
Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Queen of Dithering

No question about it, I am the Queen of Dithering.

In fact, one of the hardest aspects of the FM competition was that I had to *quickly* make a decision for each week's challenge. That is not easy for me and I constantly second-guess myself.

Right now, I am feeling positively overwhelmed with exciting potential makes.

First up, I have a couple Style Arc patterns winging their way to me. Have you seen the Ziggy moto jacket? Have you SEEN it?!

Oh Chloe, you little vixen. You have seduced me utterly.

Michael Kors has a RTW moto jacket very similar to this for beaucoup bucks. I like the Mindi skirt, too. ('Cause everything is better with zipper pockets!)

The fact that Style Arc patterns fit me out of the envelope better than any other brand (with fewer alterations) is just icing on the cake.

Then, I have several patterns winging to me from the last BMV (Butterick McCalls Vogue) sale. I already blogged about my favorites (as well as pointing out some wasted opportunities) from the latest Vogue release.

Then, Margy is kindly loaning me a copy of an OOP pattern that I covet, also flying my way, as we speak. (I have it in my former size, but not my current size.)

Then, I bought a vintage pattern. An expensive vintage pattern. I will not admit what this pattern cost, but I believe it is more money than I have ever spent on a pattern.


I have some gorgeous teal wool crepe, gifted to me by the incredibly generous Rhonda Buss, that I would like to use for this pattern. However, the yardage is a tad short. I hope I can "make it work", because this fabric really wants to be this pattern.

Finally, several weeks ago I was in Goodwill (thrift store), looking for cute belts to fit me (always a challenge). Instead, I spied a coat. A really cool coat. One of the coolest coats I have seen in awhile. It was a size 55, which Margy later tracked down to Korean sizing and equivalent to a U.S. 4-6. I can just barely get my arms into this coat. I had to buy it ($30), because I hope to replicate it in my size. It will be a lot of work, but this coat is worth the trouble.

Dither dither.

I hope to sew tonight, as I haven't sewn the last two evenings. But it's a bit of a race to see which pattern arrives first!

Probably all will arrive today and then you will hear the dithering all the way from San Francisco!


  1. How exciting! Many projects to look forward to from your creative hands!

  2. Isn't it so difficult sometimes? I love having so many options in both patterns and fabric from which to make my choice. But then, like you, the dithering of making a specific decision starts in. Sometimes I've let valuable sewing time disappear because I can't just pick something and go with it. But you've got some awesome possibilities there--I'm looking forward to seeing what comes from under your machine needle next (and next, and next . . . .)!

    1. It's a bounty of riches, for sure! I am not complaining. :D

  3. You could think of your piles of new patterns/materials as a Tasting Menu…but way better because none of those patterns will need to be put in plastic wrap and then in the freezer!! You can keep them out and gaze upon them for as long as you want! And then you can devour each one! I guess I better make myself some lunch. . .

  4. I like the Stylearc patterns. I am particularly keen on the jacket. Looking forward to see how you make yours up.

  5. I'm also obsessing over that moto jacket from StyleArc! I've never purchased any of their patterns so I'm a little apprehensive...I hope you make it so it finally motivates me to order!

    And I definitely dither dither too - instead of sewing I walk around my sewing area and dream up fun outfits...which never seem to come to fruition!

    1. Carrie, I love Style Arc patterns, but I understand! Glad to hear from a fellow Ditherer. :)

  6. What wonderful options to have in front of you to anticipate... Maybe while you were working on the competion all your usual inspiration was building up inside and now is exploding in a huge firework of possibility. That moto-jacket is splendid (love the quilted accent details), and I like the idea of a skirt with zipper pockets... It sounds like there will be all sorts of excitement from the stitching room of Chez Shams! And I can hardly wait to see...

    1. I think you might be right, Alison! I was looking forward to a "free sew" period and, now that it's here, there is so much I want to make!

    2. I have added that Ziggy pattern to my moto-mania Pinterest board... one of these days I will tackle a moto jacket of my own, maybe with a moto-pinafore to match!

  7. That Moto pattern might finally make me pay the Style Arc shipping fees! Wow! You're going to look fabulous in it. And, I say, having too many things to sew is a very nice problem!

    1. It seems, so far, that people want to see the Ziggy jacket the most. :)

  8. So glad you've still got "sewing desire" and how fun to have such great choices. All these sound like something I'll look forward to seeing!

  9. Interesting how you find the fit to be so good on StyleArc. I've been eyeing them up and, whilst the shipping is a bit steep for me, my friend is going to Australia in January and has promised to bring me some home. Now I just need to decide which ones! ;-) Have fun with whatever you decide to sew.

    1. Oooh, how fun, Evie!! People are actively reviewing SA patterns, both on Pattern Review and Stitcher's Guild.

  10. I bow down to your superior dithering skills, Your Majesty! I, too am awaiting delivery of Ziggy...there's going to be a run on 6 inch zippers soon, mark my words!

    1. LOL! So true, Margy! I don't have mine yet!

  11. I gasped when I opened the Style Arc email for this month - love the jacket and the skirt! I was on the fence about their patterns because I really prefer buying multi-size patterns, but your posts on them talked me into it about a year ago... thank you for that!

    1. So did I! Gasp, that is. :) And I'm glad you have found them to be a great source of well fitting patterns!

  12. I ordered the Ziggy jacket the moment it hit my inbox LOL, it ticks all the boxes of the moto style jacket on my inspirations board and made my day. Looking forward to seeing yours made up as I know you rock this style. Loving your infectious enthusiasm too, I also have too many ideas and not enough hours!! It will be fun to see what you make up first.

    1. Oooh, I look forward to seeing your Ziggy, Dilliander!

  13. That jacket pattern is so going to be in my hot little hands quite soon, the skirt with zippered pockets too! Dither away, my dear, it's just your creative juices getting worked up!

  14. I too drooled over the moto jacket but the sparse instructions had me worried. Want to add a sewalong to you list of items to dither over? Then I'd buy it in a second.

  15. Yes, the Ziggy moto is to. die. for. I can't wait to see what you do with that pattern, as well as the others that are on their way to you. After what you've been through with the contest, you've earned your right to dither all you want. Enjoy it!

  16. The Ziggy and the new skirt are winging their way to me. I ordered the first day and my patterns have been shipped! However, I got an e-mail from Chloe yesterday that there is an error in the Ziggy and she will be sending me a replacement Ziggy.

    1. I got that same email, Joan! That is an expensive mistake to make, shipping wise. I am glad they rectified it immediately.

  17. You are so energized since you participated in the competition! I can't wait to see what is coming down the pike.

  18. I'm another with the Ziggy coming my way! I can't wait for your review!! What fabrication do you have planned for it?

  19. oooh that's a lot of sewing to be had! I absolutely adore that biker jacket. What a kick-ass pattern!!! I actually feel un-Australian for not having sewn one of their patterns as yet. That must be rectified, and soon!

  20. Love, love, love both the Ziggi jacket and Mindi skirt. I've ordered both of them for my daughter and myself and can't wait to see what you come up with. I, too, have been dithering a lot lately. I've finally started creating an inventory of my fabrics in Evernote so that I can quickly see what I have and how much (as well as other important factors like stretch and location). My goal is to shop my stash as much as possible for projects so I can whittle it down. While I will be continuing this process for a while, this weekend, I'm going to sew!

  21. Love the Style Arc patterns. I am on a pattern diet until March 2014-so tempting though to buy something. I am focusing on fabric now-one aholicism for another.
