Have you managed to catch "All on the Line with Joe Zee" yet?
This is a great reality show about the fashion business. Joe Zee (which usually seems to be pronounced 'Josie' when both names are used) is a creative editor for Elle Magazine. He works with struggling fashion businesses to identify their problems and help turn them around.
Joe has a real sense of where the weaknesses of a fashion house are, be they in the creative arena, or the business arena. He works with the designer and associates to come up with a plan. The episode culminates in an appointment that Joe sets up with buyers of a relevant business, such as Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus, or Scoop, and with the editor of Elle.com, who promises to feature the fashion house if their latest work meets with expectations.
Sometimes Joe works with small fashion houses that haven't achieved the level of success they need to stay in business. Sometimes he works with well known fashion houses that have stagnated, such as Nicole Miller.
I love this show! It gives you a peek into the real world of the fashion business. Far more real than what you see on Project Runway.
As of this writing, there are two completed seasons. They are currently working on season 3. Here is the episode list on IMDb.
I watch "All on the Line" on the Sundance Channel, but a friend with Comcast tells me she that can see it via On Demand. It also seems to be available through iTunes (for a fee).
Shameless Self Promotion

Voting for the Jeans Contest ends the day after tomorrow (2/23). If you haven't voted yet, and are a current member of Pattern Review, please consider voting. I know my jeans are pushing the envelope of normal, but one of the criteria of the contest is to make jeans that "stand out from the crowd". :)
I have nothing new to report, sewing-wise. Last weekend my hard drive died, so it was back to the Apple store for a new one. They tell me the battery is next to go, so I'm hoping there's nothing left on my baby to break!
Meanwhile, I'm trying to catch up with work. It's work work work for Shams. Good thing I like my work, even when it impedes the sewing. ;)