dashboard to read blogs too cause it even works on my iPad.

  4. lol on the "full disclosure" pic - wouldn't it be nice if.....

    I'm so proud of you for the healthy weight loss - you're looking great! I do feel for you on the alterations front though. My older baggy clothes (which have more to do with bad styling and not knowing what good fit is than anything else) are mostly still hanging in my closet waiting for me to deal with them....sometime it's just easier to sew new, even if the fabric on the old stuff is too fabulous to dump :(

    Maybe we need to set up a "Refashioning/Alteration Support Group" ;)

  5. Cute pants! I voted for Rhonda and signed up for both Bloglovin and Feedly. So far Feedly is winning, but will give them both awhile to see which I like best. Transferring my lists from Reader was easy for both of them. I will also use the iPhone apps for awhile too and see which I prefer. Actually so far both are better than Reader!

  6. Hooray for your weight loss! You do look really good with your new clothes fit to your new size. I wish I had words of wisdom to share to make you eager to remake your older things, but I don't. I have a couple of pairs of pants so big that I can pull them off without unzipping or unbuttoning them. . . they are going off to a new home (I am donating them since they are still in good shape) and buying new. Sometimes it is easier to just set stuff free to find new homes unless you are really, really in love with it.

  7. Congrats on the weight loss, you look fabulous!
    I have a similar yoga pant Kwik Sew pattern. You've inspired me to dig it out and put it in the try pile!

  8. Wish I needed a clip in the back of my top, too! You look lovely. Great pants, no surprise there.

  9. Kudos to you for making your own yoga pants, something I don't do for myself, since purchasing them is way too easy. They look so good on you! Congrats on your march toward Skinnydom. :)

  10. Look at you skinny minnie!!! All of your hard work has paid off. I hope you get up every morning with a smile on your face because you deserve to be smiling the smile of a champion. You have some wonderful clothes, but I would only alter the pieces that I REALLY love. New is always better!
    Now, you and Jilly are like two peas in a pod. Once again I was so surprised when I scrolled to the end of your post and saw the plug for me. Super Shams sweeps in once again:) thank you so much.

  11. Pants are perfect and you look terrific in your "new" body!

  12. You are too funny. Love your posts. Made an old lady's day. God bless you.

  13. Congrats on losing the weight. I am trying to do the same. Unsuccessfully as of yet, but I am persevering.
