
Friday, April 12, 2013

Speaking at Cañada College and a Link Fest

This last Wednesday I was asked to speak to the Designer Detail's class at Cañada College's Fashion Department. (The link takes you to their blog, but they also have a very active Facebook page.)

I was slotted for 90 minutes for a show and tell of my garments and various techniques I've used.

What a lot of fun!

After the talk, several students came up and asked about some of the techniques and garments that I'd talked about. To make it easier for them to find the relevant posts, here are some linkies. (If I've missed any, leave a comment and I will add it.)

Tonight, in fact, there is a millinery presentation at Cañada at 7pm, given by milliner Wayne Wichern. If you are local, you should check it out! It's free, though they ask that you RSVP as they are providing refreshments. Wayne makes beautiful hats!

Also, they have announced the speaker for this year's Artistry in Fashion, on Sept 28th, 2013. It will be Sandra Ericson, from the Center for Pattern Design. The spiral top I made recently is one of her patterns. It should be a fabulous show!

Finally, I am looking forward to some serious sewing this weekend! I managed to get a jacket muslined and took it to Cañada College on Wednesday. During lunch, I asked Ronda Chaney (head of the fashion department and teacher extraordinaire) to evaluate the fit. She made some tweaks and now I'm ready to get moving! If all goes well, I'd like to wear it to Pattern Review weekend at the end of the month.

Have a great weekend!


  1. How cool! Wish I had been there!

  2. How cool is that! A nice affirmation of your creativity and talent.

  3. That's so cool! I would have loved to hear your talk.

  4. What a lovely acknowledgement of your skills and experience. The students were very lucky to have had you there.

  5. What a wonderful acknowledgement of you uber-skils! I am sure the students positively loved your presentation. Wish I was in that audience.

  6. Oh, I wish I could have been in the audience to watch and listen!

  7. Yay, Shams! What lucky students...enjoy your sewing weekend!

  8. What a wonderful experience--for you and the students.

  9. So impressed! I'm sure you were informative, charming and inspirational in person--just as you are here on your blog.

  10. How lucky those students are to have you share your artful clothes. Wish I could have attended.

  11. How exciting. You do make beautiful and unique garments. Wish I could have been there.

  12. As one of those lucky students, I even got to try on a couple of beautiful garments. Thank you again for taking time out of your day to visit us!

  13. testament to you skills I bet they all loved your talk (start of a new career) enjoy your sewing weekend.

  14. This sounds amazing! I wish I could have been there. You sew such stunning and unique clothes.

  15. It's official! You are a star in the firmament of fabulous clothes. It looks like a lot of fun. Felicitations!!

  16. So envious of those who could attend. Congrats, Shams!

  17. How fun! I'm sure all of the students enjoyed your talk, enthusiasm and especially your beautiful garments!

  18. This must have been such an honor for you. I'm not surprised to see you in this type of presentation-your skills and creativity are amazing.
