
French Resources

Though the French pattern company, Au Bonheurs des Petites Mains, closed their doors in August 2011, their spirit lives on. I still use these patterns (I bought a lot of them). I want to keep these resources alive.

What follows is a gallery of my Au Bonheur pieces, in reverse chronological order. Click any picture to see the related blog post.


  1. O WOW! your clothes are fun. I only have 3 of their patterns.. and so wish that I had ordered more. Thanks for keeping them alive! Cheryl

  2. Looking for French pattern co. Au Bonheurs des Petites Mains patterns since discovering them here. I have scoured the internet to no avail. They are the styles that I have been searching for. I love what you have done with them! Can anyone help? I have tried putting it out there on twitter and so far nothing. @deedee_oscar on twitter. Thanks!!!

    1. Unfortunately, DeeDee, only a limited number of these patterns were sold into the U.S. They had no U.S. distributors and only a limited number of people were aware of them, though I tried to raise the visibility.

      Hopefully, the patterns will show up again, somewhere. I will let people know if I hear of anything like that.

  3. I waited far too long to order some of these wonderful patterns only to find them kaput! I'm wondering if there are any other pattern companies doing designs similar. They were so fun and unique looking and Shams, what you did with them made them so much more approachable! Love your newest jeans BTW! Very cool.

    1. If I learn of any other cool pattern companies, I will scream it from the rooftops!

      And thanks. :)
