
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sewing Competition Update and Craftsy Award Voting

Vote for me for Craftsy's blogger awards!


I just learned I have made it to round 2 of the voting for the Craftsy Blogger Award for best sewing blog! I threw the button on my blog a week or so ago but I didn't mention it, so I am grateful to those of you who voted!

The other three blogs in my category are totally new to me, but they look interesting!

Round 2 of voting has begun. Please consider voting! (You can click the badge above or on the right to vote.)

Let me update you a bit on the Vintage Challenge.

  • As I mentioned on Saturday, last week I made 4 muslins to perfect the fit.
  • I bought fashion fabric.
  • I cut into the fashion fabric.
  • I mostly completed the garment over the weekend.
  • It was ATROCIOUS. (A failure due to choice of fabric AND pattern changes.)
  • I thought about plan B.
  • I bought more fabric.
  • I machine washed and dried the fabric.
  • I realized that the new fabric would NOT work.
  • I combed through my stash.
  • I found another fabric that I think will work. (I hope.)
  • I cut some of the pattern and started sewing.

That's where I am now. The garment is partially cut out and partially sewn.

I've been stress eating.


Lots has been going on in my work life and personal life, causing me some stress. In fact, so much so that it's been hard to fully focus on the sewing competition, but I will be buckling down!


  1. Hope everything settles down for you soon! And the vintage dress? I'm sure it will be just fine. Not worth worrying about. :-)

  2. I feel your pain! Just remember that no one is more critical than you.Throw caution to the wind let your funky style shine!


  3. Hang in there, Shams...all will be fine!

  4. I also hope things settle down to, at least, a dull roar. I wish you luck on whatever you choose. I hope the stress eases up for you. Breathe ;-) !

  5. Congrats on making it to round two of the Craftsy blogger awards! You totally deserve the recognition! And, I'm sorry to hear about the competition woes. It's got to be hard to sew something you really like and really will wear under some of the constraints. I wish you lots of luck and trust that your eye and talent will pull you through. I'm rooting for you!

  6. Hope life finds its equilibrium soon and all the best with fabric #3... take care :)

  7. Can't wait to see what you come up with for this one -- your past efforts have shown so much creativity. Best of luck!

  8. Congrats on being a finalist in the Craftsy thing, your tutorials and explanations are always so useful, and entertaining too! a writer and a sewist :) good luck with the vintage effort.

  9. Congrats on making it to the 2nd round! It is well deserved and I've voted already!

  10. That is a good sign that you are sure what won't work and I think you will be just as sure when you decide what Will work! Voted for ya.

    1. Thanks, Peggy! Are you still planning to sew along? :)

  11. Voted! And hope the stress levels subside. Good luck with the latest fabric choice :)

  12. Brava on the Craftsy advancement! You totally deserve to win! And, of course your vintage garment will be way cool, even if you don't think so at this exact moment. Remember to take a breath and take good care of yourself.

    1. The jury is out on that, but thanks, Claire!

  13. Congrats .. and hang in there've got skills (as Tom Cruise
    said to Cameron Diaz .. ;)


  14. You've worked so hard on regaining your health...I want to encourage you to prioritize that above all else. I love your blog...and I already voted,for you on the crafty thing...but if you aren't "on track" (whatever that is as you define it) I hope you can reduce the stressful stuff to the point where you can take your life and your choices back. You've inspired me to pay attention to my health...don't forget yours..(please.)

  15. That was said from one large person to a formerly large person...lots of love and as much support as I can hoist your way from 450 miles away.

  16. Don't stress eat-stress power walk. It really does clear the mind. And I saw that craftsy thing somewhere on the net and immediately voted for you. Came here to tell you you were on the list and saw this post XD Doh, ofcourse you knew but you didn't mention it in any posts so I thought perhaps you didn't. Best of luck with all the things!

    1. This is why you are thin, perfectnose, you have healthy habits. And thanks! :)

  17. Stress - such a delightful companion. NOT. You've been doing such great work - a fabulous combination of creativity and fit. I know how stress can make that drive go right out the window and I hope you can work around it. YES YES - you can do this.

  18. It will all work out in the end. Don't fret, I'm still on my muslin....and also stress eating.

    1. Thanks, Shanni! Thank goodness we had 2 weeks!

  19. Hang in there.You are doing so well. Sending you positive and creative vibes!

  20. More heartfelt support from miles away . . . please, no stress eating. Stress eating will cloud that wonderful brain of yours! Keep it clear and bright! You need it more than ever when you're facing stress on multiple fronts. I'll cast a vote your way, gladly, on Craftsy. And that rundown of setbacks and perseverance in the current challenge is like reading a sewing thriller. The hero (you) will prevail. Love from here.

  21. take a deep rock and your sewing skills are awesome, take care of you and all else will fall in line

  22. Figure if YOU are stressing about this one, so are the other contestants and you can sew better than anyone!!! I voted.

    1. LOL, such faith you have in me, Judi. Thanks!

  23. If it works, it works. Not worth stressing out over!

  24. I just voted for you.

    Please don't stress eat, it just isn't worth it. Please.

  25. So excited about the wonderfulness in your life - potential craftsy recognition and continuing to compete in the fabricista challenge. You are such an inspiration. Tell you what I'm going to do...I'll stress eat for you to free you up to continue to create wonderfulness.

    1. Martha, you're so thoughtful!!! :)

    2. Margy is right, Martha! Very thoughtful of you! And thanks. :)

  26. I understand stress eating! Try to let it go and I am sure your garment will come out right.

  27. Good luck with the Craftsy competition! And I can't wait to see your vintage creation!

  28. I love the dress. It sometimes takes a lot of time and effort to make a vintage pattern look so current. You did a wonderful job. Wish I had the time to get in some of these competitions. I'm living vicariously through you as you enter one contest after another, so keep up the great work.
