
Friday, August 25, 2017

Blogiversary and Giveaway!!!

I went to Britex for buttons, but I found one or two other things!
In fact, I found a beautiful charcoal stretch crepe—what I call a unicorn fabric because it's so rare!


It's my EIGHTH Blogiversary today! WOOT!

I thought that I hadn't blogged that much in the last year, but I checked and I published 24 posts, many of them quite long. That's more blogging than I'd realized!


Where is my focus these days? It's in multiple places:

  • I am posting more to Instagram. It's much easier to throw up a quick photo with a sentence or two than to spend hours: taking pics, uploading pics from the camera to the laptop, editing pics, uploading pics to the cloud, writing a blog post with tons 'o pics and links, and cross posting to social media.

  • My work requires focus (and occasional overtime), and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I'm often too tired in the evenings to do more than stare, glassy-eyed, at a monitor. I was happy to achieve a promotion in this year, so it paid off!

  • I am trying to get out more. Enjoy the activities that the bay area has to offer.

  • I'm reading more! I was an avid reader when young, but had gotten away from it. Most recently I've been enjoying the Louise Penny Inspector Gamache series.

  • I've been traveling! Travel is so important to me, and I had to virtually give it up while raising kids as a single mom—I couldn't afford it. Returning to travel has been an enormous joy. This year I traveled to Munich, Paris, Florence, Milan, and NYC. I have several trips already planned for the coming year, including Japan and London.

  • I've started tracking my OOTD (Outfit of the Day). I'm tweaking my style, and keeping track of my OOTD (not EVERY day, but many days), is helpful while I sort things out. This is a personal journey and I'm not sharing it publicly.

  • One thing that hasn't changed: I am so happy when I have uninterrupted time to sew! Along those lines, I have an almost-done top that I will be sharing soon. (The buttons for said top are in the Britex bag in the above pic, which also contains 30 yards of the waistband elastic I like, and 15 spools of white/cream thread. I NEVER used to sew so much white/cream.) If I hadn't been reading last Sunday afternoon, the top would be finished!

I used to post blog statistics on my blogiversary posts. I'm not bothering with that, though I achieved over 3 million page views this year! WOAH! That first million took awhile, but going from 2 to 3 million took less than 2 years.


Susan of Smuggler's Daughter has generously offered a giveaway in honor of my 8th Blogiversary! Leave a comment on this post and I will draw 3 names: one person will receive the 1st prize of a $50 gift certificate, and two runners up will each receive a $25 gift certificate.

I will perform the drawing next Friday (9/1), and will announce the winner here, so check back!

Susan posts new fabric every Friday, so check it out!

Thanks for your kind and generous offer, Susan!


Just a few more pics.

I was shopping at Phyllis Boutique in Palo Alto recently and had fun with fellow shopper, Silvia.

She came to lunch several days later!

Of course I must include the gorgeous Sandra! She's wearing shoes that she painted, and just look at the giant pleated pocket on her tunic!

I enjoyed watching 80% of the eclipse from my office in the Embarcadero. Kathy, who took this pic, realized that not only can you see the Bay Bridge reflected in the window behind me...

But at the right angle, you could see the eclipse!

The aforementioned Kathy

It was a mostly overcast day but a hole burned through, allowing us to see, thank goodness!

My eldest daughter is in Thailand, having some adventures of her own! She's always had a simpatico relationship with animals, and it shows in these pics

Have a great weekend! I hope to be back soon with a new garment to show. (If I can keep my nose out of a book.)


  1. I used to feel guilty because I wouldn't do something for a long period of time (read, sew, knit, play music), but now I'm more accepting and realize I go back to it later. Too many hobbies, not enough time!

    1. Yup, there's only so much time and energy to be had!

  2. Congrats on your blogiversary! Count me among the 3 million. :)

    Love the pics!

  3. I love your content so much, and I don't mind the lack of frequency because you always make up for it in QUALITY! Thanks for your generosity.

  4. I love your style and always enjoy seeing what you've sewn up!

  5. Always love it when I see you have posted a new blog post! How I would love to be with your daughter up close and personal with those wonderful animals. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos of SF and the critters.

    1. Thanks, Linda! I'd love to see my daughter in Thailand in person, too! :)

  6. I love your style and enjoy your posts. Your daughter is gorgeous.

  7. I am grateful for what you share, both the current content and vast warehouse you have... what a wonderful resource! Love the pics of your daughter on her adventure- you may not have physically traveled while raising your girls, it is wildly obvious you covered a lot of ground and grew their spirits! Congrats on your anniversary, and I for one an hoping for many more.

  8. Happy Blogaversary! I've enjoyed reading your blog for some time now & truly look forward to your posts. You make the most inspiring outfits & your use of colors & draping is phenomenal. Keep on posting I need my style/fashion fix.

    1. Thanks, Baa! I'm glad you left your name for the drawing. :)

  9. Happy Blogaversary. I have so enjoyed your blog over the years and appreciate that you continue to take the time to post!

    1. Thanks! Unknown, can you leave me a name or some identifier so I can enter you into the drawing? Thx!

  10. I have enjoyed your blog for more than seven years. Your posts are always so interesting and entertaining. Happy Blogaversary!

    As the parent of a female techie I appreciate your sharing your creative talents; you gave me hope that she too would develop that side of herself. At long last, she has. She has recently begun sewing.

    1. Thanks so much, Zippy Duda! (Love that nom de plume.) And congrats on your creative and techie daughter!!

  11. Congratulations on your promotion, Shams! Love the split leg black pants shown in one of your pics. Please know how much I enjoy your blog posts and appreciate all the time it takes. Living on the Gulf Coast awaiting hurricane Harvey. If we loose power heading to Austin. Karen

    1. Thanks, Karen! That was a great pair of pants sold at the Phyllis Boutique. They actually didn't fit me, but I may copy that great detail.
      (They fit in the hips, but throttled the waist.) Please STAY SAFE!

  12. Happy Blogaversary. I always look forward to seeing you name in my Bloglovin feed. I know its a lot work but I do enjoy your posts so much. Thanks for doing it.

  13. Thank you for all the inspiration over the years. All the best to you and your family!

  14. Congrats on 8 years! I'm just happy to see your posts pop up in my newsfeed! :-) You have changed the way I think about clothing construction over the years; I'm getting bolder. A little. LOL. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I know I've been seeing your name for 8 years. Thanks for hanging out with me! And go bold! I get so many smiles as I move through my day and I love it. :D

  15. Congrats on the promotion! (And traveling, and sewing!) We'll have to trade travel stories soon!

    1. Thanks, Meg! Yes, you've had some amazing travel as well!!

  16. Congrats on your 8 years and your promotion. Always a good day when you post. Happy to follow on Instagram, can you post a link? Can only find you with 3 posts-right place?

    1. Hey, Sheila, thanks! I've posted almost 1000 posts to Instagram!

  17. I love reading your blog. Your sense of style is inspiring!

  18. Congrats on 8 years. Hope to see you again in NYC sometime soon.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, my trip this year was so jam packed!!!

  19. Happy Anniversary! I remember when you started your blog so it's good to see it continue in whatever form and of course I'm following all of your adventures on IG. Please don't enter me in the drawing, let someone who really NEEDS the fabric win. hahahahaha! Here's to more sewing adventures!

    1. Carolyn, you were a huge inspiration for me to start blogging! I'm so glad we finally met and became friends!

  20. Congrats on 8 years! I've enjoyed and been inspired by so many of your posts. Thank you!

    1. Thanks, Author! Can you give me a name of some sort so I can identify you if you win the raffle? It doesn't have to be a real name.

  21. It is always fun to see what you are up to! Keep it up! And thank you for the inspiration.

  22. Please enter me in your contest. I'd love to win!

  23. Wow, I just found your blog by a circuitous route and so glad I did. I shall look forward to reading your notes and seeing your art. Thanks for taking time to share with us!

  24. Congratulations! I've been following you since i discovered blogs, at least seven years. I love your style but also particularly enjoyed your post about your daughter deciding to learn Swedish and just doing it, and last night I reread your dietary change post and was struck by what you said about the DOL meditation exercise somehow bringing you to the point where you wanted to look after your body. Are Swedish daughter and Tiger daughter the same one?
    You are a great role model for all those of us in our fifties, especially as a woman in tech with an uberstyley semsibility! Thank you!

    1. Hi Lyndle! No, DD1 (the eldest) is in Thailand and has an insane love of animals. DD2 is my little polyglot. And thanks!!!

  25. You and your work are inspiring! Thanks for your support.

  26. I've been reading your blog (Happy Blogiversary!) for a long time but I'm terrible in posting comments. I'm built a lot like you and seeing the beautiful outfits you wear is very inspiring, not to mention helpful! The photos of your daughter with the animals are awesome! Thanks for all the hard work you put into your blog! It is appreciated very much!

  27. Dear Shams, you continue to inspire in the sewing realm. You are looking good in these pics. I hope I win the giveaway.

  28. congratulations on your blogiversary!

  29. Your Blog has been such a joy for me. I have been sewing solo for so long and it has been so nice to see others who share my obsession. Also I love Gamache! I listen to all of Louise Penny's books on audible.

  30. Always enjoy your blog and Facebook posts. Now to meet you one day.

  31. Congratulations on your 8th year!!! Your outfits are eye- catching and beautiful!

  32. love to win! hope I do! happy day!

  33. I always admired your outlook on life. What a joy you seem to have. - Were you as a child like this? (English is my second language, i hope you understand what i mean.)

    1. LOL. Thanks, Urs! I was always enthusiastic about things. I have my down times, too, but I don't post about that. :)

  34. Happy Anniversary!I've been reading your blog for many years now. I love your projects and inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win the some fabric!

  35. Thanks for the tip about where to find you now -- Instagram. Smuggler's Daughter is a great store to feature. I bought a piece of silk from them; it is swoon-worthy!

    1. Hi Carol! Yes, I'm on IG, here, and on Facebook. :) Thanks!

  36. Congratulations, Happy 8th blogiversary. Always excited to see your projects and now enjoying your travel adventures.

  37. Happy Anniversary! Many more sewing years to come!

  38. Happy anniversary, and thanks for the inspiration and for sharing your process!

  39. Thanks for eight years of sharing your sewing and style adventures!

  40. Yet another great post. I second all the effusive compliments that are shared here. You are full of life and it is wonderful to tag along on your many adventures. Keep on truckin'. Hugs.

  41. Thanks for sharing your blog with us. Happy Blogiversary!

    1. Thanks, Ginger! Uh oh, I have TWO Gingers in the raffle. :)

  42. Happy Blogiversary! As a seasoned woman myself I would like to wish you the best during your anniversary celebration! My motto: Live..Life..Passionately!!!

  43. Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog.

  44. Happy Blogversary! I enjoy your style!

  45. Happy Blogversary!! I love following you on Instagram and understand completely how time consuming this sewing blog becomes. Thank you so very much for the time you have spent over the years in tutorial time and sharing,, it has been a true gift! Vicki D.

  46. I do understand about the blogging and the awesome amount of time it does take. We'll just cherish the ones you do write more! I so love your style and the wonderful peek we get in your life. You just live life with such passion and talents are amazing, it's exciting to read about them. Happy anniversary and keep living the good life!

  47. I'm reading every word you write! Don't stop now. Happy Anniversary.

  48. I hope you don't stop blogging. In fact, you are inspiring me to start up again.

  49. Cheers for my favorite blogger! Thank you for all the effort you've made in sharing such fabulousness these 8 years! Deeply appreciated.

  50. Congratulations on your blogiversary! The pics of your daughter are wonderful!

  51. I have enjoyed your blog so much and have learned so much. Thank you for spending the time you do for us sewers.

  52. 8 years wow! I love your blog and have been reading it for most of that time! Always enjoy the sewing but love the travel too!

  53. I have always been so inspired by your posts. I love your's so intensely charismatic but also very relatable. I also have been inspired to watch after my own health much better as a result of your posts on that type thing as well. And finally you may recall I was the one from so cal who came to hear you speak that time at Britex! I'll be back this September. I wonder if any sort of meet ups will be happening? The 9th or 10th - 15th. At any rate it's wonderful to have your 8 years of blog posts as I often go back to find something you have written about to get the details! A wonderful accomplishment! Here's to at least 8 more, (and I completely relate to your IG thoughts!)

    1. I do remember you, Pam! Hmmm... I don't know of any meet ups in that time frame and I'll be in Seattle for some of that time. If you could put it off a week you could attend Artistry in Fashion on Sept 23rd! The guest this year is Sandra Betzina. I'll let you know if I think of anything else. And thanks for your support!

  54. Congratulations on 8 years! I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing what you are up to - especially sewing-wise. I think my favorite photos you've ever posted were the ones from Germany last year - it put travel to Germany on my bucket list. Thanks for all the blogging!

    1. Thanks so much, Helenko! You know, I have a partial blog written on Italy but it's going to take many hours to finish. I'll try to do that before I go to Japan. ;) I would love to return to Munich!

  55. Love your blog Shams and your unique style!

  56. Deb loves to sew on IG, Debbie S on SG
    Shams, congratulations on your 8th anniversary of blogging! I will miss your in depth detailed blogs, but certainly understand the time constraints. I followed your sewing and prep for the Paris trip, and such wonderful photos of your and Margie's trip. So glad you are now able to travel and the trip to Japan, just think of the fabric shopping! miss you on SG, but enjoying following you on IG.

    1. Thanks, Deb! Well, I'm not quitting the blogging, I'm just slowing down a bit. :) I'll try to publish the Italy post before I go to Japan!

  57. Congratulations, Shams, on 3,000,000 followers and eight years! I read about you in Threads magazine and started following immediately. When was that? Back in the Dark Ages? And then read your entire archive – with much delight, I must say. Always fun, informative and inspiring.
    Please enter me for the draw.
    The eclipse pic is not showing.
    Where in Thailand is your daughter having that experience with the animals? I want to go there too. The delight and pleasure registered on all their faces is completely touching and heartwarming.
    Love your IG posts. I understand the time constraints but hope you don't give up blogging completely.
    Brava to eight incredible years.

    1. Thanks Barbara! I didn't realize I'd been mentioned in Threads Magazine?! Do you remember when/how?

      My daughter visited with felines at the tiger temple (I believe it's called) in Kanchanaburi. She visited with elephants at the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary in Chiang Mai. I fully expect her to visit with monkeys at some point.

      When I open this page in incognito mode, all the pics are visible. Is anyone else having this problem?

  58. I love learning from your projects. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your creative journeys.

  59. Congrats! I appreciate the time & effort you put into your blog posts. It is great fun to see what you sew, where you travel, and a bit about life in the big city. I read all your blog posts, but I don't always comment because Bloglovin doesn't make it easy. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Yes, it's unfortunate that it's now harder to leave comments on blogs, thanks to blog readers and people using phones/tablets.

  60. Wow! 8 years...well done. I am always inspired by the garments you make and the time and effort you put into creating and maintaining your beautiful blog. Thank you!

  61. Congrats on 8 years and the promotion! I often wonder where you find the time to do all that you do. Thanks for the tip on the Inspector Gamache books, I always enjoy a good mystery.

    1. While searching out the Louise Penny books, I came across an interview she did on CBS this morning on 8/23. Checking my library now.

    2. Thanks, Mrs K! I found Louise Penny thanks to the CBS Sunday Morning show, which did a wonderful piece about her. :D

  62. Congrats on your blogaversary! Thanks for offering creative inspiration and entertainment for me this last year. Please consider me for the giveaway! Thx

  63. I love your blog and am always inspired by your unique style. I hope your blog has many more posts ahead!

  64. I love your blog & have followed you for 6 of the 8 years ! Congrats & thanks for all the inspiration . I still fondly remember meeting you in line in Pulallup 😍

  65. Love your blog and your fashion sense! Pictures of GGB make me nostalgic, I traveled out to SF during late 90's early 2000's and got to meet lots of sewing friends and fiber artists, nice to see that a few of the fabric stores I used to go to are still there. Keep blogging please :-))

    1. Thanks, Gloria! Yes, we still have some nice stores, thank goodness!

  66. Congratulations! Love the eclipse photos!

  67. I can't wait to see what you do with that stretch crepe!

    1. I was just thinking about washing it today, Han. And thanks!

  68. Congratulations on your anniversary! I so enjoy your blog. You have such a strong sense of style and are so creative, it's inspiring.

  69. Congratulations on your 8 year blogiversary! I always look forward to seeing your posts and blogs! You create some of the most unique fashion on IG! I would call you my IG inspiration sewist! You are so creative and fashion forward for us gals over 50! I used to say "how does she work full time, create such amazing clothes, and blog?" You are amazing.

    1. Thanks, Jill! What a wonderful compliment!

  70. Congratulations! You are one busy lady!

  71. Congratulations! I discovered your blog when I started sewing after being away from it for many years and you never cease to inspire me. You have amazing talent and skills!

  72. congratulations on your blogiversary! and I'm so glad that you continue blogging when you have the opportunity - your posts are so interesting and show a different side of sewing style than I might ordinarily see (if that makes sense). Plans to go to Japan - somehow I think Japan and Shams were meant for each other - hope you intend to bring an empty suitcase or two:)

    1. LOL. Thanks, Beth! Yes, I can HARDLY WAIT for Japan!

  73. Congratulations! You are a source of infinite inspiration and entertainment. Keep showing us what you're up to in whatever way you please:)

  74. That eclipse reflection is so cool! Congrats on your eighth anniversary. I always enjoy your posts though this is my first time commenting in one.

    1. Thanks, Masha!! And welcome to the comments section. ;)

  75. Congratulations on the 8th anniversary! You have been a sewing inspiration for me and I look forward to seeing many more of your projects in the future both here and on Instagram.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, ST! You are someone who understands the work involved! :D

  76. Congrats and thanks to you, Shams - the uber-talented creative who introduced me to the FBA!

  77. I love reading your blog - your sewing adventures with wonderful fabrics, expertly sewn, and you share how you achieved the garments. And, I love being able to follow you as you travel via your blog...hope that you continue for a long, long time.

  78. Hi Shams!
    Love the photo with the Britex bag and the COOL coat that you are wearing.
    As you know, I am a huge fan of your blog and you!

  79. I always enjoy you postings on your blog. I like your style and enjoy seeing the clothes and jewelry you make.

  80. Happy Blogiversary! I've been following you for at least 5 of those years. I enjoy your style and your adventures. I've also learned quite a lot about FBA's from you, which is the hardest part of sewing for me. Thank you!

  81. I started following you early in your blogging. You have always been interesting. Sewing and travel, I love it all. I am a Louise Penny addict and follow her on Facebook. I even have a Three Pines mug!

    1. Oh, that's great, Rosemary! A Three Pines mug. :D And thanks!

  82. As always, I love your blog. Please don't stop.

    1. LOLOL. That's rich, Ann. :D You'll be making an appearance in my next post.

  83. Add me to the list of fun-lovin' people to wish you a happy 8th blogiversary! 24 posts in one year is not bad, especially if they were lengthy ones! Pat yerself on the back, dear girl!

  84. Happy 8th blogiversary! Love your style.


  85. Happy inspire me!

    1. Thank, worldlygirl, for that nice compliment!

  86. Happy Blogiversary! Always love your posts. :)

  87. Congrats on year eight! It has been such fun watching your blog through the years and both how you've developed as well as made your sewing efforts even better, which is hard to even imagine. It's been a fun journey. I am so glad your travel dreams are now being fulfilled. How exciting!

    I, regrettably, have not looked at much to do with sewing over the past months. It has all been about moving and I, today, decided to check in on blogger. Yours is the first blog I checked and as always, it did not disappoint. May you have many more years of sewing, blogging, travel and success at work! I will be back to blogging but can' say when. It will take until we are settled in the next house.

    1. Wow, bunny, thanks for that high compliment! I saw that you are moving and will be nearer to family. It sounds stressful but so exciting!

  88. I always want to sew after I read your posts. Congrats on continuing to blog after 8 years. It is so worthwhile, but it does take time. I'm returning to japan next spring mostly to visit my friend in kyoto but also to indulge in fabric shopping.
    Also, congrats on your work promotion!

    1. Thanks, kathy, for that compliment! I can hardly wait to get myself over to Japan. :D

  89. Congratulations on your blogaversary, Shams! Keep on going!

    1. Thanks, Vera! You are such a hoot to hang around! :)

  90. I always look forward to your posts. Thank you for all of the inspiration, vicarious travel pictures (since that's the only way I travel right now), sewing tips and goddess style you've brought to this interweb machine.

  91. I think you are such an inspiration! I read your posts and imagine that you live a fabulous life. Thank you.

  92. Glad I came across your blog, enjoying it. I`m going to look you up on instagram. Thanks for the giveaway!

  93. I enjoy your blog, but I admit that I'm always wondering where you have all that closet space to store all the clothing that you sew and purchase, not to mention the shoes and accessories :)

    1. Betty, it's small, but I have a whole house to myself! I do purge, but I should do more of that.

  94. Congratulations! I don't follow a lot of bloggers, and yours is one of my favorites. I admire your independence and vitality!

    1. Thanks, schman, for that lovely compliment!

  95. Dear Shams,
    Thank you for the years of pleasure your blog has given me. I'm astounded that you manage to respond to so many comments, as well as juggling so many creative pins at once. (Balls would be too easy!)
    If I am lucky enough to win a prize, I know already which fabric I'll pick. Thanks, too, for the chance!

    1. Thanks, Patsy! I'm curious to hear which fabric calls your name. ;)

  96. I hate it when reading interferes with my sewing . . . or vice versa! It works best for me when I can listen to an audio book and sew at the same time.

    Happy blogiversary.

    1. Yeah, Margy also loves to sew to audiobooks, but I haven't taken that plunge yet.

  97. I get so much inspiration from your blog. Happy Blogiversary and thanks to you and the Smuggler's Daughter for the chance to win some fabric!

  98. Congrats on the blogiversary--I always look forward to reading your blog posts :) Glad you are enjoying so many other things. Few things are as good as reading--I've been known to put a needle down for a good book too. I've read a few of the L Penny books and rather like them too. Wishing you another intersting year...

  99. When your blog comes up in my feed, it's a must read, even if I get to it a few days later. Lots of inspiration here. Will you be doing a commentary on the new Vogue patterns for fall/winter? Always enjoy those.
    I'm a Louise Penny fan, too, and am eagerly awaiting the release of her latest.
    Happy Blogging Anniversary! I'd love to enter the giveaway.

  100. Congratulations to you for both your blogiversary and your new job! I always am interested in hearing what you are doing, thinking about and sewing. There's so much inspiration to be shared, and thank you for giving us a window into your life.
