DD1, who is going off to college very soon, wanted a bed caddy to use at college. (Seriously, some colleges haven't started yet.) At first she wanted to buy an inexpensive, plain, muslin-colored canvas version, but I demurred. I told her I could make one quite easily.
Hah. Famous last words.
I decided to use some fun rain coating fabrics, just because. At first I worried that I made it too small. Then, I made the set of 3 pockets three times. After the second set of three pockets, I gave up on the project and set it aside. It sat for weeks.
But DD2 was hoping for a bed caddy and I decided to try again. She saw the first try and said that it wasn't too small because she mostly wanted it to hold her planner (this kid is addicted to the old style planner in spiral bound form, despite the fact that she has an iPhone) and some pens/pencils, etc.
For the third (and final) set of pockets, I used slightly elasticized bellows pockets, similar to the one I used on my smock.
The other thing I did, which my daughter really liked, was to add a secret pocket on the back side. This was pretty easy since the caddy is lined.

Artistry In Fashion Giveaway

Artistry in Fashion approacheth!
If you will be in the SF Bay Area on Saturday, September 29th, I urge you to come. They have been advertising some of the fabulous vendors on their Facebook page.
It saddens me that I have to miss it this year, as it conflicts with Design Outside the Lines. But the good news is that I have a free pass to give away! If you would like the free pass, please leave a comment, stating explicitly that you would like it. I will do the drawing in 5 days or so.
It especially saddens me that I have to miss the launch of my friend Sue's first show/booth at AIF. If you do go, make sure you stop by to check out her beautiful hats and to say "hi" for me. Plus, I want pictures.
Despite the fact that I can't attend AIF personally, I'm hoping to solicit pictures/comments from folks who are attending and I will blog those.