
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Just a Couple Tidbits... And Lots of Links!

Yesterday I ordered a 19.5" (custom) separating YKK zipper with black tape, aluminum teeth, and a donut ring slider, from Zipperstop for my jacket. The night before that, I ordered some lightly crisp and super crisp sew-in interfacing from Fashion Sewing Supply. Pam's products are wonderful and her customer service (she's a one-man-shop) is excellent. She popped it into the mail immediately, so I should be back in business, working on my jacket, soon.

Meanwhile, I started altering another pattern last night. I still can't find the missing Butterick pattern, so I started on a Vogue. Altering takes time, at least for me. Lots of decisions are made at this stage. I also washed some eye-catching linen I recently purchased locally, so I have a new project for this evening.

Things are perking along.

I also wanted to share a couple items of interest:

I have never sewn a Claire Schaeffer pattern, though I own several. I know that they can sell for a lot of money on Ebay, once they are out of print, so there are some serious fans of her patterns, especially the Chanel-inspired versions. (Some of her patterns are the closest to actual Chanel designs and methods that you can find.)

On Stitcher's Guild, there has been a thread about Claire Schaeffer's patterns. One enterprising person, aisling, has created a downloadable PDF that consists of a table that includes pictures of most of her pattern envelopes, technical line drawings, the sizes in which they were available, and the pattern description. You can download the PDF.

At this point, a few pictures are missing for those patterns that she does not yet own, so she may update the document later. Read the thread (link above) for any updates. She also has a Flickr group of the pattern envelopes.

On another topic, I am very conscientious when it comes to pressing. I really believe that one of the most crucial steps to creating a professional looking garment is pressing as you go, and I loooove my Reliable Digital Velocity v100.

In fact, I love pressing tools so much, that two years ago I blogged about my very lovely handmade ham and seam roll from Stitch Nerd. (Several times I have mentioned to my daughters, when asked for gift ideas, that I'd love a larger contoured ham, to no avail. I guess I will have to order my own...) (And, by the way, I noticed that the Tiltons use a Stitch Nerd ham in their Craftsy class!)

Anyway, Ann Steeves, of Gorgeous Fabrics, has written some good posts, a series called The Pressinatrix, about this very subject. I covet her Pressing Buck, from Europe, which I had never seen before.

Pressing is everything!

I heard from one of my daughters this morning. They are on a Mediterranean cruise and were in Tuscany yesterday. (Life is rough, isn't it?) My eldest (who had just enjoyed her first wine tasting, as the legal drinking age in Europe is younger) brought the skirt I made for her last Christmas, and then had to quickly take in before the trip, because she'd lost weight in college (who does that?), and she is loving it. Another one may be in her future.


  1. I second your comment on Pam's incredible product and customer service...she is THE BEST!!! Also, I bought a Reliable Digital Velocity v100 iron a couple years ago, due to your recommendation, and I, too, love mine. I've been bringing clothes that need ironing out to my studio so I can use it, instead of the B&D Classic I have in my closet...
    Can't wait to see all the projects you have going!

  2. I'm jealous of The Pressinatrix' Pressing Buck also, and your daughter's cruising, Tuscany visiting summer!

  3. As I read your post, I feel good with myself: I own a Claire Schaefer pattern, the one for the chanel style jacket out last year, and I do press, press and press again as I sew. So yeah, I´m doing something good.
    Your daughter, poor thing, in Tuscany. I feel for her ;D
    I´m sure she is loving it!

  4. I'm sure your daughter is loving that skirt in Tuscany - loving Tuscany, as well!

  5. I have a few of Claire's patterns too....also unmade.

  6. I too more than hinted at a contoured ham for a birthday gift from my children to no avail. Birthday is coming up, maybe it's time to send another strong hint.
    I am trying to get my husband to make me one of those pressing bucks for sleeve heads. I saw a better picture of it awhile back but I don't remember where. If you know of a better picture so that he can copy it I'd love to know about it.

  7. I'm with you about pressing. I constantly stress that to the ladies in the Sewing Group I mentor. I love my pressing tools too but have never heard of a contoured ham??

  8. I adore the Pressinatrix and FSS interfacings.

    I lost weight my first year of college. I was grossed out by the dorm food and ate soup and salad most nights.

  9. Thank you for the link to the Claire Shaeffer pattern .pdf At some point, I will go through my pattern collection and identiy which ones I own.

  10. To be young and cruising the Mediterranean Seas, lazing back sipping wine ...
