
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Badass on the Outside, Party on the Inside - Style Arc Ziggi Moto

It's finished!

Actually, I finished the jacket, after a marathon of sewing, on Sunday around 1:30pm. I was planning to wear it to an event Sunday evening, but then I put it on and I'd sewn the sleeve linings in (by hand) so that they were twisted.

Oh well! I finished fixing the sleeve linings last night.

This is a beautifully drafted pattern.

I did have to make numerous alterations, as this was the first time I purchased a Style Arc for my upper body since losing weight. I ordered a size 10, based on my high bust, and it was too small through the bust (expected), large through the hips (expected), and narrow through the back (not expected). I had to do quite a few alterations in quite a few places, including the seams through the upper back, the collar, the front princess seams. I narrowed the shoulder by about 1" (typical), but I did not shorten the sleeves (atypical). I had to slightly widen the upper sleeve (typical). Next time I might order a size 12 - it depends on the garment.

I especially like the back peplum.

I quilted the shoulder yokes and the upper sleeves. It's extra work, but the effect is really nice. (Though the effect is muted against the textured fabric.)

I lined it with a wild print.

The resulting jackets fits and is comfy. I like it!

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  1. Love it! The quilted yoke and sleeve cap is a great feature. All the best too as you start your new job :)

  2. That's a really up to the moment look :)

  3. Love the moto jacket and especially love the surprise lining! You have such a fearless way with color with spectacular results!

  4. OMG, I can't wait to make this! Fabulous job, Shams. It's (you're) gorgeous!!!

  5. Sharon, perfect! You look so cooool. :)
    I am making a mock up in some cheapy denim and I am finding some alterations are needed. I am not including the pockets or lining in the mock-up but might be wearable, however for errands etc. I found the upper chest really big for me size 12, back looks ok and haven't tried the sleeves yet. BTW, thanks a lot for the pocket tutorial. I looked at those pattern instructions and said later, later.

  6. Wow--love the extra quilting texture too.

  7. You are definitely too cool for school in this jacket. Awesome job.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Susanne! I thought of you in the fabric store the other day, when I ran into your childhood friend, and I talked her into buying some ponte that we both have. ;)

  9. Hiya, Shams! Fond lurker, first time commenter here. Awesome jacket, AND tutorials! I think a song accompaniment is clearly in order. Search on youtube "1952 Vincent Black Lightning Del McCoury" for the Ryman performance. "Red hair and black leather, my favorite color scheme." Brava! Cyndy in Denver

    1. Thanks, Cyndy! I am listening to it, right now. It's fun! :)

  10. BEST moto jacket!! Love the lines, and what a beautiful job (but of course)!

  11. Sorry for being repetitive here but that is the BEST jacket i seen. ohh sending me of your sewing power girl. xx

  12. Stunning jacket. Love how you made the pattern fit you perfectly. You are so talented and inspiring.

  13. Wonderful! Love the way it turned out; looks so kewl on you!

  14. Love it! You look great in it. What pants pattern are you wearing? They look good with that jacket.

  15. Wow--it looks stunning on you!

  16. Oh, Shams, you rock! ….and you continue to out-do yourself while having fun. I am such a fan. This is a magnificent jacket, looks fabulous on you too.

  17. This jacket is incredible! The fit is perfect and I love all the texture and the fun lining. Looks great with those pants too!

  18. like I said you are the zip wizard. very cool and you got a great fit.

  19. Utterly Fabulous! You did a fantastic job with this jacket--and thank you for providing us with some of the play-by-play as you created it. Your tutorials on this pattern will be so helpful. I can't wait to get my copy of the pattern out. I haven't been in the sewing room for a couple of weeks and it's driving me crazy. Again, a fantastic jacket that looks way cool with those pants!

  20. This is superb. I love the quilting, it really makes a difference. I am drafting and making a similar jacket for a fashion course I am doing and I have to say thank you for your tutorials on putting zips in the sleeves. We have to figure out our own construction and my tutor was no help. No worries, I thought, I bet the blogosphere will help and that very same day you posting the one with the facing-genius :-) Thank you so much xx

  21. I love the print lining. It's the reason I often use lace on my hems--a bit of extra pleasure. Now you'll have to adopt a new theme song... Nananananananana Na.

  22. Fabulous! Really cool with those pants too.

  23. Some of us just have to get used to the fact that there are no patterns that fit us right out of the envelope. Sigh. Lovely job, Shams!

  24. That is an amazing jacket. And the pants! Love love love them. Where did that fabric come from? Lisa from BABES

  25. Amazing!!! Inside and out! I keep telling myself I should give a go to those Style Arc patterns, they look great and have such good reviews.
    The outer fabric is really interesting.

  26. Staggeringly brilliant and you look badass (although we all know you're actually very nice!) I just adore inside surprises...

  27. This is a gorgeous jacket, like the quilting.

  28. Awesome Shams! You a such an inspiration. The zipper tutorials are very helpful. Now.... Where's you HOG and helmet??

  29. Superb! Love the quilting in particular. I've been considering this pattern, just don't hope I'm going down the "mutton dressed as lamb" lane.

  30. Absolute brilliance...& I love the quilting detail!

  31. Very nicely done. The lining is almost too good to be hidden away.

  32. Shams, will you please do a tutorial on how you did you FBA on this one? I've bought the pattern and hope to work on two over Christmas break - on for my 36G slim-everywhere-else DD and one for my, shall we say, more mature figure! From your pictures and posts, I can tell that we have to make a lot of the same adjustments. Thanks,

    1. Hi Marci! I actually experimented with a new FBA on this jacket. It's something that I made up and I think it was only somewhat successful. I definitely don't want to publish it at this time.

      Having said that, this jacket is a princess seam (with an extra side panel), so I recommend you use the princess seam FBA, as described in the Palmer Pletsch Fit For Real People book. It's excellent.

  33. Love the quilting! Great Jacket. How many moto jackets do you have now? ;)

    1. Not so many. But what is your point, Elizabeth? ;)

  34. Thank you so much for sharing the makings and finished product of your jacket! You are amazing and reading your blog has definitely made me a better sewist.
    Congrats on your new job! My sister in law was Counsel there for over 10 years.
    Hope you still have time for sewing and blogging. You mean a lot to us out here in the sewing world!

  35. That jacket is AWESOME!!! I love all of the quilted detail and that lining is to die for! You continue to amaze me with the great stuff you produce. Looking forward to seeing much, much more in 2014.Happy holidays.

  36. Wow! It's everything I imagined it would be. I need to get my hand on some StyleArc patterns... Maybe once the baby belly is gone?!

  37. Beautiful! You are so good at jacket/coat making! I have a very similar shape to you, and am struggling a bit with fitting my coat muslin at the moment - would you have any thoughts on how I can get rid of these diagonal lines?
