
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Miscellaneous Fun Stuff

When it comes to designing clothing, there are two basic approaches.

Pattern drafters work in two-dimensional space, on flat paper. This method for creating patterns uses simple math and requires some visualization skills to map from 2D paper to a 3D body. This approach is right up my alley. I have an engineering mind. I love math and am very comfortable in 2D space. In middle school, I even took (regular) engineering drafting classes, where I was one of two girls in a sea of boys.

Then there is the more sculptural approach of draping. In this approach, you drape fabric on a dress form or (if you are lucky) a person. To me, this is the sexy side of garment design. You can achieve effects in draping that would be impossible to figure out by pure pattern drafting alone. And, of course, as the rectangular shaped girl who longed for the Audrey Hepburn waist, and the girl with thin, plain "dishwater brown" hair that wanted long luscious red or black locks, I have always loved the idea of draping and wished that I had that sort of artistic mind. Back when I was taking classes at CaƱada College, I took a full year of pattern drafting, but they didn't offer draping. (They do now!)

I have done some very limited draping on my body. For example, when I made my wedding dress, I draped parts of the bodice. Every time I fit a bust dart on my body, that is a form of draping. But it would be soooo much fun to do some real draping. (Of course, to do that I would need a dress form in my shape, but that's another matter.)

Anyway, Laurence King Publishing informed me about a new draping book that will be published in a few weeks. The book, Draping, by Karolyn Kiisel, looks intriguing. (And Laurence King certainly publishes some very impressive titles.) No one has offered me a free copy, but I have ordered one from Amazon. And I have signed up for a one-night class at Apparel Arts (and hosted by Britex) where Karolyn Kiisel shows how to draft an Audrey Hepburn dress. (I paid for that, too.)

I'm mentioning it in case any local peeps want to join me. The cost is $25, which seems fairly reasonable for the one-night event on September 19th. The following pic is clickable and takes you to the book on Amazon.

Artistry in Fashion

And, don't forget, Artistry in Fashion is coming on September 28th! I had to miss it last year so I am really ready to go. (That link takes you to a page where you can print out a $1 coupon against admission, though I don't mind paying full price because it's a reasonable $10 and it benefits their scholarship fund.) The guest speaker is Sandra Ericson of the Center for Pattern Design. They have been posting pictures from some of the vendors on their Facebook page and I can't wait!


Last night I met up with BadMomGoodMom and Jilly Be for some vittles and tea in Hayes Valley (near downtown SF). (BadMomGoodMom already blogged about it.) Lots of good conversation ensued and I even met BadDad, who met up with us for a second round of dinner. BadMomGoodMom, a theoretical physicist who doesn't care for one of JillyBe's and my favorite TV shows, The Big Bang Theory, wanted us to make sure to mention that not ALL theoretical physicists are nerdy geeks and can, in fact, be pretty sexy. Point taken, though I personally am pretty geeky and relate to geeky types. ;)

I am trying to do some sewing this weekend, but I will be taking some time off today to shop with DD1. Originally my kids wanted to go to Golden Gate Park today to ride the surrey bicycles, but this is the weekend of the Outside Lands festival, one of the biggest musical events in the country. I am staying far far away from that part of town!

I hope you have a good one!


  1. Wow, I can't believe both of those events are so affordable! Have fun! Everything that Richmond is lucky enough to host is at a minimum $125.

    1. I agree, Isaspacey, both events are reasonable!

  2. The drapery class sounds fun! I'm with you and JillyBe -- I love Big Bang Theory:)

  3. OOOh a new book that looks sooo good - I think you should be offered a free copy or commission as I am off to purchase a copy when it is available! I wonder if she travels? Perhaps Karolyn Kisel would like a trip to Hobbiton land for our summer? Draping classes are far and few in our land.

    1. Her book looks like it might be good, Jacquianne!

  4. It was such a fun evening! And I'll be seeing you at the draping class too :)

  5. What a fabulous opportunity! You must let us know how you get on. And please review the book. I'd lve to get it if it's any good but it's quite expensive in the UK

    1. That's suprising, Jane. Laurence King is a British publishing company, so I would think you could get it for a good price.

  6. hee hee, I aspire to nerdy geekiness :)
    Your social learning /sewing events sound very appealing and fun.
    Keep us posted!

    1. Will do, Robin! Too bad you aren't close by!

  7. You are truly blessed to live in an area that offers such a wealth of valuable sewing learning and experiences. I'm so glad for you and your sewing friends that you don't let those opportunities pass you by. Enjoy!

  8. Gosh, the front of that book makes me want to acquire it! What a fabulous bodice. I would absolutely love to try draping one day... You'll have to let us know what you think of the book and the class!

  9. Enjoy the draping event-and I hope to make it to Artistry in Fashion Sept 28. It is on my calendar.

  10. That draping class sounds fun. I wonder if they will run one in LA? I'd sign up for sure.

    Next time, I hope we can have a longer visit.

  11. Once again, I wish that I were a SF *local*. You guys have such fun! The book looks interesting. May just click on through. Thanks! Martha

  12. What a great meet up you all had.

  13. That book looks fabulous...but it is pricey here in the UK. Enjoy the course.
