
Monday, March 18, 2013

Renfrew Take 2 - with Zipper

You may recall that I tested the Renfrew top in a size 12 recently - it has a very nice cowl neck. I wanted to make another in a larger size and I wanted to include a zipper at CF. (An idea I saw in RTW.) The zipper ends at the cowl, so it is functional, but not particularly useful.

The fabric is a novelty knit from Fabric Mart about a year ago. It has a black underlayer and a mottled grey-ish knit overlayer. There are circles cut out of the over layer, exposing the black under layer.

Once again, I did the Vertical Only FBA. On this version, I had to narrow the shoulders by about 5/8". Once again, I left off the bands and the hem and wrists. I otherwise made no changes.

I like this top! It is very easy to wear and the collar lays nicely. This pattern line is designed for pear shaped women. I am not pear shaped, but this top seems to work on most all body types.


  1. Very nice twist, Shams! Love the idea. It looks like it would make a great sweater jacket using the zip and changing up the collar as well.

  2. Leave it to you to add a RTW designer feature to a basic cowl. So cool!

  3. Shams, this is so clever and so cute! Who would have thought to add a zipper.......even if you did see a similar RTW. I love this :)

  4. That's a gorgeous top Shams. So You! I love it! The zipper add a nice "something" to it.

  5. I'm with the others--so clever with the zipper and it looks great on you. The fabric is awesome as well.

    Maybe when you sew with Sewaholic Patterns you can think of yourself as an inverted pear!

  6. I bought that fabric at Fabric Depot in Portland last summer. Interesting how many times we're looking at or have the same fabric - LOL. Inspiring to see it made up. What a nice piece.

  7. Beautiful work, as always. And what a clever zipper detail!

  8. I love the top and the usual!!!

  9. This is very cute and quite flattering on you. Cool fabric!! Why didn't I see that one on FabricMart? I troll their site almost daily

    1. I used to troll their site daily, too. But I haven't been buying fabric much since last fall. This one was purchased before that.

  10. This is such a kewl top all the way around.

  11. Looove your top! The zip idea is great.


  12. The top is super flattering on you Shams. Love the CF zipper. It looks great unzipped a bit too. Your weight loss is going great guns as well.

  13. You have such a wonderful knack for choosing awesome fabric, and adding just the right creative element to the perfect pattern! What a-nother great top!

  14. I like your top too! And the fabric is great as well.

  15. Fantastic! I imagine you're enjoying making new tops after all that weight loss. You look wonderful.

  16. Ditto all the above comments, the zip, fit, fabric combo is a winner!! You really are ace when it comes to creating a twist that takes the top up a notch :)

  17. Hadn't visited in a while. As usual, you've come up with something unique and very flattering in this top. Congrats on your weight loss, too. You're beginning to look positively svelte. I lost 36 lb last year - did it ever feel great! "Found" ten of them over the holidays, though, as I got lazy about my eating. Now I'm back on track, and will enjoy cheering your progress.

  18. Love the zipper, what a surprise detail!
