
Friday, September 29, 2017

This is a test of email delivery

Most recent blog post of the chiffon topper, here.

I've been told that emails of my blog posts are not being delivered, so I'm testing. It might be a problem with the length of the posts, so this is a shortie. Thanks for your patience!

(I plan to delete this blog post eventually. You are welcome to leave comments, particularly if you have any insights into the problem.)

I've been looking into this with the help of my friend, Kathy. The last email that successfully went out was on December 6th. It's been broken since then. We are investigating whether it might be related to the large size of my blog posts.

Stay tuned.


  1. I very much enjoy your long posts. And I see them promptly either by checking often or in the daily Bloglovin feed. So . . . . no problem here. Thank you for all the effort you make with your blog. You are deeply appreciated!

  2. I receive your blogs via Bloglovin, also.

  3. They come to me via Feedly-love them, don't stop

  4. Your blog popped up on Jilly be Joyful but I also check your blog daily. So saw the long post which I enjoyed very much. Love the chiffon "thing".

  5. I'm not receiving your posts by email. I find them when I go to Peter Lappin's blog. I wondered why and checked my spam folder to find out if they were going there but no. I didn't get this by email either.

  6. I've been receiving your posts via RSS feed in Outlook.

  7. this may not pertain, but I have always seen your blog in my blogger reading list, except for the times when I realize it has disappeared from that list. Which happens regularly, strange. I always do see it on the blogroll on the public page of the blog.

  8. I haven't received your blog via email in many months. I even tried a different email. I finally found how to get them via Bloglovin so that's where I'm reading your blog now. I miss getting the emails.

  9. Like many people, I get your blog through Bloglovin. I have a friend with a cooking blog. Her emails are just the first sentence or so of the post with a link to the webpage. Maybe that would work for you.

  10. I get your blog posts through Feedly and they are arriving just fine.

  11. I am not able to get them either- very frustrating! I thought it was me. I used to get them! (I use Firefox, and MS Outlook, and have a Yahoo homepage) And when I sign back up, I get a notice that I'm already getting them! For a while I thought you weren't doing them anymore. But then I would see a reference to them in someone else's blog- like Rhonda Buss. I now get them via RSS feed and that is working. Phew!

  12. I used to receive email notices from you, but haven't in several months. I also tried to email you after your bloganniversary because I think my name was drawn, but I don't think that email went through to you - maybe the error or tech issue is on my end?! Either way, these aren't huge issues for me, I check your site from time to time to catch up on your creativity.

    1. Anne, I wondered what happened! Please try sending me email again at the toofunny@ address! I'll check my spam folder.

    2. Thanks, Shams! I've been traveling with limited/international wifi but returning home today and will write from there.

  13. I think I used to get email notices. I just have a bookmark and check it regularly. I LOVE your long posts.

  14. All your posts come thru to my android phone and/or the King County Library computers. No problem near Seattle. Sorry I missed you this trip!

  15. Your posts are not being sent to me anymore. I miss them!!

  16. At last! I was beginning to worry about you Shams- thinking that something unpleasant may have happened to you - and boy have I missed your blog updates- Hopefully you've fixed whatever gremlins have been at play and I will get a regular flow of Sham-ness
