
Friday, December 6, 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Thanks, everyone, for your kind wishes on my new job! I have been wrapping things up at my current job - I will miss the work and the people - but I am eager to get started at the new company.

So, have you heard about the SWANT?

I heard about it some time ago - it stands for SWeater PANT. Hey, JEGGINGS started this way, too. (Jean lEGGINGS.)

Anyway, people have been pinning (on Pinterest) instructions for refashioning a sweater into swants. And these two enterprising non-sewers have given it a try. They posted a video of their results.

You must check this out. :)

And on the subject of cold weather, I have broken out one of my favorite makes, from last Christmas, my flannel lined Style Arc Cassie pants. Ahhh, so warm and snuggly. I wore them last night for the 2013 Bernal Heights Holiday Evening Stroll.

Also, Margy has turned me on to another delightful cozy-warm product. I had heard about these, but it was her enthusiastic recommendation that opened my pocketbook: K. Bell Fleece Lined Legging.

Omigosh! I bought three pair and they are sooo nice. Smooth on the outside and fleecy on the inside. They do not make you look bulky. (After reading reviews, I did size up, btw.) I am planning to make more skirts to wear to work, and I will be enjoying these underneath. Thanks, Margy!

Finally, since this post has a cold theme, I also found the following video on Facebook: how to heat your room for a few cents a day. A very neat idea.

Stay warm, folks in the northern hemisphere! If you make any swants, please send me pics! (Stay cool, southern-hemisphere friends!)


  1. Bundle up!! I saw that SF is going to be super cold today. What am I talking about, I need to bundle up!! It's 18 in Chicago. I can't complain though as that is not so unusual for us. Stay warm :)

  2. I live in Michigan. I think I'm going to need more than 4 tealights!
    Good luck in your new job!!

  3. Those two gals are hilarious! I'm still laughing, thanks for sharing....Anna H

  4. I just have to leave another message. I watched the video and it is HILARIOUS!!! I so enjoyed that :)

  5. I woke up to 20° this morning...the pond is frozen for 30 feet...the ducks don't know how to cross it, being Southern California ducks...stay warm in those fleecy tights!

  6. yes it is cold here in sunny California! I am not built for this:) even thought I feel bad complaining when I see the weather elsewhere.
    Love both those videos, thanks.
    as for fleece lined tights, I found some last Dec. at one of the discount stores and bought up many pairs, both fleece lined tights and knee high socks are perfect to wear with boots and keep my toes toasty.

  7. Candles = clever
    SWANTS = crying, literally crying I was laughing so hard!
    I'm a ways farther south than you & it's cold here but feels "just right" w a down vest/I have my own insulation on SWANTS needed.

  8. OMG The swants video was hilarious. Loved it.

  9. Ditto that. Thanks for the link to the hilarious video. We found out last night that our furnace is broken and it hit the 30s overnight.

  10. OMG that video was sooo funny. Sad thing is I had this real 80's jumper (Aussie sweater) that was oversized and had fleecy sheep and horses knitted in. Bummed that I threw it out a few years back. With proper fabric placement I could have built in knee pads.

    Stay warm. Doesn't get that cold down here is Sydney so I really feel for you.

  11. I'd be worried about getting out of them when a hot flush (flash in your language) hits!!! Today in Melbourne it is going to be a beautiful 24 degrees celsius. And about time - it has been freezing and wet.

  12. I LOVE those videos. I didn't get to comment on your last post but I want to congratulate you on your new job. Outstanding!! I think they hit the jackpot getting you on board. Big congratulations all around.

  13. OMG .. the swants videot is hysterical ! Are you going to attempt .... what am I saying: of COURSE you are .. hahaha. Can't wait to see your results. Happy new job first week.

    ~Joy~ (I'll say BRrrrr .. tonight:to be -10 wind chill)

  14. First of all congratulations on your new job, Change is always so exciting! Enjoy.

    When I read the title of your post, I thought, "Yeah right, it's cold in California", Then I checked the temperature. Holy freezing buttocks Batman, it is cold there. Not as cold as where I am, but damn cold. For ten years I lived in the far north of Canada, and I can tell you that the key to staying warm is layers. Lots of them. Those leggings look like a great start!

  15. I laughed so hard I cried! That video is hysterical!!! And it's freaking cold here in WI. It's a good day to stay inside and sew, or knit, or bake, anything that doesn't require going outside.

  16. Yummm, fleece lined tights! Also, fleece vests, because if your torso stays warm, the rest of you is too. Wear a hat and mittens. Stay warm -it is cold all over the US.

  17. I am freezing shams!!! I am not being fashion forward today -- just wearing as many layers as possible. Now (since I was in LA the past few days) I must go back on your blog to read about your new job. Congrats (and stay warm!)

  18. That was so hilarious. Thanks for starting my day with a laugh, Shams! I'm thinking us petites could maybe make swants work. Is the world ready for that, though?
