
Monday, March 18, 2013

Sewing Gadget - Headlamp

I recently spent a couple days sewing with a few friends. I was concerned about the available light so, in addition to my two Ott lights, I brought a Petzl head lamp. I love this thing! It focuses an amazing amount of light wherever your head is pointed. (To order your own through Amazon, click the picture above.)

What a goofball!

I also visited Loes Hinse's shop in Carmel. She is such a generous, kind person and a real character. I always enjoy seeing her. I have several friends who regularly travel to Carmel for her retreats. That is the best way to obtain her latest patterns. It's been awhile since she's released an envelope pattern, but she does have new designs available. I saw her spend a lot of time advising sewers on exactly how to alter her patterns to achieve the perfect fit, even if it didn't result in a sale.

Loes is a beauty!

I did make a few items over the weekend. Once I get some pictures, I will be blogging them!


  1. oh how I love that photo of you! I cannot imagine how tempted you must be to use it now in all of your profile pictures across the web.
    You are looking so well - congratulations on all the hard work over the last few months.

    1. Thanks, Robin! Actually, I think I look a bit of a mess. I need a haircut!! :)

  2. Those lights are very handy aren't they.

  3. It is always so nice to see your lovely smile, and I especially love the one in the first photo!

  4. You look soo happy in this shot! :)

    1. Well sure! I had a long day of sewing ahead. :)

  5. Great photo of you and Loes! I have 493 ways I nneeeeeedddd that headlamp, too. Thanks!

    Mary Beth

  6. Oh Shams, this picture had me cracking up! I had to show my daughter the picture as proof that I am not the only person who sews wearing a headlamp! Love it, love it, love it. It is so helpful when hand sewing, especially at night. Cute picture of you with Loes

  7. Hahahaha - love the look! Super nerd alert! I totally relate, and may have to order one so I can be as cool as you, Shams. You made my day. :-)

  8. I love that shot. It's just.. <3 I've been looking for some LED type white lights (that don't warm up and singe me from time to time like the crappy brandless one I use now) so this is a pretty idea..
