
Monday, April 17, 2017

Style 17 Giveaway Winner!

Hey gang!

Laura is the winner for a pair of tickets to Style '17! Here was your entry:

Laura    April 10, 2017 at 9:46 AM
I hadn't heard about that show yet, thanks for the heads-up. I'd love to be entered into the drawing.

Please email me (my email address is listed at the top of this page), so I can connect you up with your eTickets!

And don't forget that you can still get 40% off the ticket price with the code SHAMS40. For more information about this event, see my post on Style 17.

I had so much fun this weekend! I spent all of Saturday in a History of Italian Fashion class. I spent all day Sunday researching the designer that I'm giving a presentation on in Florence. I had planned to spend the day preparing for another sewing retreat, but I realized that I'm pretty much ready from the prep I did for my last retreat!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Florence sounds sounds so exciting. I had to giggle about the sewing retreat remark. I overpack for a retreat each time and then yes, have those projects to take for the next one....and more. As my one friend noted, you have to bring a project to retreat three times before you're allowed to finish it;-)
