
Friday, January 23, 2015

Paris Pants a la Marcy Tilton

This is so weird for me! I am having to force myself to blog lately. This is a first in my 5+ years of blogging. This is not related to my sewing mojo, by the way. I am feeling a LOT of enthusiasm for sewing!

Last weekend I whipped up a pair of jeans!

But let's back up a moment.

My absolutely favorite jeans to wear are my black stretch jeans with the internal seams outlined with white topstitching. I've counted three pair that I have made, but there may be more that I've forgotten about. All of these are in frequent rotation.

You can click on any image to learn more.

Last year, Marcy Tilton was inspired by a pair of jeans she saw in a Paris shop window. She later posted instructions on how to modify her skinny pant, Vogue 8859, to replicate those pants.

Last weekend, I used her instructions to make my own pair of these great pants. I had made Vogue 8859 before, so I had a solid starting point.

I refer you to Marcy's post for specifics on how to do these alterations. In addition to her alterations, I created a slanted front pocket, since I really need pockets in my pants!

Lining of slant pocket

It's so handy to use my backup machine for the heavy duty, contrasting, topstitching thread.

I've worn these pants three times this week, so they will definitely be a wardrobe workhorse!

Thanks, Marcy!


  1. They look great, very sharp. And I do hope you keep blogging!

  2. They look fantastic. You are the queen of pants! (I wanted to say queen of jeans but too silly? OK I just did) I wish some of your pants mojo would come my way - pants are my nemesis. anyway - well done.

    1. Thanks, Beth! My nemesis tends to be tops, so it's always sumthin'. I haven't seen you in ages!!

  3. Good job! And three times in the one week? They must be very comfortable :)

  4. They look great! I hope you keep blogging too!
    What is your necklace? It looks really fun and funky.

    1. Thanks, Kyle! Back when Marcy TIlton owned Sewing Workshop here in San Francisco, she had these artist sales. I bought some of my best jewelry, like this necklace, back then!

  5. You look fantastic in these and thanks for pointing out the way to make them even more interesting!

    1. Thanks, Peggy! I hope you are surviving the winter!

  6. Coming out of lurkdom to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. Please don't give it up!

  7. You've got the slim legs and vivacious personality for showing these jeans to their best advantage. Great job!

  8. These are SO good! Love the pocket, and the stitching works really well, isn't it deeply satisfying when a garment like this works like a charm! I'm a fan of your blog, and I can understand that you might want to take a break, blogging breaks into other creative pursuits.

    1. Thank YOU, Marcy! Yeah, I guess we'll see where it goes, but I'm not planning an actual break. I look forward to seeing you in Puyallup!

  9. Love the topstitching! Wondering what kind of machine you use for the topstitching? I just did some topstitching this week and the thread was getting jammed in my regular Viking machine -- it was probably the needle I was using, but I'm wondering what you use?

    1. Thanks, Jean! My backup machine is a small Janome Jem 760. I love this machine and it could definitely be used as my main machine. I think of it as the modern equivalent to the Singer Featherweight, but it's much lighter weight!

  10. Great pants...very creative! (BOTH you and Marcy) I have this pattern in my stash and may give it a try...

    1. Thanks, Margy! I could *totally* see these on you!

  11. The only thing better than comfortable, well-fitting jeans are really cool looking, comfortable, well-fitting jeans. That pattern has been calling my name, even though I don't really have the legs for skinny jeans. Your look fantastic, and suit you so well.

    Sometimes you just need to take a break. Better that than burnout. I do enjoy your blog, so sorry to hear you haven't felt like writing. I'm like that most of the time.

    1. Thanks, Su-z! Yeah, I'm not sure why I haven't felt like it because I'm definitely sewing! (Notice that I didn't review the Spring Vogues that were released last week? I bought some of them on sale, but didn't feel like reviewing them.)

  12. Love these. And with a pocket!! They look marvelous on you, what fabric did you use?

    1. Thanks, Sue! This was a stretch denim from my stash. I used up all but a few scraps of it.

  13. At times like these when blog writing is not there, I get the allure of Instagram.
    Marvelous jeans.

    1. Yeah, I've been resisting Instagram. But who knows...

  14. I. Love. Those. Pants. My figure is the opposite of yours. I wonder if they will look as good on me? So many ideas, so little focus. :) They look great and I love the topstitching.

    1. Thanks, Becky! I feel that same about so many ideas, so little focus OR time!

  15. Wow! I love these ! They are so cool and so you,Shams

  16. Vogue 8859 is one of my favorite patterns and I love what you've done with your pants! Thank you for the inspiration and your blog which I truly enjoy.

  17. Great looking pants, and they look good on you. Love those seamlines.
    Good to hear from you here!

  18. I always love some good seaming details!

  19. These pants look great on you! I like the whole outfit, shoes too!

