
Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone is enjoying the end of year holiday season! I am, as is my norm, having my sewcation. I have been working hard on an involved jacket and having a blast. I hope to finish it soon so I can move on to other things.

I had so many people ask me, via email or forums, if my kids liked their outfits. They did seem to! We did our gift exchange rather late on Christmas Eve, after a big meal. At that point no one, including me, wanted to mark or finish the skirts. I haven't seen the girls since Christmas Eve, so the skirts aren't yet done.

But last night, DD1 went to see San Francisco Ballet's Nutcracker and she wore the top and she loved it. She texted me a couple (dark) pictures (one shown above) from the Opera House and it does seem to fit well. She goes back to university in a week or so, so we definitely need to get together and finish the skirt before then. DD2 has been working like crazy over break, so I don't know when she and I will be getting together.

The week between Christmas and New Years is rather sacred to me, sewing wise. It's a time to tackle involved, or fun, projects. I leave the house as little as possible and don't encourage any sort of outings. However, I do have one little tradition, which is to go to Stone Mountain and Daughter on the morning of New Years Eve. If you are around and head over, maybe I'll see you there. :) I need some buttons for my new jacket and some black thread. There are no special sales that I know of, but it's just a nice quiet day to cross the bridge and see a great store that I rarely visit in person.

I have been enjoying the end of year summaries that many bloggers post, but I don't like to spend this week doing much blogging. Writing blog posts, if you haven't done it, takes a long time, at least the way I do it. So you will see my "end of year" summary posts on my blogiversary in August.

I have to admit, I am so happy and contented that I told Margy today that it's probably a good thing I am alone or I would probably drive anyone else nuts with my cheerfulness. I am so grateful that I have a hobby that I love, that brings so many other wonderful people into my life, and satisfies a deep place in my soul.

I hope each of you has a Happy New Years! I am including a little sneak peek of my next project, which is a crappy cell phone pic, so the color is a bit off.


  1. Love the sneak-peak...very intriguing! Catch you in the New Year...enjoy your creative week...J

  2. Good explanation as I had been wondering what you were up to. Seems like many of us sewists are going into cocooning mood with our fabrics, or in my case yarn and audio books. Hope you get some goodies to show us at SM and can't wait to see what this project is!

  3. Wow, I am really intrigued with your sneak peek. I love whatever it is already. Happy New Year to you, too, Shams! Hugs from across the country!

  4. Dotty!!! Can't wait to see it all!

  5. Happy New Year! Hope the sewing gods are with you and you get all the sewing done that you want to.

  6. I got this big goofy grin on my face as I was reading your post because I so understand what you've written! I'm home tonight and hopefully my first trip out of the house will be Monday evening to go to church for the New Year. After that the next time I'm out is to get my hair done, pay some bills and pick up my new sewing machine. I've planned my sewing around that.

    To be honest what you described about living with someone else is what ruined my last sewcation, they just couldn't understand my need to be left alone in my sewing cave with no interruptions. Hopefully we've worked that out for this time!

    Can't wait to see your new project and sorry to write a book, but I so relate to this post!

  7. Very interesting?! Enjoy the week while I work like a dog!!

  8. Sounds lovely to just hole up. Your sneak peek looks delightful. Happy New Year! And thank you for the time you take to blog, sharing your wonderful work. Elle

  9. Your daughter looks so nice in that top. Oh, now I'm intrigued by the sneak peak!

  10. Your project looks super interesting!

  11. I'm intrigued :) Enjoy your sewing hibernation!

  12. Good for you in selecting some special Me time. DDs' tops are lovely, as they are too, and your sneaky peak has us all wondering....

  13. Happy New Year Shams! and I sooooo wish I could join you in fabric shopping together; what fun it would be. I have very few people in my life who like to go fabric shopping... OK actually just Mum and Cassie.
    Your work is such an inspiration to me, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you create next year

  14. Happy Sewcation! Want to thank you for the time and talent you invest in your inspirational , informative and funny blog. Hope you get as much from it as all your readers do.

  15. Yup, I gots to know what you are up too!

  16. HMM, new project looks very interesting!!!

  17. How wonderful to be doing what you want to do in the way that you want to do it and enjoying both the activity and the time spent. YES YES! I'm so pleased for you. And the top looks great on your daughter. Nice bonus.

  18. Hope you enjoy your sewcation. I am so looking forward to getting back into sewing after the holiday craziness. I too find that sewing meets some deep needs in me. Happy New Year!

  19. Happy New Year and this is the perfect time of year for some sewing hibernation. I just may see you at Stone Mountain, what a good idea. (let me know what time you might be there)
    Can't wait to see what that embellished ? circle is.

    1. Sounds good, Beth! I'll probably plan to be there around 10 or 11am. I'm making a button/notion list. :) I'll send you email.

  20. Have a very Happy New Year, Shams! I know what you mean about not wanting to go anywhere and just creating this week. Your DD looks lovely in her new top! Can't wait to see what you're creating next...

  21. Hmm a very mysterious sneak peek. I await the revelation with bated breath. A high point of 2012 was my fabulous lunch and trip to Fabrix with you!

    Enjoy your sewcation! And Happy New Year!!

    1. I feel the same, Luz Clara. I very much enjoyed meeting and talking with you. But you traveled the world this year and had so many adventures! :D

  22. Great styling Mum.
    Enjoy your sewcation. ALl the best for 2013.

  23. Such a tease with the sneak peek! Happy new year!
