
Monday, August 25, 2014

Fifth Blogiversary!

Many bloggers do a "year in review" post somewhere around Dec 31st, but I am always too busy sewing over the holiday break. Besides, the end of August (i.e. early Fall) feels more like a new beginning to me.

So, yes, August 25th, 2014 is my 5th blogiversary! Bear with me while I look back over the last year...

(You can also check out my previous blogiversary posts.)


Year in Summary

Yowza, when I look at my 4th blogiversary post, I can't believe all of the changes and events of the year!

What Have I Sewn - Successes

My productivity was definitely down this year, partly because of the competition last fall, but even more because of the new commute-ful job, which takes a lot of time and saps one's energy. I still managed to make some garments that I have enjoyed wearing. The Burda coat (first pic), in particular, is something I wear all the time, but I wear all of these garments. (OK, I just finished the Tablecloth skirt (last pic), but I will definitely be wearing this!)

All of these pics are clickable and take you to the related post.

What Have I Sewn - Failures

What have I sewn that hasn't been too successful?

I know that you guys love to read about my failures. :D

I found three items that fit this category, though the dress (first pic) was rescued when I turned it into a skirt—it just wasn't my style, as a dress. I love the skirt and wear it a lot.

The chiffon top (second pic) was from the FabricMart competition and was the garment that got me ousted. I really really disliked that fabric. I did my best with it, given my very limited time (I also had a substantial writing project the same weekend as part of the interviewing process for my future job), but the final top was pretty awful. I freely admit that. (Did I mention that I really really disliked the fabric?) It's hard (at least for me) to do something great with a fabric that set my teeth on edge.

The third top is a Vogue pattern and I quite like the pattern, but the fabric (from JoAnns) is awful. After one or two washings, this top looks ready for the rag bag—the quality is atrocious. I plan to make this top again with a better quality fabric.

Clicking a pic takes you to the relevant post.

Top 10 Posts

These are my top 10 posts of all time, only two of which are from this year. (I guess I am losing my touch!)


End of Year Number of Posts Number of Followers Number of Subscribers
1 125 130 Was Google Reader in use?
2 107 341 482 (GR)
3 107 505 739 (GR)
4 92 617 996 when GR was retired on 7/1. 611 in Bloglovin.
5 98 695 1136 (Bloglovin)

The Coming Year

What's in store for the coming year?

Mostly, I want to keep pushing the creative envelope—that is what I truly enjoy. I have a long list of projects I want to make that I am very excited about. I have less time to sew (or blog), but I feel committed!

I want to thank each of you, my blog readers and my blogging sisters! It has been a great year and you have all been a big part of that. Thanks for your support, your feedback and comments, and your creativity! I am truly grateful.

I traditionally do a giveaway to celebrate my blogiversary, but I'm not prepared for that right now. (I leave in a couple of days to take my youngest to her first year at university in Minnesota. I'll be seeing some of you soon!) Let me mull it over and maybe I can come up with a good giveaway a bit later this year.


  1. Dear Shams,
    your blog provides me with inspirations for my sewing and blogging. You arenan important member of the community. Thank you.

  2. Congratulations on blogging for 5 years and I hope your daughter has an easy transition into university. I'm not sure which was more difficult: taking my oldest or youngest child off to university. This time around you know what to expect but its still a transition for you when your youngest leaves. Being so busy right now is a really good thing. Love your yearly review & stats.

    1. Thanks, Nadine! I think both my daughter and I are ready for this transition, but we'll see. Sometimes emotions sneak up on me that I don't expect. :)

  3. Five years is a great accomplishment! You have provided the sewing community lots of information and inspiration to push the creative envelope and we are grateful. Have a wonderful time in Minnesota. (A San Francisco kid in Minnesota should be interesting...)

    1. Thanks, Susan! I agree, this will be a thermal shock for her on many levels...

  4. Congratulations! Not only for five glorious years of blogging, but also for getting through the changing of your job, the BIG COMMUTE, and all those comittments you keep adding to your list!

  5. What a great year in review!

    Hope your daughter loves U of M as much as I did! I still marvel at the U every time I am on campus. I love that place.

    Can't wait to meet you at the meet-up!

    1. Thanks, Mrs. Smith and I look forward to meeting you on Saturday!

  6. Enjoy your time in Minnesota!!!

    1. Thanks, Judi! The predicted weather looks horrible, but I'm hopeful!

  7. Congratulations on five years of blogging. You always inspire me.

    1. That is high praise, coming from you, Catherine. Thanks!

  8. Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm looking forward to the next 5 years!

  9. what a great post and lots of reasons to congratulate you this past year. I look forward to your next projects, and have fun in MN!

  10. Oh my. You've definitely been a very busy lady. Happy anniversary. Can't wait to see what the next five years will bring. Keep up the great work. I really appreciate all the work you do and your willingness to share with the rest of the world.

  11. What an amazing year you've had, and with a lot of major accomplishments! Congratulations on 5 years of successful sewing, and here's to many more :)

  12. Congratulations on your fifth year of blogging! You've always been such an inspiration to me (and I know to countless others) - your good humor and honesty, as well as your innate artistry are what keep bringing me back! Here's to many more years of posts, whether they come in frequent bursts or in time-crunched frenzy - either way, they are always an enjoyable read!

  13. Congratulations! Another successful year under your belt ~ you continually step outside the sewing box, whipping up fantastic outfits on top of your busy days. Thanks for taking the time out to share with us all ... J

  14. Congratulations on inspiring me for the last few years! And Thank You Too!

  15. Has it been 5 years? I've enjoyed every post and appreciate the things, ideas, tutorials, and all you have shared with us. Look forward to the next 5!

  16. Congratulations on five years of blogging! I visited the Google campus (as a tourist) last week and looked for the bison to see if he was still wearing your hat, but couldn't find him.

    1. Awww, too bad you didn't ask,, Sewtime! He's in the lobby of building 1201 Shorebird. He used to be in the center of campus, but was moved.

  17. Congratulations Shams! Your blog is one of my absolute favourites - I love everything that you write about, successes and failures, and you are always inspirational. Thank you!

  18. Congratulations, Shams! I can't imagine sewing without you! You're responsible for so many of my pattern and fabric purchases. Thank you for sharing so generously.

  19. Congratulations on your Fifth anniversary. I wish you continued success for this year and the next!

    Rose in SV

  20. Congratulations! I LOVE your blog- I look forward to every post for your fabulous creations, information, and inspiration. Bravo!

  21. Congratulations on another great blogging year! You had lots of adventures too!

  22. Congratulations on your five years of blogging. I always enjoy reading your posts (although I rarely leave a comment, but not this time!)

  23. Congratulations! I have always enjoyed reading about your creations - thank you!

  24. Congrats on your blog anniversary. You always inspire me!


  25. Happy blogiversary to a great woman who never fails to inspire me. I always love seeing what you make. Keep up the good work!

  26. Congrats on 5 years of inspiring, amusing, thoughtful, entertaining and educational blog posts, Shams! You are the best. Here's to many more!

    And wishing the best for Youngest Daughter and her future wherever it takes her. Have fun in Minnesota. Just remember - she'll be FINE!

  27. Wow--what a year for you! Congratulations on five years of blogging.

  28. Happy blogiversary to you! I love your blog and you always inspire me a LOT!

  29. I don't see any of the "failures" as failures at all. The dress became a success. The top, well, we can't dictate what fabric will do be it from Joann's or anywhere else. And the chiffon.....that was an epic win in my book. You took something you hated and that was horrible all on its own and still you plowed through. All are successes in my book. That is if I had a book ;) Congratulations on a great year!

  30. Gosh, what a year! Congratulations. Can't wait to see what you come up with next...I'm sure it will be wonderful.

  31. Happy Blogiversary!!! Your annual review and related links are proof that you are one very busy lady! Thank goodness you had a week in Maui and a sewing meet-up in Sante Fe! You certainly deserved the respite!
