Artistry in Fashion is one of my favorite events of the year. I have already put it on my calendar for this year.
I've talked about it before, but in case you missed it: It's a one-day event that benefits the fashion department at Canada College. It is held in Redwood City at their beautiful campus (about an hour south of SF and right off Hwy 280). In fact, they take over parts of the campus.
This year the guest speaker is Marsha McClintock, the owner of Saf T Pockets. There will be a fashion show of garments made from her patterns.
During the day, the fashion department is open for tours and, usually, a couple in-depth talks also given by in the fashion classroom by the guest speaker.
But my favorite aspect of the completely fun day is the shopping! Many booths will be selling juried treasures, including some wonderful lagenlook designers. And this year, for the first time, my friend Sue (whom I have mentioned in several posts) will be selling her handmade felt and straw hats!

If you plan to be in the area, save the date of September 29th! I will see you there. :)