
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reveal! Weird Metal Thingies in Action


Weird Metal Thingies

It's done!

I decided to use the weird metal thingies in a cowl. I wanted to let them hang freely through grommets. I drafted a simple, shaped cowl, and used a textured knit from EOS. Installing the 100 grommets took some time and all that hammering is a bit hard on the back, so I split it up over several sessions.

I told you it was weird. :)

This cowl has a nice drape and makes a satisfying rattle when I take it off.

I wore it to work yesterday and no one seemed too surprised, so maybe it's not that weird.

Knitted Hat

Over the holidays, I knit a rather disappointing hat for DD2, who is attending university in Minnesota.

She loved it.

She texted me a week or so ago and informed me, with much sadness, that it had gotten wet from the rain and snow and was felting.

I replied that water will not, by itself, cause wool to felt. That it also needed agitation.

She replied that she may, or may not, have been playing in the snow.

Making snow angels, one assumes.

I asked her what color she would like in a replacement hat. She wanted grey but wasn't able to tell me what style of hat.

So I made an executive decision. I told her not to worry, she will love it.

I bought a pattern off Etsy with lots of cables.

I just love cables.

I bought a Malabrigo yarn which is a super wash wool, so it will never felt, no matter how much she frolics in the snow.

I cast on Saturday and finished Sunday, during the Oscars. It was a fun knit.

And I've started a second one for me.

You can read more on Ravelry.

Puyallup Sew Expo

It seems like it's been months in the planning, but it's finally here! Puyallup Sew Expo starts on Thursday and runs through Sunday.

I'm (over) packed and ready to go. I've heard from a LOT of people who will be there: both new and old friends that I look forward to meeting up with. I'm taking classes from Diane Ericson, Linda Lee, Louise Cutting, and Peggy Sagers.

It should be interesting!

I've been on Instagram for years, but have never once posted a picture there. I mostly follow DD1 but, even then, I've only logged on a few times. However, I will try to post some pics while in Puyallup.

My handle is sfshaza and I currently have one follower. I just posted my first test pic, to make sure I knew what I was doing.

I'll give Instagram a shot. Not sure it's up my alley, but I'll try. :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love the scarf and so jealous that you knitted a hat in an evening! By the way you have 3 followers now - I'm number 3. I'm Diaryofasewingfanatic - see you there!

    1. I look forward to seeing you in Washington, Carolyn!

  2. Love the cowl - the metal thingies remind me of jewelry posts that would go through a pierced tongue . . . . :)

  3. Love the hat. Beautiful cables.

  4. That cowl is so unique and quirky. You have a wonderful and creative imagination. Love your work.

  5. You are a clever little thing! Fun cowl and cute hat. Have fun at Puyallop!

  6. Love love love the weird metal thingies cowl! I want to go to Puyallup sometime, but it won't be this year. It seems like it's the mother of all sewing conferences!!

    1. Thanks, Kyle! Puyallup is the biggest sewing expo in the country, I'm told, but it's not for everyone. Some of my friends don't care for the crowds. But I would love to meet you one day!

  7. Love the hat (I too adore cables) but the cowl is immense. I love how your mind works and how you flex your creative muscles constantly. So inspiring!

  8. Love the hat (I too adore cables) but the cowl is immense. I love how your mind works and how you flex your creative muscles constantly. So inspiring!

  9. Great use of those metal things. You are so inventive!

  10. Have lots of fun in Puyallup!!! The cowl is such a fun piece and really not weird at all, just inventive ;)

  11. You're super popular on IG now! :)

    Have fun! And that hat is GORGEOUS!!!

  12. I love the cowl and I want that hat. Brava!

  13. Oh I just LOVE that cowl!

    I think you're up to 28 IG followers now. :-) I've been putting off much social media only because I had an old slow phone. It was tecnically a smart phone but I think it did drugs in its youth because it really wasn't very smart in its advanced age. Ha ... bad joke. Anyway, I recently upgraded to a new phone (Droid - Hi Google) and am loving IG. It's so fast and fun. But I am a little worried that my phone told me where my car was parked without any direct help from me. :-)

    Have a great time at the Expo!

    1. LOL. Instagram is nice, but I can't figure out how to post pics in bulk, so that makes it rather finicky to use, compared to Facebook. But maybe I'm just missing something obvious. Thanks!

  14. That cowl is cool!! Just don't wear it on the airplane up to might get searched!

    1. So true, Gayle! I won't wear it through a metal detector or out in a thunder and lightning storm!

  15. The cowl is great! What an original use. You always have the best ideas.

  16. i love that observation about the cowl being not that weird. first thing I though was - well we are in the bay area :) takes a lot to be weird.
    your knitting is so nice - wish I had learned how. Have fun at the Expo!

  17. Love love love the cowl! I'm picturing what would happen if you stood next to a strong magnet :) Have fun in Puyallup!

    1. LOL. It would make those little balls stand at attention! Thanks, Margy!

  18. Love both! You are just so darn creative!

  19. Oh, Shams! You are genius! That cowl is perfectly cool and not at all weird. The hat is very cute too. Have a great time in Puyallup! I was going to go too but I went to the sunny Oregon beaches instead. Not too sad - it was worth the sacrifice.

    1. Thanks, Louisa! I totally understand about choosing sunny Oregon beaches over a crowded Expo floor!

  20. What a cool cowl! I was all hung up of trying to figure out a "function" for those metal thing-ies. The are very cool being "just" decorative. What a lot of work. Wow. Have a great time in Puyallup. I met you there, the last time you went. But alas, for the first time in about 25 years I have to miss Expo. I hope you have a blast!

    1. And I'm another reader who met you last year at Expo shopping at Marcy's booth. Also, alas, I will miss Expo for the first time in about 20 years. Have fun at dinner on Thurs and say Hi to Diane and Loretta for me...

    2. LOL, thanks, Becky! Even though I wanted to use them decoratively, I would love to know what they were designed to be used for. I'm sorry I won't get to see you again this year!

      Susy, I'm sorry I won't get to meet you again, as well!

  21. No matter what they might have been, the metal bars are great in that cowl; excellent thinking!

  22. You can knit too??????? Honestly....I feel that hat.

    1. You are too sweet, Pamela! Except that I bet you have many hidden talents besides your beautifully artistic mail art!

  23. Cool cowl, beautiful hat (how did you knit it so quickly?), and I'm seriously envious of your trip to the Expo in WA. Sometimes I feel like I'm living on the wrong coast, as the Puyallup Expo is so enticing. You can bet it's on my bucket list. I hope you have a fabulous time there and return rejuvenated and inspired to make even more ingenious things!

    1. Thanks, Dixie! I wish you were here in Puyallup!

  24. I have a coworker out on sick leave (mother is ill) so I am unable to attend SewExpo this year. Such a fantastic place to really get your sewing dreams on.

    I am loving your weirdthing cowl.

  25. Love the cowl, so original ... you are very creative, dear Lady. The hat is great!

  26. Love this cowl and is uniqueness. The hats are beautiful too. Creative lovely work!

  27. Oh my gosh, you are so creative! I LOVE the cowl with the metal thingies! :)

  28. I love both the cowl and the hat! The metal thingies on the cowl is an inspired touch. Have fun at the expo!

  29. That cowl is SO COOL. I love the way they naturally fan out like rays pointing toward your face. Very flattering.

  30. Sharon and I met each other in person the first day of the Puyallup Sewing Expo and she was wearing this super unique cowl. Our paths kept crossing in subsequent days. If anyone hasn't been, just go, even if it's one time. You won't regret it.

  31. Shams
    Was hoping to run into you at the Expo but no such luck! I think I was close on Thursday but was using a scooter. I thought it was you that crossed ahead of me but too crowed to make a quick turn around. Did you have a skirt or dress on with a handkerchief hem? You don't know me but I follow your blog and love to see the new things you sew. Your skills are awesome! Maybe next year.
    Patti Moore, Anaheim Hills, CA

  32. Love the cowl! Wonderful inspired use of the metal thingies - they hypnotized me.
