
Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm out!

I just saw the post on the FM blog and I'm out!

It's actually a relief. :) I hadn't started this week's challenge yet, as I figured there was a good chance I would be out.

Congrats to Audrey - this week's winner!

And thanks to each of you for your (often enthusiastic) support!


  1. Wha whathwat? Crap. Oh well-you won as far as we're concerned. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to vote in the latest round-I was sick =(

  2. waitasec when did the last thing get voted on? I was here for your last post was it before that? Durn. I'm sorry lady!

  3. You will always be my favorite! I am amazed you could even come up with something wearable from those weird fabric panels. You did good girlfriend!!!

  4. Well, you went out on a high note as far as I'm concerned you did a beautiful job with the piece that you made. To be honest, I am really surprised as there was one entry that I thought was inappropriate for the fabric.

  5. Oh, so sorry, you did a great job all throughout the contest. Now go sew something you want to make!

  6. I am pleased you are relieved. I can't believe you were eliminated though, one of the other garments made actually made me gasp with it's hideousness. I really disliked the print you had to use this time around, you did amazingly well with it.

    PS-you were robbed on the vintage pattern challenge-you should have won.

  7. bummer............I'm going to miss your entries. BUT now you can make whatever your little heart desires! Congrats on taking the plunge and coming this far.

  8. You should feel enormously proud of yourself for your wonderful work in this contest--and I'm sure you do! I feel relieved on your behalf--the fabric for the chiffon project was really rather tragic, and now you are free. I liked your chiffon top a lot, by the way.

  9. I'm glad you're relieved. You've been doing an incredible amount of amazing work and sustaining that level of energy is really hard even when the stretch is good for us. I thought you did an amazing job with your projects and as I said before they were a fabulous mix of fit and creativity. YES YES ! ! !

  10. My mind is blown... I thought you'd be crowned and sashed as the winner of the whole thing. You're sewing skills are top notch and you can out-sew me any day of the week. I'll miss seeing your work in the last couple rounds. Now go breath a sigh of relief (and know that I've not ever started my next project :)

  11. Double darn! You are so creative, Shams. And I'll bet that you are really tired, what with a job plus demanding sewing challenges. Know that you are a winner to all of us.

  12. Really understand how you feel as that is how I felt after being cut the third week! You have done an amazing job and I've learned so much from you.

    The question is: will you be anxious to sew something of your own choice or (like me) lose your sewing mojo for a while? Can't wait to see your versions of the new Vogue patterns!

  13. Your creations were amazing. The WORK and creativity that went into them, not to mention the craftsmanship, were outstanding. I was flabbergasted at some of the other entries throughout this contest!

  14. Actually I'm happy for more piece of nasty fabric and I was gonna write in and tell them you were done! Who has time to sew that stuff! *LOL* You did a fabulous job in this competition and made some awesome pieces. You should be proud that you made it to Round 7 - I know I'm proud of you!

  15. Like all the other posters I think you did a fabulous job in this contest and picked you for the sure winner. So congratulations on sewing/designing wonderful wearable garments and now make whatever "rocks your creative boat"!

  16. They just kept giving you fabrics that didn't fit your style. Sorry to see you leave.

  17. Well done. You didn't bail and now you're free!

  18. For sure you should have won the whole contest!!! Now you can sew what you want to and use fabric you like!

  19. Ah..... what a disappointment. Congratulations on a job well done :)

  20. We all know that you are Madame Champion!! I have loved all of your garments - the studded dress and the vintage dress especially. Noblesse oblige, as I like to say! Brava Shams!!!!

  21. Robbed! ;-) Enjoy sewing something without any pressure.

  22. You did a great job on every challenge -- so consistently good. Well done!

  23. What?! Another blown mind here. This doesn't fit into my world view at all...! Ugh. Without slipping too far into the potentially hurtful territory of comparisons, I'll just say you are the real deal; please don't let any contest results get you down. I've seen my share of head-scratching results in songwriting competitions too; you just shake your head in disbelief and move on. I can't imagine how this happened, but I'm glad for your freedom from the pressure of doing something great with uninspiring fabrics. Looking forward to seeing your next creation!

  24. I was amazed at your creativity - particularly with the vest. and you made a couple of fantastic dresses. Oh, well, now on to sewing exactly what you want. I had to laugh when I saw on their website that they were actually selling (pushing) that chiffon fabric, yikes! I thought it was from their scrap pile.

  25. I'm glad you're relieved. The fabric for the last challenge was ... challenging in more ways than one.

    Now on to sew for yourself, with no pressure. Heather

  26. I have really enjoyed seeing what you (and your fellow competitors) came up with each time. I am sorry that you are out as I always particularly liked your creativity and execution. But I wonder if you felt less than happy with this one(?) ... as I noticed that, for the first time, you didn't include the vote link!
    Oh well. I'm looking forward to the first thing you sew for just yourself now! I know I'll love it as usual!

  27. I can feel your relief, but still....I honestly thought there were 2 entries that didn't pass muster at all this week & should have been out before you. But then, as you know, there were weeks when you were the clear winner in my book!

    Congrats on making it this far, and I look forward to you having a life again lol!

  28. Sorry to see you go but breath that sigh of relief and go make something you want!

  29. Sorry to see you lose but it's more fun to sew what you want to when you want to rather than have to sew something with time constraints. I voted each time for you and you really are a winner. In fact all the sewers created wonderful garments.

  30. You were a terrific and gracious contestant. Every week you created garments that were true to yourself. I agree with Carolyn's comments. They SHOULD give you top prize for "How to Make it Work." Your weekly comments on how you approached the project and grappled with design and technical challenges will be my go to for problem solving for a long time to come. You do so much to encourage all of us with your efforts. Thanks!

  31. You did a great job in using your skill and creativity to make some truly wonderful garments. I can't imagine that I could keep any mojo intact in the face of some of the fabrics offered. So extra kudos for guts and determination!

  32. My reaction in a list:

    I'm sorry to hear this news .

    I'm happy that you are relieved.

    I'm confused by the judging process (well this confusion has been present for several weeks).

    I hope to continue to see your creative work.


    Rose in SV

  33. The contest was really elevated by your participation. Thanks for putting so much of yourself into the projects!

  34. I'm sorry you were voted off but glad to hear that you are relieved. The contest seemed to be so much work! I think your garments were executed well, showed exceptional work, and made the best of sometimes awful fabrics. You inspire me!

  35. Something is dreadfully wrong with the judging of these garments. For several weeks there were those that needed to be voted out and some of them actually won. I'm sorry to see you go. You did a fantastic job with all of your garments. All of them deserved to win, especially what you did with that last piece of fabric.

  36. It certainly was fun seeing your creations, but I'll bet you sleep for a month now. Well done, Shams, and thanks for sharing the fun with us.

  37. So disappointed! I will really miss your entries. What you were able to accomplish with each challenge was amazing. I love looking at your creations! But I can totally understand how you must be relieved to not have extra something to do at a time when you have had an extra heavy workload. I'll look forward to whatever you have next. :)

  38. I'll miss your entries too! You have been such a fabulous and inspiring contestant and have a knack of seeing potential in seemingly impossible fabrics and patterns, that's for sure. So pleased to read in your followup post that you took the day off to fabric shop and plan some relaxed fun sewing! Happy Halloween :)

  39. I'm sorry to see you go, but I have to agree with Carolyn, it's a relief. Your creations were nothing short of spectacular! It was a wonderful exercise. Can't wait to see what you'll make going forward!

  40. I can't help thinking that you are actually a wee bit glad Shams - the last challenge was really not your style at all. But well done on getting this far and your time is now your own! Create and sew whatever you desire....

  41. Oh, I'm sorry you are out, but glad that you are glad! But I am also glad to see some comments above questioning the fabrics you were sent, I AGREE!!! You did an amazing job with some truly challenging colours, patterns and prints. Well done and congratulations you, all your pieces were/are a credit to your considerable creativity and ingenuity. Now go and make something "shams-y" that is YOU!

  42. Fun while it lasted. You did really well. That last challenge was a tough one.

  43. I really enjoyed your creations Shams, and this has bought me to your blog as a new reader. Thanks for being so creative and classy throughout.

  44. Well, that is a shame! Loved seeing how you put your twist on each and every challenge ~ thanks for sharing the journey with us ... J

  45. I enjoyed following your progress as you managed to create beautiful things with each challenge. I'm sorry your run didn't continue, but I hear you on being somewhat glad...I'll bet you are TIRED!

  46. I can't imagine doing what you accomplished in the competition. Now you have your life back!!!!! You totally inspired me and thank you for giving us the results of your hard work! The last fabric was just horrid. Not worth the time to work on it. They should have provided quality, current fabric for real design. You deserve nothing better than the best!

  47. Shams, I really enjoyed how you handled all those challenges they threw at dealt with each one creatively and with a sense of humor. It's their loss, not yours, you did a fantastic job on each one!

  48. Aww so sorry to hear that. I loved your entries. You did an amazing job. Now get some well earned rest!

  49. Enjoy your next sewing adventure. Thank you so much for sharing your competition journey with us. You were amazingly creative, skilled, clever, and a joy to watch week after week. Rest and relax!
